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Everything posted by Phyriel

  1. Obviously I'm referring to broken ones, cadhu, giftbearers, deflection chest I forgot the name of.
  2. I see, I might consider replaying Contemplative class post patch, I had a blast playing it right now, it turned opie opie after getting unlimitted stunning fist. I bet even post patch u'll be able to stack so many stats, +% damage on nalpazca that pure damage will just break the game by mid levels. I mean atm with maxed alchemy, having +8 PL with nature godlike, ascension pot, priest inspiration and all the +% damage drugs, pots, lashes I was hitting stunning fist full attacks for over 300 at times so... and thats at level 16 without minor avatar yet.
  3. So all single target priest buffs got 0.5 cast now? This means I got 0.5 base cast Minor Avatar on my Nalpazca/Wael Priest? I'll take that if all I lost is some lash damage from turning wheel and lightning strike. 1 less PL on nature godlike sucks a bit but it was too good lets face it. How about wizards? They nerfed Concussive Missiles, Missile Salvo, Meteor screen wiping or still same ****? How about skill scaling items? Capped at 10 or still broken?
  4. I like lightning strikes more myself because its more "fair" but objectively swift flurry is better for raw damage output. Lightning strike may be at best equal if you wanted to pick Swift Flurry on a monk that went out of his way to have absolutely NO hit to crit conversion. I'm running Nalpazca/Wael Priest Contemplative solo potd atm and I have lightning strikes because its weaker I respecced for Swift Flurry for fun and used maxed alchemy merciless gaze potion, I was generating tripple, quadra hits with auto attacks all the time. That goes without saying that with Lightning Strikes you're going to reck faces equally easy, in late game difference between those 2 is simply overkilling content by 5 times or overkilling it by 10 times which results the same... you enter the screen -> blur -> pile of gore to loot.
  5. Im very curious about formula for those damage calculations u've made when I just nuked fire dragon for 1900 damage with empowered missile salvo alone;)
  6. Erm isn't it trading your damage from spells/attacks with those keyword by turning it into self healing? I thought that this is how it works.
  7. Playing this class as nature godlike and it doesn't seem so far that any weapons can beat unarmed so far (im level 13). 2 free PL from nature godlike and another ~5 PL from potion and +1 PL from Acute priest buff elevates unarmed to some crazy values. I'm thinking if any weapon combo setup can beat that. Any ideas? I've been thinking Xoti sickle with maxed religion and both enchants could be potentially insane at 4 stacks as offhand (after clearing some trash with empowered flagellant path), pre stacks it stinks sadly obviously but after u kill just 4 enemies it can grow to like +200% damage and with enchant give +50/60% attack speed? With turning wheel it could be devastating.
  8. 1. This can be related to many things outside of your hardware, I don't have any long load times myself, its few seconds all the time so I dunno. I have it on ssd now and its faster but on hdd it wasn't bad either, nothing close to 3 minutes to see menu screen lol. Maybe like 30seconds on Hdd tops. 2. Same issue here, this has to be a bug. 3. Dunno here. Never done this quest line. 4. Maybe your party member is too far away to contribute to your dialog. Some dialogues/tasks in game are main char only and party can't contribute. 5. Well talk to the owner:) She's near market place during the day.
  9. Builds? What builds. Skill tiers have so obviously "good" and "bad" abilities that making build guides serves no purpose unless maybe self serving or for some pure pure newbs. It's no longer like poe 1 where it actually mattered to have a proper or else "efficient" ordering of learning skills. Even if they improve difficulty a bit, guides will boil down to - "build tanky by picking weapon and shield spec up to level X or unless you can obtain item X,Y,Z then respec into dual wield/2h". We can no longer experiment with ordering, we can't respec stats etc. I don't think you guys will be renowned by your famous builds in poe 2 as much as u were in poe 1. Sad panda.
  10. Correct, you have to win a Will saving throw, that's your defense against it. Enemy accuracy still roll against your Will so effects that makes enemy loose accuracy work to make you have easier time resisting it. Other than that as mentioned above, you need to CC enemies using that. You have full book of tools to do that tho.
