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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. Your Disciple actually looks pretty cool. Which is sad because in the game he looks like a hamster blown up to human proportions.
  2. I know. In my games I even stopped bothering to save before fighting that thing because it presents no challenge. I have absolutely no idea why it killed my brother's character so quickly. Especially since he was a 19 DEX Sentinel with a mad defense, not to mention had Kreia storming the damn thing.
  3. Not too mention most females drawn with a manga or anime like style look like they're teenagers anyway. Not to say that I mind.
  4. No, I swear, I even tried several times with his character, but the damn thing just assraped his character. He killed ****ing Vrook in three swipes but the tank droid ripped him apart.
  5. The Star Forge is still there if you said Revan was darkside, though. There was just no one else with the power to control it. Well, so says Bastila in the Holocron on the Sith Academy.
  6. Honestly, Kreia was the only one who managed to kill me. Thanks to her silly Lightsabers. My brother would argue that the Tank Droid was the toughest. I saw him fight most the bosses, he beat them all easily, but the Tank Droid? Nooooo, that damn thing killed him some twenty odd times.
  7. "Yeah, Mandalorians aren't merchants. Except for Kex. Oh, and there's a mechanic. Do you have any janitors?" Burn. Also: Mockery: Oh Master, I do not trust you! I cannot trust you, or anyone, ever again! Mockery: Oh, Master! I love you! But I hate everything you stand for! But I think we should press our mucous covered lips together and share our saliva in the carge hold.
  8. My funniest moment? I was playing a female character, and I was on Dxun. I talk to the guy about the relay dish quest, so he's still typing on that little thingamajig, and he turns around. It looked exactly like he was wiggling his fingers towards and looking at my character's breasts. Sadly, I had screenshots disabled at the time.
  9. What? No Cannical Corpse? Anyway, how about my Star Wars soundtrack? It seems to fit the game pretty well.
  10. Grievous has an adaptable body and is more droid than living being, though. I assume he has some droid like precision. Think of what the gun-kata do in Equillibrium, they're not force users, they just calculate trajectories and stuff really fast.
  11. I refuse to read that last post until you take a grammar lesson and learn how to break stuff up into paragraphs. Anyway, if the Exile isn't darkside, then I don't know. However, if the Exile IS darkside, he or she would kick any Revan's ass. Why? Simple. The Exile has Force Crush, whereas Revan does not.
  12. My friend played Nar Shaddaa first as a neutral Jedi, to get Mira, and then hit full darkside. Pale skin, yellow eyes, thick black eye-makeup blood red hair, tight dark greenish leather outfit = she's goth! No wonder she thinks you're too old, she's still an attention whoring teenager! (w00t) Hot though.
  13. First, I'd like to say that your name confuses me because I don't remember ever seeing kunai with chains. I've seen ringed, handled and double-bladed, but never with chains. Second, your posts rock, you make some interesting points that make me appreciate Nihilus a little more. Third: Can I use this quote?
  14. I disagree. Works wonderfully as a female trying to save someone considered a sister. Do you really believe that?? I mean c'mon. The scene is much more powerful if Revan is male. I think, as a light side female, the story is most interesting if you look at Bastila like a rival. She's the pure Jedi and thinks she's better than you, and you desperately want to prove that you're just as good as her. Which makes the descision all the more real if you're a female, actually, because, kill her or save her? Do you prove to her that you're better than her, or that you're a purer Jedi than her?
  15. You can't copyright names, though. Revan(LS) Male - Dewan Loass Revan(LS) Female - Selene Revan(DS) Male - Kaos Revan(DS) Female - Pheare The Exile(LS) Male - Danja The Exile(LS) Female - Maiko The Exile(DS) Male - Sabaki The Exile(DS) Female - Virida
  16. Thanks. And it's combination of anime and my own style, actually.
  17. Honestly, I have to agree, those aren't very good. The yellow Atton looks like a lego character. The features, eyes, nose, etc. look okay when they stand alone, but they're positioned weirdly and really don't work together right. Still, I commend you for trying. With a little practice, you could become a great artist. I started really drawing about a year ago, and the extent of my artistic prowess was stick-men. If you put effort into it, you'll improve with leaps and bounds. Just out of 'having nothing better to do' syndrome, I decided to take that 'let's see you do better' comment as a challenge to everyone instead of just Stiehl. The horrible result of my boredom is attached.
  18. Funny, but I steamrolled through the the first game on hard and had trouble with the second on medium. Anyway, you say this, and then you complain about the game ending when an NPC died. If you got the NPC killed, that means you had trouble with the game. The NPC sequences were challenging. In fact, you had a game over. I never saw a game over in KOTOR.
  19. I don't understand why so many people hate Carth. I'm a guy and I thought he was a great character. Although I have to admit, him running away on darkside was COMPLETELY out of character. He was built up to be a huge hero, and I was actually expecting him to be the 'boss' type character representing the republic on dark side, but then he ran away. That was just plain bad writing. Also, that theme was in Episodes 2? I guess Williams ran out of ideas, because I have the same theme played several times throughout my Hook soundtrack.
  20. I didn't see a transit button but you could transit between different areas on Telos and probably other planets as well.
  21. I had tons of triggering bugs with doors not opening. Say, on Telos, the bounty hunter is supposed to walk through a door. He doesn't, but the conversation still takes place. Talking to no one.
  22. Handmaiden. Her skill is better in all cases, not too mention Disciple is a big disadvantage for me as he gives me headaches which doesn't allow me to concentrate on the game.
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