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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. Actually, some games tend to have parts of conversation with NPCs where dialogue lines tend to automatically skip rapidly and subtitles become unreadable due to rapid skipping. Had to exit and relaunch game each time it happened.
  2. Think I remember Atton's face likened to being as purple as a prune which was months ago. Would choose Mira as another female.
  3. There is a way of leveling up against kinrath on Dantooine's crystal cave which might be a bit easier where swopping characters in and out of party each time you run out from area around crystal formations will trigger attacks from additional kinrath. It's just another way.
  4. Part of Sion's concept could have been derived from that of being zombie-like, except that zombies are slow-moving.
  5. Find the present way of determining combat outcomes ok.
  6. Another thing might be having voice-overs for a PC. My character in K2 was almost muted out without having that while other characters had voices.
  7. It does, and then again so far some sources about Darth Traya are not exactly accurate, but rather a rough description about part of her character. At least some things in that description would relate.
  8. Also, how EH dropped from the ledge that it was wedged in on Malachor before being able to lift itself up from beneath the platform above the Trayus core.
  9. Might be someone who was meant to be alive in second game which might have been cast as dead simply due to lack of sufficient time to develop him/her as a character.
  10. Agreed. Atton seems to respond to any PC even if a DS/LS character is played.
  11. Would also consider Mira.
  12. A Cathar as a party member would add to character story too.
  13. They do, to some extent. It is just that they might have a slightly different time schedule from whoever is undertaking task of working on K3.
  14. K2 basically uses an influence system through conversation dialogue. Gaining influence with party members will allow each character's story to be discovered further than before. This can happen in quite a few ways. Usually, Atton is relatively easy to gain influence with. First few times to do that is when negotiating the Harginger to get to Ebon Hawk through Peragus mining station. Whether you play as lightside/darkside, there will be options to gain influence with Atton. Not all characters can necessarily allow influence to be increased with either light or dark side. Visas can be influenced usually even when playing as an LS PC. Gaining influence with Kreia does not always depend on doing quests as it is about using manipulation in doing so. Gaining influence with Disciple will almost require that you choose lightsided options in conversation. Characters like Hanharr can be obtained only if your character is aligned towards darkside. Bao-Dur's influence tends to revolve mostly around lightsided options and doing quests for gaining influence. Game is structured in a way where having only most but not all characters in a game might agree with your alignment. So, you might gain influence with a few characters which would encourage a certain sense of disagreement with some others.
  15. Would not mind having a Twi' lek as a PC Jedi/Sith. Saw quite a few of them in K1, but none of them as force users in second game.
  16. K2's AI coordination could have been specific for certain fighting scenes.
  17. It is an irony having to use materials derived from something as a weapon to something that is for treatment. I think I see what you are getting at. Quite a simplistic way of relating items to other items without adequate relevance or considering other alternatives that could be involved.
  18. And provided a third game is not screwed up with LA being involved unnecessarily.
  19. Ok, look at how many forms you have learned. Do you have a total of 7 forms under your Force power menu? First four forms would be Force Channel, Determination, Contention and Resilience. Remaining three forms are each taught by a Jedi master (Master Vrook, Zez-Kai Ell and Kavar). And there is also a Jedi master who is dead and whose corpse lies in Sith academy on Korriban although no saber form is learnt from locating her body (Master Vash). Have you been there and discovered her corpse yet? Does not really matter whether any of the masters have been killed at all. If you have a total of 7 forms (including first four above), and have discovered dead Jedi master's corpse in Korriban's Sith academy, go back to Dantooine'e Jedi enclave. The door on left side where kath hounds and horned hounds were initially defeated by your PC will be open. If it isn't, it means that something from above mentioned tasks has yet to be completed. And assuming that you can enter through enclave's left door, you will come to a junction with four paths. Those paths don't really lead very far. Just try them out, as one of them leads to a yard where remaining Jedi masters that were not killed will be waiting for you. Kreia will also walk in and wait for your PC. Even if any of the three masters were killed, you will have still learned a certain lightsaber form from each. As long as lightsaber/force forms are learned and you have a total of 7 forms and have discovered Master Vash on Korriban, then you can go to Dantooine's enclave. And save your game before talking to remaining Jedi masters in Enclave as there may be bugs. If there aren't any masters waiting there, then they have basically been killed.
  20. And gives about 1000 odd experience points or so.
  21. Think Kriea's more like a peripheral identity for Darth Traya.
  22. For Atton, improved automation gloves will increase Dex by 5. A power implant and a CNS strength enhancer will increase Str in total by 4.
  23. So far have tried Neutral and LS regarding personal crystal and have yet to use it for a DS character.
  24. It happens somewhere when alignment is around 3/4 DS or LS. Can be at any point in game for this.
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