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Everything posted by Phyriel

  1. Conceulhaut dead. Veeery close fight. I pulled with tornado and had to min/max the slow mode and pause to the extreme. Took me 5 tries and the last try I got to cast all the scrolls and buffs and nothing landed on me so that was lucky, with buffed state I was able to cast plague of insects and it landed on everything, then I just landed petrify on most of them and that was about it when it comes to trash. But at the end I got a bit overconfident...I had Concelhaut at Badly Injured with 20 sec of insects left while I was half hp. He proned me for 4-5 seconds twice in a row !!!! and tossed missiles on me, it got me down below 20% but I had a Watchful Presence active from Sentinel Girdle and Moonwell still pulsing... anyway I got up on my feet when I was 20 endurance left nonetheless... and thats only because he tossed one spell on me, he decided to buff himself with minor reflection as his second choice. Paused the game at this point and had like 2 min break because I saw him start to cast another missiles and I was at hard choice of trying to drink health pot, trying to drink +deflection pot in hope to graze and deflect with Aila Braccia or trying to nuke him and go yolo with fast cast Talon's Reach as he was already at "Nearly dead" since 2 insects ticks. I went yolo with nuke.
  2. I'm at the last fight now... been progressing veeeeeery slowly. I got thru most of outside enemies using confusion scrolls and rest was just spamming druid stuff all over. Ancient Death Guards were problematic cause it was hard to land anything on them, in the end I just used all the pulsing spells, drank accu pot and went boar form. I was missing quite a bit but each hit left wounding effect so it was good. For hard pulls when I pulled 2+ I could only kill one this way, for the other I had to struggle with drawn in spring wounding effect. But those fights were more annoyingly slow than dangerous. Inside I killed all students, for me the hardest was the one with skeletons, I dunno those skeletons that cast citzal lance and merciless gaze wreck me so fast but they are not immune to petrify so that's what carried me thru. Second hardest room was with animated weapons, I pulled outside toward the staircase behind a bookshelf that you can search for some scrolls. This was a bit micro intensive and I had to use pretty much everything to survive and keep up with killing them. Here venomblood and petrify carried me. I'm kind of scared now tho cause last room is mix of everything, skeletons with citzal, death guards and main boss... will see.
  3. Ye this place is no joke. I got terrible problems with those skeletons so far, need to science something out to beat it. Edit: had to splitpull with tornado. I mean I have all the counter options for what those skeletons in cave throw at me but everything takes time. And I'd have to drink 3 potions and cast 2-3 scrolls + 2-3 selfbuffs to make it trivial but it just won't happen with the amount of hurt they throw at you. I had attempts when I managed to cut out 2/3 of their lethal **** with proper scrolls but I'd be hit with that 1 effect that I just didn't have time to make myself immune to yet and bam... dead in 2 seconds. Anyway all the human packs are easy but you need to use confuse scrolls if you don't want to splitpull and cheese extremely. Thats my uneducated opinion tho. I feel that druid need atleast few more seconds to prepare and drop debuffs on the ground before he can afford getting surrounded. With wizard you can get into buffed up state and ready to drop petrify faster. I'll be getting inside soon... I'm scared of this last fight tho
  4. Holy **** cragholdt is damn hard to solo. Those packs got extreme damage very fast. And this ****ing drunken monk... I tried to yolo in my first few attempts and fight like 2 packs at once I got destroyed in a massive hurry. Gotta pick those fights very carefully here. Edit: Meh its too hard. I entered this optional cave with skeletons... tried 20 times can't do it. Those melee guys with citzal lances cuts thru my buffs like thru butter.
  5. Ye if only they weren't two handed:D In my 6 wizards playthough I got 3 ranged wizards that are built around implements. Its very good. But 6 wizards is so much awesome that its hard to say if implements alone make this good or a whole package:) I mean 3 frontline with insane defenses and impenetrable deflection using citzal lances. And backline spamming confusion, petrify... Not to mention that in 1 level all of my wizards will be able to learn concelhaut hammer spell I can't wait to see a fight vs dragon with 6 hammers mauling down on poor lizards.
