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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. Power implants would also be another boon. (+2 to Str)
  2. HK-47 makes for interesting dialogue. Especially if there had been other sidequests that could be initiated through gaining influence with him. Not just about being DS/LS.
  3. Maybe Sion. Can a bit irritating to see him quite a few times in K2.
  4. It might be finding a second lightsaber that might be hard. Single/double-bladed sabers being a few of those. Some games tend to give many items like short sabers and barely yield other sabers.
  5. What I meant was, even with DS means of influencing Mira need not have to be fatal. An example like inflicting catatonic paralysis on enemies.
  6. Well, another thing in Jedi Academy was that those empire troopers wearing hulking thick astronaut-like suits would keep on sending your PC back with shockwave blasts from their heavy guns which made gameplay quite disorientating. And this being especially when trying to navigate pools of lava when looking for an entrance to the Cult base. Think there was another student of Kyle's that had to be rescued which was involved in defeating Tavion's apprentice.
  7. Think whoever drew that portrait of Visas has an unusual sense of nonphysical imagination non-perceivable by visual means.
  8. Can't imagine her with atrophied eyes. Might look a bit like an undead spector, a bit like Freedon Nadd. However, it might be possible.
  9. Would not mind seeing a broader introduction of Coruscant in K3. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Have you tried reading the books? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There will have to be at least a few core worlds within a third game. That was what was mentioned in K1, Coruscant being one of them. Now unless such a planet can only remain as a concept, it might help to see it developed a bit further. Besides, it was merely featured in K2 during the Exile's trial. Basically, at least one or two core worlds have to be featured, otherwise how would K3 progress in terms of story?
  10. Well, if you did actually use Force Persuade on an Onderon soldier when trying to gain entry to the market place, Mira would have said "You better not be trying any of those mind tricks on me Jedi..." A non-DS nor LS way of responding to a situation, I suppose, without having to be violent.
  11. And that is almost like having additional Jedi Masters in K2 and then for OE to kill them off in some way for both LS and DS. Sounds familiarly similar to some extent of an abruptness concerning story continuity.
  12. Actually, I still like Jedi Master or Watchman. The former for additional force points and the latter for sneak attacks.
  13. And some doors are impossible to open of which a few can only be opened based on certain quest triggers.
  14. Ankerres Sapphire and Kai-bur crystals with ultimate diadum cells and adegan lens would be another option. Upari and opila crystals will do also.
  15. If you are playing as LS PC, include Handmaiden in your party so that influence is gained whenever quests are done through LS dialogue and choices. Gain influence with her. Sometimes influence conversations don't occur by themselves, as K2 has quite a few bugs, so reload and try till you get influence increases.
  16. Strange. I thought violet crystals could be bought from the old lady on Dantooine's salvager camp even at high levels.
  17. Would have liked Peragus if its location was situated on some kind of system rather than being based within a giant asteroid.
  18. Level designs could overlap, like say the Leviathan also has some commonalities in having levels divided into a hangar, bridge and a detention level for housing prisoners and captives.
  19. Actually, Freedon Nadd could also take possession of someone's corpse so that his power is considerably strengthened through whoever's body he resides within.
  20. It was given favourable reviews though its story was not exactly finished.
  21. You could also disable movies so that gameplay might be slightly smoother.
  22. Well, if several options have been exhausted, you could ask someone at the shop from which you obtained your K2 game from if you could change it for another copy of TSL as this might be a fault within one of the game files in one of the discs.
  23. Well, would like K3's PC to have a personality of its own. Might make dialogue and conversation lines personal. Besides, it would involve how NPCs interact with him/her.
  24. Well, if anything in K2, it made slightly more visible those locations in K1 that reappeared in K2 to be less dark somehow. An example would be like crystal cave on Dantooine.
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