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Everything posted by Phyriel

  1. Atm i'm stuck at great hall before maerwald and can't progress any further, I cleared most of act 1 content solo, only left readric (although I was able to finish quest if I chose to kill Kolsc but I wanna kill Readric to have later a follow up quest) and those fungus in a cave (those 4 guys keep knocking me over). I'm lvl 5 but those 4 phantoms are just impossible you are forced to fight there now because once statue open doors for you whole room aggroes on you instantly and you can't skip them. I tried to find a place where I'd be hit my 2 normal shadows and be able to nuke phantoms with spells (i even found ring with combusting wounds) but the way those ghosts are placed make it that no matter where I wanna fight them its always atleast 1 phathom that hits me in melee and chain stun me. Any ideas? I did that with mage on lower level but mage got way more deflection with veil and mirror images and he gets to cast his (bigger aoe) blind + dot and combusting wounds and stuff just dies.
  2. I mean whats exactly the difference between shifter and non-shifter? Is it only that while shifted u're forced to use your form fist weapons or is it also something else? I guess the difference lie in stating? druid that plan to use shield + 1h and stack defenses would have higher resolve to be able to cast in melee more without interruption right?
  3. I started this druid, probably will have to respec him for some fights but atm I stated him into max per dex and int i left str and con at 10 and resolve is minimum. Race is wood elf but I'm thinking it isn't a best choice, accuracy to debuff distant opponents is nice but its just 4 so I think I might reroll the race before I'm getting too far. So far I have pretty nice results, I've been able to clear most of early game animal packs due to charm beast and 2nd level paralyze beasts spells. I'm using cat form shapeshift to kill trolls atm. Already I can see that having low resolve is rip for casting in melee due to concentration issues but I find it hard to move stats around... feels like u need all of them on druid;P About race I'm thinking about moon godlike... I wanted to avoid this race really desperately as I've been playing it every time but their racial is just too good... also I think this extra endurance healing might be overkill for druid that already got a lot of self heals in his kit. Maybe pale elf? a bit situational i guess. Obviously wild orlan is no brainer but i hate those hobbits...
  4. Haha no im not doing trial of iron anytime... I find it a bit silly that in order to finish The Ultimate people generally play parallel softcore run where they test the waters and then they just go for fights that they know for certain are 100% doable and not very rng reliant. Turns a dice game into something weird if you ask me.
  5. Hmm I'm tempted to try potd solo druid atm tbh. I never used druids in my party sessions so its extra challenge cause I don't know power curve and reliable power of druid spells so it will be pretty hard to judge when I'm strong enough already for given fight sadly... and thats like half of solo runs challenge... to know when you can do a heavy lifting already. I'm kind of scared to do any fighting early as solo druid because no +deflection massive buffs like wizards will make even simple kobolt groups a challenge. I guess some fights vs beasts early on will be easier due to charm but thats all I can think of atm.
  6. How would you go about trying full potd solo as druid? What tools would you use to secure enough survivalibity. Druids got enough damage with their aoe so I guess damage wouldn't be an issue, the issue is obviously having some sort of "buy time" mechanic relatively early on to be able to progress through the game without stealth-skipping most of it bouncing between easy fetch quests to get exp. Wizard got a luxury of veil chillfog and combusting wounds early on to deal with early game threats. Later they get confusion to buy time to get self buffs running and then even more crazy cc (gaze od andragan) that leads to some crazy damage from their massive late game aoe. The only thing wizard have to care about is not being chain controlled by annoying opponents but he got tools to drop hard cc on them first and wreck them before they even get a dice roll against him. Priest got all world of immunity effects so you don't care about enemy cc. Just have to pick easy fights early on because priest damage tools suck in early game. Seems druid got nothing in comparison. A lot of soft cc, slows, hobbles, some average aoe dots that won't seal the deal based that druid is extra squishy compared to wizard or priest and he'd need extra burst to atleast clean up some trash mobs in a hurry, suffers with accuracy due to no early game +accuracy spell so landing crucial spells in even more rng. I dunno feels like druid is the only class that would be impossible to beat solo potd run due to lack of reliable tools for majority of the game (sure you can use scroll here and there or a figurine but you need you own class tools to seal the deal). But im no expert so what you guys think?