  6. Yea I'm using Fenwalkers, insane boots, I've been using Shod in Faith half of the game because I was trying to make this spiritshifting spell holding druid to work... then I used boots of speed and settled with fenwalkers. For chest I switched Blaidh Golan of Raiment of Wael's Eyes for now... I've been crawling through fungus and vithrack infested levels of endless paths so I thought might as well try it on. I got a ring of thorns now so I use it instead combusting wounds one, I don't really use it anymore, after I drop storm + plague of insects and venomblood everything dies really quickly. So with that ring i keep +def when prone/stunned. I'm was thinking about stacking retaliation items and having fun with avenging storm, do you know if it work together?
  7. Hmm then I suppose its either a visual bug or it doesn't work in 3.06. I simulated getting stunned by vithrack exarch on 10lvl of endless paths. Each time I get stunned I only get values substracted from my defenses, I don't get anything. Edit; Ok I managed to get it after 10 tries but I think its bugged as hell because I had nearly 160-200 defenses and 160 deflection after it procced and he landed paralyze on me super easy, and once paralyze took hold it suppressed stun effect so buffs from chest and shield were gone. I think its super unreliable and there is something funny going on with those defenses because noway paralyze from vithrack would land when I had 200 fort (i suppose its a vs fort roll). I think i'll replace those pieces they were super good early game when I had problems with knockdowns from common bandits etc and had no aoe storm yet but I think I could use something better already.
  8. Ok, I got to level 14 and its insane, im currently clearing endless paths and its such a breeze.
  9. Thats a nice tip. I didn't know about that item. I'd probably use it if I had it but I went wm1 before going into act 3 zones but honestly its not too hard. Obviously I'd prefer being missed by Cleansing Flame or those paralyzing darts but the fact that I was able to clear out those packs even after being hit by multiple of those makes me confident enough. One question tho... I'm using combo of Blaidh Golan and Ilfan Byrgar's Solace and I guess it works cause I rarely get re-stunned before stun wears off but those stacking defense buffs from these (sum of 100) doesn't show in character panel under defenses when i'm stunned. Is that right? Or I should see that 100 more to every defense in char panel when im stunned?
  10. Ye that was a good call, I specced into max might per and int leaving con and dex at 10 and dumped res and its working like a charm. Using orlan bramle ring and full defensive talents to up saving throws and I can progress smoothly so far. Just cleared wm1 bounties without any struggle, once your spell debuff got enough accuracy and land you just snowball fights into triviality. I actually took galant focus as the only offensive talent. I'll pick heart of the storm also. Edit: the only thing that made me "nearly die" (I failed to notice and kite out purging flame... that blue priest spell from Lagufaeth Broodmothers ... the pack had 2 of them... and obviously I didn't avoid them so I had 2 of those on me) but I already had all the debuffs, dots and storm rolling so I just popped beetle shell and once some regular Lagufaeth died and my shell broke down I used garden of life to jump back to full hp. But its been rough I think without extreme healing that I pulled of there I'd die tripple times over cause I got hit by long duration of those spells... like 20 seconds each. They ticked together for 30% of my hp each 2 seconds or sth.
  11. I managed to beat that fight yesterday. I had to respec and put talents into defenses to reliably resist paralyze effects. Anyway I think I'll need to respec again and drop some con (dont feel too good dropping that fort save tho) to max out perception. Why? Well as druid a lot of my crucial spells are rolls vs fort and I just don't have high enough accuracy. It kind of sucks when you know fight is hard and you succeed with kiting to favourable position, you get to buff up and you're still very much alive but then you proceed to raid down all aoes and you end up hitting 1/3 of the flock with spells, I even miss a lot with combusting wounds from the ring.
  12. Yea, and you really don't get to use it when you still face several of dangerous opponents on a field. I had situations like clearing a pack of 7-8 and having just 3 melee left seriously wounded and I'd just shift thinking its a nice cleanup time but they would suddenly knock me down into some cc and destroy me in few hits cause without items you get reaaaally squishy. But I admit its super enjoyable to use forms, just doesn't belong in solo potd run. Not when you have to trait like 6-7 talents to make it even remotely useful.
