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Everything posted by Maedhros

  1. Agreed! ! !
  2. Liverpool Football Club.
  3. Goldeneye 64 Morrowind Warcraft III + Frozen Throne Honourable mentions to the Zelda and the Metal Gear Solid series! )
  4. The Metal Gear Solid games, definitely. The Morrowind theme song is also pretty cool.
  5. Sure it does. Very nice!
  6. Add Perfect Dark Zero by Rareware on that list.
  7. Missing Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on that list. >.< Best console first person shooters by far, Halo doesn't even come close.
  8. Give ring to Fargoth, go to the shop. Sell everything you've got, except the lock pick. Buy Claymore and some armor. Go to the lighthouse and kill woman, steal book and lockpick chest for a valuable sword/axe - can't remember. Go back to shop, sell book and valuable sword. Then go to Balmora and give letter to Caius Crassius or whatever he's called. Something like that. Sometimes I feel I'm the only one in the world who actually likes Morrowind. ^^;
  9. Gratulerer med dagen!
  10. The 3 books in the A Song of Ice and Fire series are by far the best fantasy novels released the last years. Don't like all that Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance stuff..they're all the same in my eyes.
  11. Not bad, not bad at all.
  12. Admiral Ackbar over those two any day. :D
  13. That's right. As for the controller discussion...The ps2's analogue stick is a joke. X-box controller Small for the win!
  14. The graphic difference isn't all that big actually. Snake Eater, like ShadowPaladin said is a perfect example of that. Gran Turismo 4 is also better looking than any driving game on x-box. Voted X-box though because it has all the ps2 games I like (With the exception of Snake Eater) as well as great games such as Halo, Ninja Gaiden and the Kotor games.
  15. Nice how the last episode ends exactly where episode 3 begins.
  16. The x-box controller is an essential part of KOTOR, I think it would be strange playing it without it. :D
  17. This review pretty much sums up my thoughts about MGS3: http://www.entdepot.com/ps2/metalgearsolid3/review.php
  18. The ESB theme is awesome...the one that plays in the end of the movie that is.
  19. She's also in the first two Metal Gear Solid games.
  20. Been listening a lot to game soundtracks lately: Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 and 3. - The MGS Main Theme is one of the coolest songs in a game ever. Kotor 1 & 2 Morrowind Also been listening to Mark Knopfler.
  21. Hideo Kojima (The director and writer) does have a weird sense of humour, that's for sure. :D
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