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Everything posted by Skazz

  1. O wow so cool! So they have time for this but not for fixing the game... Sidekicks have almost no content so I doubt it's going to take a lot of resources away from anything to implement this. Big hands.
  2. Only if your character is named Jack Daniels. Myself, I'm happy we're getting one step closer towards being able to make a full five-man midget party. Or if your named, Captain Morgan. I now hate myself for not coming up with that.
  3. Only if your character is named Jack Daniels. Myself, I'm happy we're getting one step closer towards being able to make a full five-man midget party.
  4. I realize it's probably not the case with faction/named ships, but what about all those unaffiliated merchants swimming around?
  5. A shame, for Zahua was both hilarious and well-written.
  6. What prompted you to drop the whole "forum trickster god" shtick, I wonder?
  7. Wish I had the first guy's portrait around the time I ran a dwarf cipher in PoE 1. Great stuff. Also, big "thank you" to the kindhearted posters above who provided even more dorf material.
  8. Sometimes at night I like to cover myself in vaseline and pretend I'm a slug.
  9. That's not necessarily a bad thing, though. The new Prey was an amazing game.
  10. Alright, I checked the contents of my Steam bundle and it includes: - Pen & Paper Starter Guide - Pillars of Eternity Guidebook Vol. II If that's enough to participate, then I'm still willing to play!
  11. May have something to do with the flag you're using. Try swapping them to match the faction that is dominant at your current location.
  12. Also, he has big hands. Damn you, Josh, why do you hate dorfs so
  13. Only the new companions. And they're not bisexual, they're playersexual. Which is way worse. Xoti shows no interest at all in women unless it's a female watcher that's coming on to her.She can end up dating Maia. And Serafen seems to be continuing Hiravias' proud tradition of hitting on birds:
  14. Those are cute! Where can I find D: (well the two on the sides. The middle one is a bit of a mess honestly) There's a clothes vendor in Queen's Berth, I think. He sells all three of those.
  15. The shanties are easily one of my favorite things in the game. I was expecting Obsidian to do something ala Sid Meier's Pirates. You know, vague simlish yo-ho-hos and humming. But no, they're actual songs that make sense in the context of the setting, and they're all amazing to listen to. Glorious, glorious surprise.
  16. Nah, I agree that it is very likely a retcon. The point I was trying to make was that inserting "one god to bind them all" would certainly have been a very smart (in-universe) move on the part of whomever "programmed" the pantheon. This sudden revelation that she is merely a delusional granny only makes the Engwithans appear like monkeys mashing stuff randomly on their Create-A-God kits.
  17. It's not about messing with the system - quite the opposite, actually. Someone made a great point on this in a different thread, but as I can't find it right now, I'll try to sum it up to the best of my ability. Consider this: Thaos is one of the architects of the entire system, and the one Engwithan explicitly charged to remain behind as the system's eternal administrator. Seeing how the pantheon was designed with many checks and balances that would help hide the great secret forever, it is very likely that Woedica (who, as the game states many times, is the only goddess to ignore the rules the gods play by) has always been meant as something of an emergency override button. A failsafe, if you will. Hell, for all we know, this doesn't even have to be the first time he had to push that button. The man is ancient, after all.
  18. I didn't get to that point in the story yet, but... that strikes me as a retcon more than anything else. Especially since you have more than one party to corroborate the original version during PoE 1. Oh well... I don't remember any of the other gods saying that they cast her down which would be the most legit source of information. Although, the way she act in Deadfire, I can see them telling her to shut up all the time, lol. Quote from PoE wiki, with citation pointing at Iovara's in-game dialogue (I admittedly don't have the exact screenshot of that though): "Woedica, like the other gods, was created by Engwith out of the sacrifice of thousands of their souls at Sun in Shadow. Intended to be the strongest of the gods and at the top of their hierarchy, Woedica was simultaneously a patron of justice, oaths, and promises, and conversely, an entity willing to disregard the rules if it was necessary to accomplish her goals. She could do what she wanted with Eora at the apex of her power, which is why the other gods conspired to vanquish her, bringing the Queen on even footing with the rest of them." Iovara is not one of the gods and she was born after they were created... Well, sure. With that in mind, you're free to point me to a source from the first game that would contradict the above explanation.
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