  11. I agree, people that argue balance threads even tho devs and Josh admitted from the start it's gonna be their priority are some weirdo white knights. Balance in a single player game like poe is something entirely different than multiplayer game, it's not about leveling the field for every player, its about securing integrity of the content and having a difficulty -> challenge curve matching creators design, for every difficulty level that is. They stated that for Potd difficulty doesn't match their design so wth are you arguing here? If unnecessary white knights don't understand it... then I guess they're only true to their nature.
  12. While we're at it tho. Do you know spells that work with this? https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Blackened_Plate_Armor I'm trying I'm trying to find out which spells could work with the healing part of this armor. It says damage from decay/poison/disease attacks, it means it has to be tagged as that kind of attack but can actually deal other type of damage like corrosive etc right?
  13. Those 2 climbers play 2 different games. No Haha rekt. Btw Dunehunter you were right. I just watched my stream when I was trying to test it and even tho I was surrounded by enemies few of them were using spears and they didn't actually engage me (there were no red arrows). Only two guys engaged me from that whole crowd so thats why I had +6.
  14. That's artificial difficulty. Likewise the people who want an easy time should just play on the easy difficulties. Path of the Damned was designed for a challenge and is incapable of providing one at the moment. It does indeed not provide a great challenge to characters that are fully min/maxed and using scaling gear with min maxed skills to match these items. It does, however, provide an interesting challenge to characters that are built with a minimum of roleplay where choices are motivated by more than mere stats (like companions and sidekicks are, btw, and there is no denying that they are a massive part of the experience intended by the devs). Still not enough challenge imo, and we all know it has been acknowledged by the devs, and will be tuned, but interesting challenge nonetheless. The conception that PotD should be designed to accomodate powerbuilders is subjective, and quite frankly, not really fitting a game like POE2:Deadfire that focuses on writing, environement, and roleplaying. Also, why putting restrictions on yourself would be artificial difficulty ? Isn't it the essence of a RPG to make choices that your character would make ? Or to reflect his actual skills in the stats ? Is your 4 resolve watcher really a coward ? Does he really know all the history of Eora, but can't even slightly bluff, has zero interest in metaphysics despite being a watcher ? And more importantly: What difference does it make to your personal single player gameplay experience if you: A - don't use an option because you think you will have more fun like this, or B- the option is simply removed from the game ? This is a nonsense argument. Single player games still need balance to be fun, and the place where that is most important is at the most difficult point. Anyone who wants less than the most difficult challenge can opt to make a choice within the context of the game to make it easier than doesn't involve them simply not using something available in the game. When you find a ring of overpowered overpoweredness in a game and don't use it because it's too powerful, that is definitionally artificial difficutly. When you make a game on a difficulty less than the top difficulty it is also artificial difficulty, but it doesn't require to to alter what you do in the game in a nonsensical way. It changes the entire environment, rather than making you as the player change something that makes no contextual sense in the environment. You are flatly wrong about PotD not being designed around powerbuilders; it is subjective but it is based on the ideas of the game creators. PotD triple crown in PoE1 was "subjectively" designed and balanced around mechanical prowess, and PoE2 will be the same when it is balanced; the devs have already said that they simply didn't have time to balance it and it will come in time. How is this alleged artificial difficulty different from difficulty? Players who want a challenge have means provided by the game to be challenged. This is irrefutable fact. Whether the ring of overpowered overpoweredness exists in the game or not doesn't change this fact. The difference between artificial difficulty and difficulty is an imaginary and false concept. It's like if a rock climber would be telling a free climber: Use the ropes woman, without them it's .. artificial difficulty. Nonsense. Those 2 climbers play 2 different games.
  15. Well you can see I didn't use defender stance on eder. He is using a pollaxe without modal, so if you still insist on he has 5 engagement and don't believe me, it's your issue I believe what I see. Ima produce same screenshot with my wizard surrounded by 8 melee guys engaging me and show you +6 defenses. Then it will be your issue? I'm not arguing for the sake of it. I'm just saying in my game I had different results. How would you explain this?
  16. Its hard to say just by a screenshot, on my wizard +6 didn't get removed exactly at the moment I started casting, it lasted for few seconds. Anyway I'm standing by my idea how the item work because I had +6 on my wizard that had 2 engagement slots (1 innate +1 from shield). If item worked like you said I'd have +15 also so... Yeah u're right about chest, its op nonetheless even tho I had to check enchantments on it because on main item it says just against deflection.
