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Everything posted by Phyriel

  1. Bloodmage + Tactician = brilliant at level one with chillfog. Easy to cover all enemies by pulling to corners etc. Seriously check this out lol. Not that wizard really needed brilliant ever but its a funny gimmick. Deffo super OP early game, later its irrelevant I guess. For sure its a good way to approach Woedica challenge - you could go into fights with no spells use bloodmagic or scroll and brilliant your way up without mashing rest button all the time.
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  2. i played a little bit of witcher 3 and i could tell early on that it was a more attractive looking skyrim with a better script but also with batman mechanics. he even has that detective vision lmao. i really cannot understand how so many people are like wow this is like the pinnacle of gaming a very basic batman controller mechanics and unlock system spun off into mad max and fantasy. its really straight console gaming for people that want to play games that feel like movies. they think the closer the game is to being like a movie "you" star in the better it is i want to play a game, i also like having a squad anyway *banging on table* where is my mass effect tactics Exactly my thoughts, witcher games are more action adventure than rpgs... playing witcher feels more like playing lara croft or batman indeed. But honestly genre is in such a devolved state that I don't even care for "rpgs" anymore. I rather play mobas lol. Skyrim even tho it's pretty bad in vanilla state atleast gives you the option to mod the **** out of it and actually with something like close to 200+ mods make it probably a game that would still deserve a game of the year title (question is: if game allows to be moddable to such a degree to become really good is it its own achievement or not? for me it kinda is). Pillars 2 gained a lot in my eyes because its moddable and you have communities that will provide you with whatever tweak you fancy if vanilla game is bad (vanilla pillars 2 have tons of issues with balance still so I can't play it without mods anymore) and then you have games that are hardly moddable and you're stuck with whatever game studio offers (god bless refunds tho)
  3. Who are you baiting this hard lol?:D Call of Duty rpg of the year please - I roleplay a soldier there.
  4. Already talked about it, i won't rince and repeat, so in a nutshell: -Good ol' Might Attribute which i want to see dead once and for all. -Per encounter crap/auto heal after combat, which seems to reflect pretty well what Blizzard had in mind while developping their hack n slash "Diablo 3" ("Players should feel powerful" and "Nothing should get in the way while killing things") I can bear with everything i dislike, but these. It's already patch 3.0, so i guess that's it for the little hope i still had. 1. might: wow did you even play poe1? 2. auto heal: wow did you even play poe1? per-encounter - yeah that ship sailed a long time ago. no way they're just patching that away. Well, as i said somewhere, i could never play past Act 2 ^^ (though i've spent 150H just playing 2 acts). I got stuck quite a long while on the character creation page, too, and much more while playing afterwards, trying to figure out what to do with this crap, before coming up with a totally unsatisfying compromise which i could not make do. But yeah, chances for them to patch things now are pretty inexistant. I agree on this. Especially since they solved the Might Attribute problem during beta, before reverting to previous system. I probably won't follow much Obs anymore, but it's still nice to see them improving the game like they did with the first one. Hope they can remain independant and not follow Bioware's path. The issues you are having are like uber trivial to get past thru. I'm inclined to say you sound like a person that just loved some oldschool rpgs like bg nvn etc and thought that love is eternal but after playing new generations of games like Poe u don't find that love anymore and try super hard to justify it by nitpicking on game systems. Maybe you just don't have it in you for games like that anymore but it's okay man...
  5. Surprisingly I found playing solo often times "easier" than with full party. The fact that you can stack best equipment on 1 char and don't have to worry about managing squishies in ur party makes it easy. The way AI clumps up close to your main char allowing you to utilize choke points, corners and hit them all with spells like corrosive siphon, chillfog while only getting hit by few of them in return is prime example of that. That being said solo chars tend to be over the top tanky with a lot of sustain and just enough damage to cut through. Nothing rocket science about playing solo. I used to think playing solo is some bigger achievement than with pt but tbh it's not. I feel its bigger achievement to do fights underleveled with squishy chars or just one designated tank and without best in slot gear for each char.
  6. Did not ask for help against the dragon. I let Waidwen go and brought King / Inquisitor back to the Wheel. What would be the difference? If you ask for help they regenerate the glyphs on a timer as well as do damage to the dragon. If you don't ask for help, I believe you can only use the glyphs once IIRC. Good to know, but that would not be "solo". Voidward, Rakhan Boots and Cauldron Shard all give +corrode armor. I will try that too. Just have to get the items together In this sense even using animal pet isn't a true solo. Using NPCs is technically still playing solo if you don't have another playable char with you.
