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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. Force-related cosmetics.
  2. Actually, it is probably more like both of them being manipulated by villains in both games. Would not see them as being inherently indicative of being irritating. Characters like Malak and the lizard queen would relate to this, actually.
  3. Another way is to lay mines and lure enemies through them. Concussion mines will allow you to have unimpeded ranged attacks while they are stunned.
  4. And PCs will be able to interact with Visas on Nihilus' ship and make her alignment DS/LS towards latter part of game. So, would not rush to gain influence with her.
  5. Jedi robes and armour and variability with swords was developed further in second game.
  6. I've checked all the feats and powers being used. Havn't found anything related though... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, could increase dex mod if str mod stays the same. Select finesse as another way of increaseing attack rate for sabers.
  7. Kavar, especially with his master power attacks. (Sometimes with knockback)
  8. Lightsaber forms like Contention add to attack mods against Jedi/Sith wielding lightsabers also, which will increase your hits with saber weapons.
  9. Liked K2 for some of its design concepts for Jedi robes and alternative kinds of armour etc.
  10. Alternatively, if you received a mandalorian disintegrator from doing Suulru's quest on Dantooine by recovering modulator and 500 credits for him, upgrade and pass it to Mira with an additional blaster. Deals substantial damage.
  11. It was without any items.
  12. Yes, thanks. 1st ship - northeast of map 3rd ship - same as first ship on second map Glad I am playing through Malachor again in current game. Other ships as mentioned above.
  13. Episode V for me.
  14. Would have liked it as a second planet or later location.
  15. And without doing anything or even blowing up fuel harvester, PCs would be devoured in reaching a Star Map while that fish is guarding it. Tried it once and thankfully had a saved game before that.
  16. Well, missed those parts which K1 had where fighters would pursue EH and having to shoot those with EH station turrets.. Without it, K2 seems a bit deflated.
  17. Dxun was interesting. It could have been divided into upper parts of jungle with another level for even deeer and thicker parts, except that it was conceptualised as a moon rather than a planet. Like for example, as additional parts of Dxun were explored, trees could begin to take an overarching forebodance as a demonstration of how darkness reigned in certain parts of its jungle terrain.
  18. Was what I initially did with first few games.
  19. On Malachor's surface, check for one towards east of the map with another one somewhere around southwest of same map. Just activate shadow generator using comp terminals there. Descending to Malachor depths, the right path branches into two directions. One will lead you to a cliff edge overlooking Trayus academy. The other leads to one ship. There is a last and fourth ship towards lower left of map.
  20. His DS power would be Force lightning.
  21. Not the first time it has happened. Had a game where Kreia's Dex was at least 20 and above with her dex mod remaining at only +4 even with bonuses from items. And this was during Telos' Citadel Station with a lightside PC. Tried to restart the game and found almost a similar observance for Kreia's dex again, which was months ago. Don't seem to have it now, though.
  22. DS points for trying to kill the giant shark also.
  23. Depends on whether you are thinking of turning Mira into a Sentinel or continue leveling her up as a scout. Equip her with blasters and upgrade them for ranged fire support. There is an emergency control panel beside one of the doors at one end of the map. Just click on it and activate it. Just get rid of enemies as necessary in getting to the emergency control panel. Leave any remaining enemies for your PC to deal with after coming in from the tunnels.
  24. Maybe some fixes here might help.
  25. Sort of find the fourth option easier to play by.
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