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Everything posted by Maedhros

  1. The Yardbirds - Dazed and Confused
  2. Death Note anyone? Definitely the best show this season. Everyone should also do themselves a favour and watch Monster. Mushishi and Twelve Kingdoms are also very good.
  3. http://nwn2forums.bioware.com/forums/viewt...forum=116&sp=45 There's a fix somewhere in that thread. Worked for me.
  4. Gah, can't even start the game. Kinda frustrating. "Original disc could not be found or authenticated."
  5. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Who'll Stop The Rain
  6. It's nearly unplayable on my computer, which played Oblivion on medium-high settings.
  7. Pokemon Blue/Red remake with a 3D engine would be neat. =)
  8. Just pre-ordered the Chaotic Evil one. What we get in Norway: One dark figurine CD with Bonus in-game artwork + in-game music Evil like customized launch interface Cloth-map of the world Leaflet depicting several evil characters /stories from the game Art-book NWN 1 1+ add on 2 on a specific exclusive qualitative media (gold, silver, crystal)
  9. Pink Floyd - Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict
  10. Yeah sorry, assumed that by Premiership you meant the top division. (Which of course Liverpool has won the most times).
  11. Wasn't this just a friendly match? Friendly matches means nothing. Not that I mind seeing Chelsea losing.
  12. *CoughLiverpoolcough* "
  13. Motherboard: MSI K8N Neo4 series CPU: AMD3500+ Venice GFX: GeForce 6600GT 128MB version RAM: 2X512 MB HDD: 320(WD) + 250GB(Maxtor) Keyboard: Logitech PS/2 Mouse: MX518 My next upgrade will be to buy a new gfx card I guess. Another gig with ram wouldn't hurt either.
  14. Pikmin! It's not very long but really fun while it lasts. For good multiplayer fun you can't go wrong with SSBM and Mario Kart/Tennis/Football/Party/Etc
  15. Wasn't Battletoads for SNES?
  16. Liverpool
  17. Custom games on Battle.net for Warcraft III: TFT, mostly Dota. Good fun.
  18. "I believe this was a misquote. We haven't announced any specific development plans beyond the upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft, and we don't have any intentions to focus on only one genre or platform with our future games. " "Nothing in that rumor is true in regards to Blizzard. If I had to guess, there was some confusion between what Vivendi has planned for its its game division versus what Blizzard has planned. While Blizzard is owned by Vivendi, their game division operates seperately from Blizzard. " Source
  19. Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
  20. Pink Floyd - Brain Damage
  21. 006 Alec Trevelyan from GoldenEye 64 was cool. Sean Bean. Voted Snake, but I like his "father" better.
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