  17. You are wrong sir. I said i tested it and I know i'm right. Maybe you tested it on char that have multiple +engagement i dunno. I don't see anything about flat deflection on Gipon in item description, it has enchant that give you stacking +deflection and reflex on being hit that caps at 10 stacks which is strong but not as strong as saying it has flat +20 deflection. I'd say the +40 reflex at 10 stacks is waaaay more op. p.s wording on a ring is confusing but I'm telling you I tested it to the bone lol. I had it on wizard with shield giving +1engagement and i was surrounded by melee attackers (like 8 or sth). Defenses from ring capped at +6 (because i had 2 engagement on my char). And bonus disappeared when I started casting. It appeared again after I started swinging my sword but again capped at +6 because that's how many enemies I could engage.
  18. Etonia Signet Ring give you defenses not per engaged by enemy but how many enemies you engage. You need to actively fight in melee with multiple ++ engagement on gear to make it give you more stacks. Shield gives you +1 engagement so you can get +6 but once you stop using your melee weapon and lets say start to cast a spell, then engagement is broken somehow and you loose that bonus. I tested it. If you wanna build for +4 engagement then you'll have that 15 def from it. Gipon gives you deflection vs disengagement no? It doesn't have flat 20 deflection on it. Giftbearer cloak i admit its good. Shield deserves nerf the most. But not due to deflection but because it has % all damage reduction scaling with metaphysics (looks like 1% per 1.5 metaphysics skill). Also have a per encounter ability that deals crush damage and debuff enemy all defenses (base -5) but it also scale with metaphysics (I got -29 on mine). Its probably best mitigation shield while also being one of the best debuff shield vs bosses and what not. Not to mention you won't die vs ranged and aoe attacks that target reflex if you activate active ability on large shields. I want to add one item to the list tho: A Whale of a Wand https://gyazo.com/3fe46be3e80573169268282d1e38b7b4 Wand making your spell hits have 10% chance to charm targets. Just drop chillfog and see them kill each other lol. Not to mention you can enchant it to give you version of barring death door that last for over 20sec with high intellect and can summon 2 drakes with another enchant. 20 sec immortality? You can even build squishy glass cannon wizard with as low recovery as possible to machine gun spells. Pretty broken item if you ask me.
  19. I'm thinking of going for a Sage (Monk/Wizard) multiclass for the Arcane Reflection spells in order to protect my Nalpazca's drug benefits. Could also wear one of those rings with "Suppress Affliction", I suppose. Suppress affliction rings won't help, they give you the level 1 priest spell which is a spell used reactively to counter afflictions, and I don't think it works on arcane dampener. Also doesn't seem to work on charmed/dominated/etc, which *really* ****ed my world up. It works on those, you obviously can't use suppress affliction because you can't use item/cast spell at all if you're charmed/dominated yourself.
  20. Just boost your will save and resist it, as you said, those casters that use it use it only once most of the time. Its easy enough to boost will by like +30 as Nalpazca with a drug, even more if you also want to pick +will defense as a passive. Once you got solid Will save you should be resisting it fairly often (unless you're in zone that over levels you by far). That's just the obvious way to deal with it. There are more sophisticated like using some sort of dot damage (granades, poisons, aoe from multi classed spells like chill fog, touch of decay etc) in tandem with potion that gives crazy high interrupt, then you can just drink this pot, use some aoe like chill fog if u're a Sage multi class for example and not only u'll blind them to reduce their accuracy vs your Will save u'll also tick damage that have high chance of interrupting their cast. Another way would be to use some sort of Terrify effect on those casters, there are quite a bit of things that have Terrify but one on top of my head that is accessible to everyone would be that mask from Delver's Row with 1 per rest Ryngrim Enervating Terror.
  21. I think you don't understand mechanics of shooting, there is nothing to be fixed there, its just slow I admit it... but correct with mechanics of the game. There is reload but there is also recovery and action speed itself.
  22. I wouldn't touch Evoker even unless you want to build Rng wizard based on fire spells completely and use sun and shadow for 33% chance to recast fire spell after 0.5 sec after cast, magran fire axe for extra fire power levels etc. That could potentially work as a multiclass assassin wizard to open up from stealth and when rng god is on your side drop like 3 fireballs or sth like that. For solo loosing chillfog and arcane veil because they are in schools of magic you can't use is a massive hit.
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