  7. Hi there. I'm coming back to poe 2 and I decided to solo but with roleplaying build. I went for Vampire Death Knight using Wizard/Fighter multiclass. Wizard gonna use only spells that debuff, drain hp, do some frost, corrode, raw damage spells - basicly going for dark themes, no arcane fire, wall of many colours etc. I chose devoted and gonna build it for greatswords. I'm using mods that allow multiclasses to get 8th and 9th PL abilities + mods that speeds up casting, recovery times for both player and AI (wanted to make it more poe 1 in that regard). Also gotten some addon with extra items from different universes (like Vecna hand and eye) to roleplay Kas (Vecna bodyguard). I'm basicly looking for list of items that would fit the theme. I know about sanguine greatsword and black plate armor that you can get at higher levels but wondering if there are some more items with evil, brooding vibe.
  8. To OP. Don't you get access to 2 more tiers of abilities as single class? That's a crazy boon over multiclass. Most of these high end PL 8 and 9 abilities are not only very powerful but also flashy and satisfying, while multiclass is stuck using mid tier stuff over and over for most of the game single classes get to diversify their gameplay in shorter intervals. Imo this suffice.
  9. PoE2 too hard topics start to emerge? Good to know devs finally cater to people with brains. If you got no brain, hands, play with monitor turned off, go for the story mode whelp.
  10. I based my score on RP value as understood by me. That alone brought it to 6/10 but then I waited for patches supposedly fixing balance etc and I asked myself "Hmm is this game replayable" (I stated before I finished multiple playthroughs but in truth I finished it once and rushed the second half due to #trivial issues, the following playthroughs were just to test classes, however got to max level on each) and the answer was no... I sat down thinking of the ways I could replay this game, including inventing plentiful handicaps to battle triviality of the game that just erupts in mid->late levels, also I sat down thinking how to skip merry adventuring that inevitably makes me switch my wallpaper to Jack Sparrow and again I found no way to avoid it, there are no alternative ways to travel, you just have to be a sailor as your vacancy first and foremost. Talking about fruitful rpg experience huh? As in understood by ROLE, singular, sailor role. In that case I'm sorry its 10/10 game. Thought it's about ROLES. O Igitur Stulti!! Lemme reply to the guy that lol'd at me giving game rpg aspect that low score. First off, well I'm glad you're just easily entertained but secondly... no I have nothing else here tbh. I don't think 4/10 is too harsh, maybe if games weren't given 8/10 instantly just because they look better graphic wise than some indie low budget thing then companies would actually care to finish their games and hire some better writers to do the job. I'll leave commenting on arguments about Tyranny being good rpg game as it clearly proves too massive difference in perception of "good" to engage in civil discussion.
  11. Hey guys. So I wanted to share my bit about the game as I finished it three times and I waited for balance, overhaul patches to give poe 2 some chances before giving my final thoughts... Before going into detail i'll just say how I personally rate it as roleplaying game first and foremost... 4/10. Ok... ok... that's low. Before everyone jumps on me saying "Woah dude, game plays great, the graphics! the animations! it's clear improvement over first installment... sure they have some balancing issues but that's only because they attempted to give us even more than in game one in form of multiclassing" I'd agree if it was marketed as arcade isometric action game not as an RPG with big quotes like "Baldur's Gate successor!". Why? Because you can't even play evil guy in PoE 2... your "evil" dialog options narrow down to being edge lord or "I don't care. Bye". There are no quests that get you evil like in poe1 where you could send a child to be eaten alive by some lunatic so you gain some powers or sacrificing people in Effigy ritual. PoE 1 was packed with moral choices in quests... also setting was grim overall. You could attempt defending poe 2 saying "ok setting is different so quests and writing matches that" but holy ****... it's still same universe but apparently game is trying to highlight it's "I'm jack sparrow yo ho and a bottle of rum chasin'o God theme" above all else. You even get some shanties while traveling to bump that pirates of caribbean theme. That said, in many aspects poe 2 fails even to be roleplaying game at it's core. It's a regress compared to poe 1 that even with it's flaws was an rpg game. Poe 2 is more in line with arcade games like Tyranny (that was marketed as rpg also lol). I won't even start of aspects of the game that are only relevant to tryhards aka char building appeal, replayability, balance. Basicly due to terrible balancing that trivialize content past early-mid game you have no reason to replay the game at all. All in all after realizing quite quickly this wasn't a real RPG (in a full meaning of that word) I enjoyed the game to some extent. Obsidian surely worked to make that game have enough flare graphic wise to have me finish it few times with different classes just to see all the flashy spells etc... but afterall that's something you could do just consoling your char to max level, because acquiring it all and using legit way bordered pretty much the same sense of achievement (due to ****ed up encounter design and lack of balance, derp). So yea... pretty negative review. I'm sure dlcs and ton of balance patches can salvage replayability to degree that will have me revisit but lack of deep char development and shallow rpg choices that cut on "evil" aspect... I guess for lower PEGI... makes me consider poe 2 to be regress, as rpg compared to poe 1... I don't even consider it rpg game honestly. It's good arcade, action adventure, isometric game.