  13. Ye I gave up on trying to beat this group legit way. I suppose this gets easier once you lay your hand on some ingredients or full scrolls that give immunity to charm and the other one that give immunity to paralyze but right now I actually can craft 1 scroll that give immunity to charm (due to random ingredients from chest) but charm is not even the worst thing (i used a drug that give +40 def against charm and it was still bad but not that bad because atleast when they charm me they move away from surrounding me for few yards atleast). But I don't have any means to get scroll for paralyze immunity yet. As druid this fight is extra ****ty when charm lands on you because then your storm can hit yourself and then you get stunned by your own storm -> charm wears off they get back on you and u're self stunned.... reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep :D Anyway its really with a heavy heart but I have to give up spiritshifting... its extreme talents investment and its reallly reallly weak in my opinion... its only kewl for clearing up in melee savage rp way things you'd kill as easily using just spells but for hard encounters it feels like you're gimping yourself for a form you barely use when you really need it... bah using it is a death sentence more than anything helpful most of the time. I had a naive dream it would be useful vs really strong single target opponents but accuracy is beyond **** in spiritform and any "real" opponent on potd ain't getting hit quite enough. Hits lands nice when you disable them but i don't land druid petrify on strong opponents easily as druid as its vs fort spell and druid kinda struggles in accuracy department.
  14. I'm against huge roadblock, obviously I could skip it but thats a huge thorn in a side if you have to skip something, kinda invalidates your build. I'm talking about fempyr pack in scaled up wm 1 russetwood. The one to the west near ogre camp. Those guys molest me in ways that are just ugly. My storm stuns are way too short and don't land reliably. Darguls attack fast as hell and interrupt my casts to eternity so basicly all I can do is cast 1 or 2 spells before I get surrounded and i'm ****ed. No amount of survival gear makes this easier, summons from figurines die instantly and if I'm getting charmed while figurines are out it will last for 10+ seconds... I honestly have no idea how to clear this pack. I even used ogres to make 2 packs fight with each other (after im charmed they start fighting with eachother) to clear out the named fempyr that starts dialog with you and few other darguls but its still too hard for me to clear the rest... Edit: - 2 things that makes this fight impossible right now = charm and paralyze that they land on me with ease (i've been reloading like 50 times to not get charmed/paralized in first 5 seconds), even tried splitpulling (i consider it a massive cheese so I rather not do that, its abusing stupid AI and there is no challenge to that) but still died... those guys wreck me so hard its unbelievable. I'm level 12 done all act 1 and act 2, cleared 3 bounties. My build atm is M 17 C 10 Dex maxed Per 10 Int maxed Res minimum. Using Mix and match gear, tried this fight with various gear I had available but to no real difference.
  15. Having problem with bridge fight for Sanguine Plate. I'm level 8 but no matter what I try i get wrecked. Its a really **** place to fight, figurines don't provide much cover and having low res and average dex its already hard to cast when I'm hit by 2 guys so even if I distract 4 of them with summons it still isn't quite enough to cut through. Generally I got just 1 semi free cast before I get surrounded and destroyed. I tried to cc them with overwhelming wave / calling the worlds maw but more or less half of them resist it. Any ideas? or just too early? Edit: Just made it, used oaken scarab to splitpull melees from casters and ran to the gates, found a spot there to have only 2 hitting me, summoned shades + combusting wounds, then just monitored hp and cast moonwell form of delemgan and along the shades infestation of maggons and insect swarm they went down. Casters alone were a breeze. P.s after getting through some tougher fights I gotta say shifter is not very strong, being solo require you to be very sturdy and shifter form is very very squishy, not matter which you take. Without going full ham on dps glasscannon talents it doesn't do much damage. Most of the time I can't afford going spiritform cause I'd die in seconds so I stay in caster form very tanky and kill everything with spells. I think shifter approach is more for party where you can create a frontline and treat shifter as a solid single target dps with some precast aoe storms. I'll spec out of wildstrike and get something useful for caster. P.p.s Although its nice when you run out of spells and got 3-4 squshies left with half hp to turn cat and murder them with flurry of 70+ crits at lvl 8. It's just a bit costy talent investment for just a clean up mechanism imo. Price of versatility i guess. Truth be told I don't know if other talents would help caster form that much cause I guess I'd go for extra defenses and deflection but in most problematic fights I had thus far if I did everything right and placed myself strategically correct the only thing that lost me a fight was running out of spells (unlucky resists into enemy heals etc) and spiritform actually made me win some of this after I went yolo mode with it. Its hard call, just wish I could utilize it more as a main source of damage.
