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Everything posted by Maedhros

  1. Hideo Kojima (The director and writer) does have a weird sense of humour, that's for sure. :D
  2. "A strangely recurring theme is that every single boss in the series with the exception of two will explode violently when they die. The reasons for this are unknown, so it is added to the large list of "WHY HIDEO?! WHYYYY!?" questions." With the exception of all bosses except the Cobras you mean. (More than two ..) The cobras explode so they can't give the enemy any information. Major Zero tells you this after the fight vs The Fear.
  3. One of the best games I've ever played. I liked it more than Sons of Liberty, but the first one is still my favorite. Kuwabara, kuwabara!
  4. Listening to the Metal Gear Solid 3 soundtrack at the moment. Harry Gregson-Williams rocks.
  5. Let's see.. Romance of Three Kingdoms - Can be downloaded at http://www.threekingdoms.com/ The Wheel of Time - Liked the first 6 books very much, the rest are not as good. A Song of Ice and Fire - Best fantasy books by FAR. Dune Chronicles - Especially book 4, Leto II rocks! :cool: Tolkien's books about Middle-Earth - Especially Silmarillion.
  6. Yeah, some guys at Pixar made that one. You can find the real one in the milleniumfalcon forums.
  7. You can't really compare x-box ram to pc-ram, the x-box requires much less ram the the pc.
  8. It's a fun game, but nothing extra-ordinary. I'd give it a 6/10..or maybe a 7/10, since Jennifer Hale is one of the voiceactors in it.
  9. Yoda and Obi-Wan.
  10. 1. Goldeneye 64 2. Perfect Dark 64 3. Star Wars Kotor 2 3. Star Wars Kotor 4. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind ( :D ) 5. Metal Gear Solid 6. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 7. Warcraft III 8. Metal Gear Solid 2 9. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's mask 10. Conker's bad fur Day I'm relatively new to PC-gaming, so I haven't played all those crpg's yet.. (Fallout, Baldur's gate etc)
  11. I liked Nar Shadaa the most. Lots of quests and npc's = fun. Korriban is the opposite of this. Lack of npc's and quests made this the most boring planet imo.
  12. Just do every quest you can think of, and eventually he'll contact you.
  13. Well, since N64 was my first console it will have to be the 64-bit period. Some of my favorite games were: Goldeneye (Best 3d console multiplayer game ever?) Perfect Dark (In many ways a better game than Goldeneye.) Donkey Kong 64 (Remember the intro?) Super Mario 64 (Best 3d platform game ever, no doubt.) Banjo Kazooie Turok Diddy Kong Racing Mario Kart (Another contestant for best console multiplayer game ever.) Conker's bad fur day Ocarina of Time (Probably the game that has won the most "best game ever" awards.) Zelda: Majora's mask Mario Tennis Metal Gear Solid for the playstation was pretty awesome too.
  14. Perfect Dark 64. Was looking forward to that one for some time, I remember it kept getting delayed and delayed..so typical Rareware. But it didn't dissapoint.
  15. Yep! Both Kotor games are actually in my top 10 games list. 1. Goldeneye 64 2. Perfect Dark 64 3. Star Wars Kotor 2 3. Star Wars Kotor 4. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Don't shoot me.) 5. Warcraft III + TFT 6. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 7. Metal Gear Solid 8. Metal Gear Solid 2 9. Championship Manager 99/00 10. Conker's bad fur Day
  16. As long as there is a Mon Calamari (Preferably one of Admiral Ackbar's ancestors) I'll be happy.
  17. Actually yeah. Played a long game a couple of weeks ago vs an UD on Plunder Isle who went Wyrms. I went Mountain Giants and Dryads and it actually worked pretty well. I ultimately lost though, because I never got enough money to rebuild my expo in the upper left corner after my other two mines were dried out. But it should be fully possible to defeat Wyrms as a NE player. As you probably know dryads are immune to magic damage so they won't take damage from wyrms, and with the Warden as a semi-tanker to finish off the fiends with Fan of Knives and Shadowstrike it shouldn't be a problem if you micro well. Producing 1 bear to get 25% more attack also helps a lot, as well as having healing and armor scrolls on your hero. And the Panda is a must as second hero on tavern maps.
  18. My point was only that there is no "ONE UNIT TO RULE THEM ALL" like Dranoel said.
  19. No you won't. Have you even watched the best players play? Personally I watch about 10-15 gosu-games a day so I think I know what I'm talking 'bout.
  20. There is a counter to everything. Human has tanks and gyrocopters, orc has bats and raiders, undead has gargoyles and fiends and Nelf has Hippogryphs, all these units are a strong counter to air.
  21. In defense of Warcraft: Saying that each race has only one or two winning "strategies" is just wrong. I play the race which is known to have least strategies (Human), and I know at least 10 strategies for each matchup, that would work pretty well. It's true that the game used to be imbalanced in the earlier patches, but since 1.15 the game has been really balanced. Just nerf Nelf some and it'll be fine.. As to Starcraft...I never really got into it because I played it after I had player War3. Looking forward to Starcraft 2 though, hope they add heroes just to annoy Starcraft fans. "
  22. Where did you find it? It lacked hummable songs, in my opinion. But then again, so did the first one..
  23. Can someone just tell us what happens in the movie? I've already played through the game 4 times and I'm having a break now.
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