  12. You and I must have played a completely different game. D: OS 2 complexity is a myth. Even as half wit u gonna run into one of 20 builds/synergies that entirely break the game and make everything trivial af. Even poe2 is hardcore compared to that. I agree tho that BG 2 writing was far from "immature", especially compared to poe 2, bg 2 was dark af, even into cinematic saying that you were kidnapped "there was no malice or hatred, no mention of an old score, only quick capture and promise of grim deeds to come" and then a sequence of horror like screens and tortured screams... now pair that with poe 2 "yo ho and a bottle of rum, I'ooo chasing god, yo ho".
  13. I never quite understood that anxiety from using stuff. If you need it later you can restock at XX vendors that restock after X hours.
  14. 2 PL was huge early game for nature godlike wizard because early spells like chillfog were also too high with its base damage so adding 2 PL was elevating chillfog damage to nuke-like levels while being a constant dot. Now with 2PL reduced to 1PL on nature godlikes and base chillfog damage nerfed I wouldn't say its so epic anymore. I'd rather play a race that can wear a helmet to get this mask with illusion PL and terrify spells per rest on it. Even tho it's probably not the best choice either. There are many powerful high level hard hitting spells that could benefit from illusion PL but they are end game spells and by end game it don't matter that much because you'll wipe the screen off with single minoletta salvo anyway (its still broken and makes game trivial af fyi). Just roll alchemy and chug ascension pots for extra 6PL ;p derp
  15. You couldn't craft Whiteleaf even prior to patch. You could craft many other drugs but not Whiteleaf, you couldn't also craft some other drug but I forgot which.
  16. Around 6 from max alchemy potion of ascension, 1 more from priest buff, there is a food that give 1 also.
  17. I'm going Sage Nalpazca/Wizard for my first 1.1 potd solo. Prior to 1.1 I'd lean toward saying Nalpazca/Wael Priest was stronger but with nerfs to buffs and minor avatar coming so late I don't think its optimal anymore. Just have to find a way to elevate Will save to retarded levels so I don't get cucked by dampeners all the time.
  18. I gave example of Nalpazcas because that's the only class I know is currently op in general terms but also hard countered at times. Maybe you're right but I still question people who work hard to make themselves invulnerable by stacking over 200 deflection and defenses and then complain that they are invulnerable, they worked hard to get to that state so they got what they wanted. I know its sad argument telling people "don't make yourself op" but at the same time if you balance it all you won't really introduce any tactical depth to game that simply just wasn't designed to have any...
  19. Its not a matter of answering those exact questions, I like to think about it with Nalpazcas as an example - they can ramp soooo much stats, % damage etc from drugs and pots that once you see it all stacked you have to instantly think "ok this drug needs nerf, this pot needs nerf, this synergy also needs nerf" but instead you can just let them be and spawn more arcane dampeners around the world... bam tactical approach introduced without chasing your own tail with endless balancing patches. Easier said than done obviously but I dunno if pursuing balance is any good in game like that. With so called balance you'll end up doing same, most efficient **** every fight. With hard counters that completely shut down your regular playstyle you have to think out of the box. Use more tools that you normally skip, be it figurines or kiting but it adds some color to otherwise pretty bland approaches. I mean once the game is "balanced" it just a matter of figuring new set of numbers to get to be OP in that environment again. Don't tell me its not because I played poe 1 yesterday and its exactly that (despite being considered balanced by many). I'd leave bad abilties around, let people pick them and regret it, if not for anything else than making them respec and be like "holy **** this choice is 5times better". It's still gaming experience. All said and done tho single player game is finite experience, once you learn how to synergize your choices of abilities and items you're supposed to be somewhat OP as a reward no?
