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Everything posted by Skazz

  1. I disagree that it's similiar to the prequel. To me, PoE 1 is different in the sense that it has a very clear driving theme that resounds through 90% of its content: there are no definite answers. The revelation that the seemingly culturally-omnipresent gods are man-made constructs is merely taking that theme to its logical conlusion - after all, if the gods themselves do not represent some absolute certainty, then what does? In contrast, PoE 2 doesn't really seem to have a driving theme. I think HooAmEye explained this fault with the game's story extremely well: the reason why the ending twist/retcon (or whatever you view the endgame revelation to be) feels so off-putting is that it seems completely disjointed from the rest of the game.
  2. It didn't come off as whining to me. I mean, I may not agree with everything, but I perfectly understand why you feel that way. As for myself, I liked the game, too, but the obvious and mind-boggling bucket of retcons applied to the concept of the Wheel made me really sad. Why? Why change this thing in particular? I just don't get it.
  3. There's a section on languages in the official Pillars of Eternity guidebook (vol. II at least, I don't have vol. I). I'd share it, buy there's a good chance there may be some copyright shenanigans involved, so I'm not sure if I'm allowed to.
  4. Obsidian isn't very good at handling criticism, as evidenced by all the threads that criticized the game being deleted on these forums. Obsidian isn't moderating the forums. All of the mods are random volunteers. Also, a small hint from a fellow human being: no matter how strong your argument may be, as a rule of thumb, people don't like being called "retards", "degenerates", and "shills".
  5. Which is, I suspect, why Eder cannot be romanced. I see that as laying the groundwork for a return more than anything else.
  6. Don't have a matching watercolor, but I imagine this would work perfectly:
  7. Where do you live?
  8. That's the thing, really - you know her. To an average Eoran, she comes off as completely insane. Case in point: Tekehu's reaction to her meltdown during the whole figurine thing. It's reasonable to agree with Pallegina's views, yes, but it's not the views that are problematic. It's the fact that despite her full knowledge of the status quo, Pallegina consistently chooses horrible and tone-deaf ways of communicating them to people. EDIT: Reworded some things.
  9. Something Awful requires you to pay for a forum account. I'm shooting in the dark here, but I imagine the 10$ (I think?) price tag helps weed out trolls and/or people who just want to see the big man squirm. In other words, the quality of discussion is probably more to Josh's liking.
  10. Therefore I named it 'Conqueror' But... but... that only makes it worse! The junk conqueror, what's not to like? "Captain's log, 12 Tarprima 2823 AI. The Huana natives of Somefarplace have surrendered in awe after witnessing the captain's Junk."
  11. Therefore I named it 'Conqueror' But... but... that only makes it worse!
  12. Oh, huh. I didn't expect that at all, but I'm sold already.
  13. Personally, I'd be uncomfortable manning something called "the junk".
  14. Pallegina's reactions to harmless expressions of faith remind me of angry internet atheists who are eager to remind everyone that DAE STUPID SKY FAIRY DOESN'T REAL. I like her, but even if gods in Eora aren't really gods, she really should find some less obnoxious outlets for her disappointment. Like I dunno, knitting. Or maybe kayaking.
  15. I think it's understandable to want to try something new after six years of doing the same, no? People are just that - just people. Creative aspirations shift all the time. Doesn't have be some Satanic conspiracy behind it all or whatever.
  16. If I recall correctly, Serafen mentions that she hunted down the last crew that ran out on her for being too brutal and turned their gutted corpses into lampposts - the "Dead Lights" of the Deadlight Fort - to have them serve as equal parts warning and a morbid joke. So, yeah. A very well-adjusted lady overall.
  17. tis one-eye prim..(no idea who he is)...is he better then Aeldys and furrant or just the same ...or worse? The guy in a nutshell.
  18. No joke? This is actually a thing? Well then, corès Furrante!
  19. This to me sounds like depression. In my honest opinion, you should definitely see a professional about this - now matter how apathetic or skeptical you may feel.
  20. Ok, if you think we are missing dwarves, I'll post more. Some of them were probably posted here before, but this is already the third thread and we are not even counting the one(s?) from PoE1. Cheers! Both collections are amazing. Also thank you for the watercolors!
  21. I count 93 completed quests in my playthrough. And again, I skipped some. But I guess “low number” is relative. I feel like I’m understanding Josh’s recent presentation more the last couple of days. All some people want are dungeon crawlers. Out of curiosity, what presentation are you referring to?
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