  7. Hi, this will be a bit offtopic but if you're into wizard class I can share that I'm in the middle of 6 wizard party (inspired by circle of the nine from greyhawk universe). I have 1 wizard tank whose purpose is to block chokepoints so my 2 other melee wizards (that use citzal's spirit lances) cut everything to ribbons. Tank wizard is stated similar to what other guys are saying. I personally use IE mod to make spells per encounter because honestly running back and forth for camping supplies doesn't really add to immersion. Anyway its only alright to me if I dont exploit that and don't use every most powerful spell in my book every encounter, if fight is relatively easy I just use my frontline, ideally create a chokepoint and use my 3 ranged wizards with wands to clear out the enemies using envenomed strike with arcane blast. But yea now my party is at lvl 9 and with the amount of spell i got I could handle "hard" encounters 10 times over without breaking a sweat... but its due to wizard spells being rather op if you got 6 wizards to spam them, endless confusion, paralyze, stuns, horrify, terrify, hobbled, chilled etc etc. Not to mention lightsabers and most powerful selfbuffs in a game for free.
  8. I'm doing 6 wizard session atm. If I get nasty paralize / stun I got 3 mages with confuse in backline to buy time. Once my frontline got full set of buffs its just hack and slash.
  9. Ye thats what I did. Anyway after finding shadowflame spell I have 3 mages in backline spaming paralyze, prone, confuse, expose weakness. Its complete madness how AI are screwed. With 3 melees hacking on them with draining staff on alacrity and merciless gaze buffs ;p Can't wait for lance tho and those concelhaut spells (that hammer was fun but now x6 O_o)
  10. Hi guys so I've been slowly following my 6 wizards dream last few days. My party is level 6 with mc being level 7. I got 1 wizard tank (getting deflection talents, shield talents etc) 2 melee centric that use draining staff for now but are traited toward spirit lance and 3 ranged with implements that also unleash extreme crowd control and aoe damage. I'm thinking about tweaking stats/talents with some respecs - mainly tank. I took cautious attacks, 2 talents for veil, 1h + shield spec - I think they are totally worthless on wizard tank. I mean veil is ok but other deflection talents meh... I need just enough deflection to pull some big groups and not get 1 shot by instant ranged attacks+spells but then when I put my enemies where i want them I can 100% control them with cc and they barely hit me... I also seem to activate draining staff spell on him most of the time for extra sustain. Would you build him like the rest of melee dps but just keep his stats more balanced or take saves talents for some boss fights? (tanking dragons will be tough with wizard tank) Oh also one weakness of that group is lack of healing... with all the buffs I often get knocked out here and there because of low endurance but keep most of hp. I enjoy it atm, it feels like really really op when I control it enough but if I just let things slide even a bit it backfires a lot. Few times I've been like "damn I got this, easy" and just wanted to end with autoattacks etc... and all of a sudden I wake up with my melees knocked down and heavy hitters running after my squishy backline. Ofc I salvaged the situation but it turned from what looked like a breeze into fighting again.
  11. I finished my potd run with wizard tank (main), cipher, ranger, priest, monk and pellagina. If you got cipher + monk all you have to do is cast reaper blades on monk, and monk alone autoattacking destroys everything ;p unless it was nerfed that is. I haven't played for a while.
  12. I gotta disagree on this Victor. I finished potd poe with group and been half thru with solo char and I still cant say I know jack about the game ;p like if you'd write me a setup of lets say 6 chars of given level and given gear / spells i still wouldn't know for sure if i'm ready to kill A B or C encounter... even on paper. In Tyranny i feel like i'm already a master of this game after 2 playthroughs. There's no real depth in the game and I agree comparing it to PoE is like comparing "pc game" to "console". Its like a genre that should be called "arcade-rpg" and not a valid RPG. If not not for accuracy of what the product offers then for honoring those "true" rpgs from the old days.
  13. Yea sorry for wrong forum. Ppl at tyranny forums seem to ctrl + f word bad/bugged and bash you for "hatin" on a game when you dare to voice your complaints lets go reddit victor
  14. Thats true but since act 1 is very dependant on leashing anyway that 1 less talent in early game can be just mitigated by few reloads to get that auto attack crits and it pays off really quickly when u get 1 more talent to put into something usefull that outvalues those thrust as soon as act 2 begins. I realized build like that would be insanely op very fast but i was already bored with my 1h+shield guy so now I was thinking about roleplaying a bit with 2h heavy armor death knight style. Using only Frost magic / Gravelight / Antrophy and maybe Emotion. Goal would be to go borderline on armor, defensive stance + heavy armor + frostmagic guarded form (obviously not vs crush dmg) + magic tree energy shield. I guess I could go and get like 40 armor on this guy Thats the only thing that keeps me interested in Tyranny for time being. Illusion + riposte and material force with volcanic weapon is just stupid op.