  20. What is your problem exactly and with what? Turning Wheel should stay as it is now. It's really nice that your abilities last longer and you don't have to recast them all the time, like when you play a berserker and lose 5 INT all the time. I know it sounds nice, but the player should be able to negate the penalty the most, not flip it entirely. There is no other ability in the game that allows you to do that. That is my problem with intellect bonus of duality. I'm not saying it should be capped at half value, I'm saying this causes balance issues. I personally don't want BALANCE per se in this game. It's important to have "bad" choices before you to have any learning curve, if everything you pick is good and/or synergize with something else then your choices become meaningless and boil down to picking "flavor of the month" or better animation ;p Ofc having imbalanced abilities/items in the game introduce a problem in form that once you learn to build char utilizing strongest possible variants of abilities and items you need content keeping that in check otherwise you end up facerolling everything. That being said I'd rather have Obsidian attention shifted from nerfing/buffing/nerfing and rebuffing abilities over and over but instead designing encounters that provide some kind of challenge no matter what. You build unhittable tank with over 200 deflection? Well you probably have sad damage output so maybe introduce enemies with crazy hp regen that challenge you in attrition fight. I already like how Nalpazcas can get entirely shut down by arcane dampeners and you really have to go out of your way to solve fights that have 3-4 mages casting those. This game need more of that kind of things.
  21. I think poe 2 was designed to give you tons of xp from quests so you can actually start RPGing the game and choosing what quests to make and which to skip. You're not playing mercenary, pirate, scumbag char? Skip bounties or just hunt those "evil doers" if you're some paladin, priest type. You're playing bad guy? Stop helping Huanas and feeding poor Roparu. Think about your playthrough like you used to in classic rpg paper games instead grinding every content that is thrown into your quest log. You run into issues and disappointment because you removed rpg aspect from rpg game. I get it that this came as a surprise as Poe1 was different in that regard as you pretty much had to grind it all / most of it to reach milestones that allowed you to hit on some harder bounties, dragons etc (talking about solo play). In party both those games are trivial af from the get go (although u still needed to hit some level range to attempt dragons etc, I haven't seen anybody killing alpine dragon on potd even with full pt at level 7 or so) Poe2 comes giving you a choice, its not a completionist game anymore I think. Although maybe game should take care of "blocking" your paths if you chose specific routes early. Obviously everyone want to see full content with their first playthrough and as it stands if you clear every quest and bounty as you go you become over leveled pretty early. I don't want to see poe 2 turn into poe 1 in that regard, I like being able to skip quests that don't fit my char theme but its a design promoting replayability, it certainly sucks in first playthrough when you don't know yet if grinding quests will put you in that "game became trivial and I just left Nekataka for the first time" situation.
  22. I think your tale falls into Deadfire Stories category. https://forums.obsidian.net/forum/124-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-stories-spoiler-warning/ You're welcome.
  23. I'm not confused, i'm offering critique and/or pointing your into right subforum directions.
  24. I don't even know what to address here. You made title about getting too much xp then mixed up open world in this followed by blaming scaling just to finish it off with mentioning op abilities. I think this should go to suggestion sub forum as this post teaches no lessons, it just voices your preferences.
  25. I'm currently playing Nalpazca/Wael Priest Contemplative, its in no way refined state and even running defensive drugs, not using any potions and after I buff with minor avatar its not uncommon to score 200-300 damage stunning blows on enemies that are tanky (fist attacks perma 15 pen). This is using lightning strikes, turning wheel, transcendent blows. I can easily see that even after nerfs and introducing more enemies in encounters it will still be enough damage to overkill things tripple times over. You get great defensive wizard buffs with wael for early game. The only problem I can see is if they spawn much more casters that initiate fights with arcane dampener on veteran/potd. These are the only encounters I reloaded few times because dampener shuts you down hard.
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