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Everything posted by Maedhros

  1. Some really nice suggestions here, Gary Oldman or Hugo Weaving as Malak would rock. Christian Bale as Revan might've worked too. Kurt Russel as Canderous is a must. I'd also like to see Sean Bean, my favorite actor, in a Kotor movie.
  2. I had over 20 repair/computer skill and full influence with him, yet he never showed me a movie, why?!
  3. Dantooine was fun! Except fighting those bloody dogs, hate them.
  4. Which planet in Kotor II was your favorite? Personally I really liked Nar Shadaa, Kotor II's equalent (Or however you spell that) of Taris, only with even more missions! Also the planet where you get Mira. Least favorite was probably Korriban, so...empty. Oh, and Malachor 5. <_<
  5. The games I'm looking forward to this year are: The Legend of Zelda (Goty, I bet.)) Jade Empire Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion Dynasty Warriors 5 AOE 3 Heroes of Might and Magic 5 Metal Gear Solid 3 Gran Turismo 4 Conker: Live and Reloaded Timesplitters 3
  6. - Lighting of the beacons (Loved the music in that scene) - "All you have to decide, is what to do with the time that is given to you." - "The Eagles are coming!" - Theoden's speech - The Argonath - Council of Elrond - Moria, the Balrog There are too many to mention. Truly a wonderful triology!
  7. James Bond: The World is not Enough on the N64. Curse you, EA!
  8. Seriously, Plo Koon?
  9. Kotor is better than Kotor 2, in the same way Goldeneye 64 is better than Perfect Dark, and in the same way Fellowship of the Ring is better than Return of the King. First time is always the best.
  10. Have you killed all the Gamorrians?
  11. Never quite understood why people want games to be difficult. Difficult games are frustrating. If you've played Ninja Gaiden on X-box you know what I mean.
  12. Just to the hit & run tactic, go in kill some droids, run back regenerate hp then go back again etc. Good luck!
  13. And you can find the 'Shutdown' program in the room you rescued the Exile, if you haven't found it. (In the computer there.)
  14. Have you rescued The Exile? That should be your first prioroty, after you get him/her beating the GATO machines shouldn't be a problem. (The shutdown program which is needed to open the dock hatch is in the same room you rescue him.)
  15. Easier than Kotor 1, and that says a lot.
  16. I don't think your savefiles was deleted, press X at the Loadgame menu to bring them up again. There are different menus for each character you play with. And I agree with just about everything you say, except about the ending, I kinda liked it, makes me want to play Kotor III more.
  17. I think he's talking about the T3 black screen bug. For some reason I always avoid that bug when I have the shield equipped, maybe you should try that?
  18. Well, there is one theme from the old movies that could be used in the Kotor games: Jedi/Luke/Force (Don't really know what it's called..) theme should be used a lot more, it's the best piece of music in the Star Wars movies, imo. They didn't use it in the first game either, except in the intro movie. Obsidian should use it because it is the song in Star Wars which symbolizes The light side of the force, and 3 seconds of it isn't enough.
  19. Your pathetic.... go flame elsewhere i was asking for opinions, not PC users that havent played and whiny little bitches such as yourself <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought you wanted to know how the romances were like in the game. Which has already been talked about in other threads. Sorry for misunderstanding you. Can you forgive me? (PC user, huh? I've finished the game twice, I tell you!)
  20. I wasn't talking to you.
  21. Maybe you should read the romance threads then? Locked. (Did it work?)
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