  15. Haha ait I know for a fact 2h char with 2h auto attack talents and improved crit + imbued weapons + all kind of material force and self buffs would be stronger since all the % based bonus dmg from imbued and material force as based on your initial dmg. I started doing char like that but I was like... whats the point I was already wrecking faces and playing with 1 hand, sometimes a bit afk since lvl 12 ;p
  16. My solo challenge ended at start of act 2 at lvl 12 (13 in video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg9WWKKMEKk when I gained aura of rage + material force buff with volcanic weapon expression. Later on in the game I just kept improving that spell as my lore went higher (str sigil) and at 21 (which happened in the middle of act 2 at blades edge) when I was no longer affraid of spreading too thin I just added all the other variants of material force buffs (fire, earth, lightning) I think I could optimize to have even more with some better talent choices for extra spells but it was already crazy overkill tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3o_otob1-I Atm I'm done with Tyranny, i consider the game to be diabloesque on minor rpg steroids.
  17. Hey thanks for replies guys:) ill give it a shot and see how it goes;) btw stop pretending witcher 3 got graphics;P my skyrim with... umh 80gigs of mods looked better;P Imagine end game with 6 wizards;p those spells from wm2 hammering everyone.
  18. Hey guys. After finishing 2 sessions with Tyranny (potd group and solo) I'm feeling like I need a proper rpg again so I'm back to PoE:P I wanna go with my original dream of completing the game on potd with full squad of wizards (inspired by Grayhawk Circle of the Nine, although I don't know much about them... I just remember them from cinematic for Temple of Elemental Evil... anyone? they had kinda kewl introduction there ) so I'm gonna do it! How would you go about it guys? What stats for main (melee focused correct?) and the others? I was thinking about having different mages like one wizard tank, one wizard melee dps, one wand specialist, maybe one or two cc and one full nuker. How would you advice me with that in mind?
  19. I dunno maybe I've been lucky with PoE that I didn't stumble upon any extreme opness in my first playthrough that would let me exploit the game to that degree. My memory toward my first playthrough was that I was getting wrecked on potd at every turn and I really had to brainstorm to finish the game which added to my sense of engagement, I really wanted to find a way to "be strong" there and it was a vital part of the game for me. Its sad because Tyranny got extreme eye candy to its name, skills and animations are just wonder, it really pleases the eye... but the scale of broken things and limitless synergies that are a) easy to find b) borderline OP... is just beyond reason. P.S I just made those high lore (200) elemental buffs for weapon... They don't suppress themselves at all and I just made Verse have 27 str (o_o) and with each hit she deals like +200% more extra dmg with elemental dmg + on crits she procs various bleeds, daze, aoe hits... god ill just stop talking about this cause damn its bad;p
  20. You didn't play many Obsidian games on release, did you? :-P I played PoE and as much as I remember some broken things were a matter of some overtuned stats on some summons (chanter ghosts were quite op at start) or some niche synergy between items / skills that made them op (pre nerf retaliation cypher) but required intense theorycrafting and playtesting to find. In Tyranny i find everything extremely OP, buffs stack to insanity... I made this video showing just basic pre buff and 1 skill and its already awful. Imagine if I wanted to add high lore, aoe weapon buffs from fire, vigor, stone and lightning (thats what I can do atm) for like additional +xx% elemental dmg +XX armor pene +XX aoe on crits... now imagine I add trademark of Tyranny = combos and artifact skills... theres not even a shadow of a challenge in that game that would let me use all of this. Im terribly disappointed so far. Tyranny Potd feel like story mode in PoE, its extreme autopilot game.
  21. Hey guys. I uploaded quick video showing how this game doesn't seem to have ever been playtested. I can't imagine this was intentional design to make game this piss poor easy on path of the damned difficulty? Obsidian are you guys for real? What happened?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iELJ0MlEKrU In video I used invis pot to make it that much more impactful but honestly you can get close enough with just stealth. Btw notice how villagers seem to "notice" me and run away and enemy is completely unaware.