  16. Hah this build is indeed very roleplay... there is a reason dwarves "got banished" into the caves:P Heresy I know I know...
  17. Yea thats what I did in the end. I really fought initially to keep max dex for some reason but all it achieved is that I had to gear fully defensive so it was a pretty annoying trade. Now I stated as you adviced and I got more con which is pretty helpful cause before I had fights when I got to 0 hp and died even tho I was able to heal up all the endurance. Pretty annoying knowing that you got enough healing but just not enough hp. Now hopefully that won't be an issue anymore. Also my fort went up nicely so I got more than before even without fort talent.
  18. Lvl 6 now, picked +10 fort, body control and veterans recovery + boar right now. I like it so far. Finally getting to resist some knockdowns lol but using spiritform only after I used my spells cause I have lower 11 less fort in form ;s
  19. I'm actually thinking about going some other form than cat atm. Cat is awesome dps but doesn't bring much for when you have to deal with massive damage coming your way. So far i've been maily using it vs other beasts fights when I can just paralyze them and get free dps on them but on other enemies I still have to cast so I end up wasting like half of form duration anyway. I'm battling idea of respecing into other form only because it seems that cat makes it also faster to cast spells so even tho I might not use it to melee down enemies it still benefit my survival by making it easier to spam through needed rotation of spells.
  20. Ye i think so too because as solo you're free to go shapeshift as a cleanup mechanic but you need to cast a fair bit of spells before doing that. Benefit of having pure offensive setup is obvious but its much more reliant on things going your way which for me just leads to fair amount of save/reload each time. With more defensive approach you can afford some mistakes. Overall so far I'm play a pure offensive stats druid because I find it fun and thus far possible to find solutions for everything, aka I know i can't survive many knockdowns, stuns etc so I have to find workarounds which is very engaging. I was going to ask: do you know if knockdown stun reduction from a mail chest that can be bought in copperlane stack with potions that reduce effect of hostile actions?
  21. Jokes on me but so far those 4 spores are hardest act 1 enemy besides Great Hall phantoms that I already killed with next level creativity. Thats why I love this game... I bet many of us, me included ofc, look at "push 2.0 meter" and consider it complete bull**** because what?! no dmg, no debuff, nothing. But then you realize it can help you control enemies so the least dangerous one approach you first and thus block doorway so you can reign down all the hurt on dangerous... now backline hehe Like getting to utilize such a **** effect overall to such a spectacular result early game made me so fricking happy today lol:P
  22. Yea I remember I wanted to try them in fungal cave when those 4 kept knocking me around and killing me and at some point I summoned a right blight that wasn't getting damaged by them and provided some cover but i started casting some spells happy that I finally found a way to get thru those little ****s and all of a sudden it disappeared and I got surrounded and wrecked. Maybe higher level ones last longer atleast... would be kewl. Atleast all animal encounters are easy with Hold Beasts, just killed giant spider after Maerwald without breaking a sweat. Poison immunity is also insane for those. So far I gotta say I was wrong about druid, it got tons of useful stuff and deffo got enough damage to get things done. I'm a bit worried I might get one shotted in some harder fights (end game) before I get to cast a spell but oh well... will see i guess. What crossed my mind is that since druid can't really go for same strategy as wizard (stack deflection and defensive buffs) and nuke stuff in a hurry depending on not getting hit at all. Druid is bound to get hit way more but got tons of selfhealing built in so I'm thinking about getting a lot of spell holding items that will proc all those "on getting hit" effects.
  23. Yea about that, minor blights stay up only for 20 seconds. Maybe its the greater blights you spoke of that stay up until killed?
  24. Holy **** I managed to win that. I think i got creative: -I sneaked up to doors and when statue script triggered and doors opened I stood in them. Problem was that 4 phantoms were much closer than shadows that I wanted to use to block the doorway so only they would hit me... so I waited till shadows teleport ability icon would show up and I used Winter Wind spell that has a 2m push effect to push phantoms back a bit so there is a room right before me that shadows can teleport into. Otherwise phantoms get to close and shadows teleport behind me leaving phantoms free to auto attack me and stun me to death. After I had shadows blocking the rest I just used Combusting Wounds Insect Swarm and some random spells to nuke phantoms.
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