  22. I honestly wouldn't consider that design victory. Honestly I really enjoy Tyranny, despite that whole "RP value" of it doesn't really strike me as anything brilliant (I was much more interested in PoE plot as it uncovered). But the biggest flaw of Tyranny thus far is that it doesn't seem like it was properly playtested O_o ... there are so many obviously OP synergies between chars that are game breaking with how strong they are (pre buff verse, make her invisible, move in with 1 char so all melee surround it, use verse spinning move... all dead). In general high tier abilities (the ones I tested) are really crazy op (Lantry -100% recovery buff for 12 sec), (leadership flag that could also read "gives u immortality for 30 seconds") etc etc. Game need serious difficulty rework or it ain't worth replaying for me. P.S the fact that I'm already uber OP with just basic abilities that are on cd is one thing... add per rest combos, add artifact abilities... game gives u too much ****ing power tools and you don't even need to use them. Sorry for my language but I'm getting annoyed atm because I'm used to PoE approach where I would hoard on my per rest abilities until I really was sure its dire time of need and I need to use them to survive... so with that approach I never get to use kewl Tyranny artifact stuff because its never hard enough for me to justify using them... thats terrible terrible design ****up.
  23. I actually liked UI and Hud more than PoE tbh. Checking active status effects, buffs, debuffs, suppressed status is so easy for me in Tyranny... in Poe those small icons near portrait gave me headache from time to time
  24. Oh man... I'm so puzzled about this game tbh... Animations and combat feels great thats a given (talking about graphics, sounds, impact its all very satisfying) but... yea there are buts... while I can appreciate cooldown system its terribly easy to exploit (Once u get enough quickness, ways to buff your recovery) you're just walking death machine with your team... unending burst dmg skills, unending heals, unending ressurects... Its very easy to exploit taunt mechanics (if u taunt a melee combatants and block their way so they can't get to taunter character they will glitch out and just run back and forth). In general I feel like PoE was more tactical game where positioning mattered, timing mattered, sequencing of buffs mattered ( u had to know if you got a time to cast a stat boosting buff or its required to cast a anti charm/dominate protections first etc ). Tyranny is more diablo-esque in that regard... you get very powerful very fast and steam roll... I'm at the point after like 18 hours (been reading all **** and spent lot of time in abilities windows) that I rarely use any combo ability... or artifact power... using 2 pre fight buffs and like 2-3 regular skills JUST DESTROYS EVERYTHING INTO OBLIVION (talking about verse) https://gyazo.com/1241a36b38acaeb9855621dad533a967 Can't say its not satisfying but I feel I won't replay that game, especially that I started it on path of the damned difficulty and it's hardly any challenge. I'm glad tho I realized quite quickly that no matter what I choose progression wise its all gonna be steam roll so I transitioned into enjoying dialogs more and consider combat a casual eye-candy experience. P.S I think that game would be way better once there are mods / its officially made harder... aka you get more enemies, they are harder etc cause this would actually make team building / theorycrafting more relevant, atm this game offers a LOT of options but they are all not relevant because stuff is just easy to take down with whatever you choose. This is huge design flaw. P.P.S so to avoid off topic issues - I think PoE 2 should remain a seperate game with its mechanics catered around theorycrafting and tactics, maybe lend from graphic and animations of Tyranny... but a biggest lesson... make content overly hard... make it that hardest difficulty feels even unfair the first time you face it so you feel compelled to be creative, just to get thru.
  25. Hi guys. So i finished my first complete playthrough on potd with a custom party like a week ago. I played an "optimal" party with min-max approach so I managed to learn a game fairly well, sure I'm not an expert yet but I think I'm fairly experienced now. I was thinking about taking a break and coming back to solo potd ironman but I dismissed that idea now as it appears to be quite boring actually (I started and got around to lvl 6) as I didn't find it fun to cheese / abuse scrolls as a valid way to get that crowning achievement. I'm not yet quite fed with PoE tho and I'm thinking about trying PoE again with like some super weird party. I already tried warrior+druid + 4 rangers but its not as fun as I thought it would be so now I'm leaning toward some kind of "circle of nine" from greyhawk universe and make a party of all casters, like 6 wizards or 5 wizards + cipher. I deffo see challenge in that in a way that this party will have some roadblocks and require extreme micro from time to time but my thinking is that it would be really flashy and rewarding to play a party like that. What you think? Is it possible to beat all content on potd with that? I mean wizards can be built for tank and got this aoe spear spell that turns them into super tanky barbarian so I guess it would still be extremely flexible party that could find its way to contest even hardest fights. What you think?
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