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Everything posted by Maedhros

  1. Pretty much anything David Simon touches turns to gold. The Wire, Homicide (based on his book), Generation Kill, Treme, The Corner...all very good.
  2. 1. The Wire - Utterly superior to everything else. Authentic like no other show, with both incredible entertainment value and interesting social commentary going on. Probably the best casting in a tv-show ever - The guys that play Omar, Stringer-Bell, Rawls, Lt. Daniels etc, and of course The Bunk comes to mind. 2. Twin Peaks - This is one of those unique tv-shows you really have to watch to understand what it's about. Charming, mysterious, hilariously scary at random times, while having a sort of soap-opera feel to it. 3. The Sopranos - The second best HBO-show. Fantastic accomplishment in tv. 4. Deadwood - Unfairly overlooked tv-show. Al Swearengen is possibly the best character ever on television. 5. Band of Brothers 6. Oz 7. Breaking Bad
  3. Been playing a lot of Dota 2 lately. Very fun competetive game to play with friends, and it feels pretty much just like the first one. Tried Dishonored for 20 minutes or so, and I'll probably never play it again - as with most games I buy these days, sadly.
  4. In terms of music for games I don't think there are many better composers than Paul Anthony Romero (Heroes of Might & Magic series). Apparently he also made the theme song for Storm of Zehir. :0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJAfIpAzaPE&
  5. As a Norwegian, I find this thread a bit sad. Most people over here don't mind this appointment at all (except random village idiots and Breivik). She's a born-and-raised Norwegian. She'll be judged on her actions as Minister of Culture, not on her ethnicity or religious beliefs. Also, all the right-wing opponents of the Social Democrats have applauded this move. There really is no controversy here. From what I've heard, she's a very talented hard-working politician, liked by all.
  6. I loved the scenery and the sense of mystery in the prologue. It all went downhill from there. Could've been so much better, and frankly it's astounding that Ridley Scott didn't at least see at least some of the flaws with the movie. Also, Michael Fassbender is a great actor. Him and Tom Hardy are truly two to look out for.
  7. Watched Warrior. Was nice to watch a movie about a fighting sport that isn't boxing for once. Tom Hardy and Nick Nolte were brilliant, as were the fighting scenes. 8/10
  8. I just dropped by to say I know nothing about icehockey, but that Mads Zuccarello Aasen should be promoted to New York Rangers from their farmerteam. Clearly his Norwegian talents are needed! (Seriously though, is he good enough to play for them? Heard he's done really well in the AHL league.)
  9. Anyone know how to add subtitles to the PC-version? Edit: Nevermind, silly me, figured how to do it 1 minute after asking. : ] Game seems promising so far! Skyrim is a lot more interesting than Cyrodiil for sure!
  10. On a side note, SCII is absolutely amazing to follow as an esports-game. I find watching the big tournaments on quality streams to be more fun than playing the game itself.
  11. Yeah good point. We'll just have to wait and see. Latest news is that 9-10 are dead on the island, and that there might have been more than one shooter. Picture of the island where the shooting happened:
  12. It seems very likely that some Islami terrorgroup is behind this. We've gotten threats from "them" before for reasons already mentioned, plus we posted the danish Muhammed-pictures in our newspapers as well. There are no groups of "home grown loonies", as Gorgon put it, capable of something like this in Norway.
  13. Tyrion sees a lot of large-scale combat, as do Jon and Dany. Other individual fights include Jon v. Quorin (as well as his training yard scenes), Bronn v. Lysa's champion, and a couple of instances involving Brienne. oooh that reminds me - Bronn should be turning up soon in the show ^_^ He turned up in the last episode. The guy who offered Tyrion his bed was him.
  14. Slightly related, and kinda funny in a sad way: http://de1.eu.apcdn.com/full/39128.jpg
  15. HoMM 3 - still play it from time to time. Never gets old really.
  16. Watched some of the Oscar-nominees, namely True Grit, 127 Hours and Black Swan. Three good movies by some of the best directors in the buisness. Black Swan especially was great - everything worked for me. Possibly Aronofsky's best movie yet. All three of 'em have great endings with some fantastic music accompagning it, strongly recommended!
  17. http://www.thekingoflimbs.com/ New Radiohead album out this saturday! Would be beyond awesome if they managed to make an album on the same level as OK Computer and Kid A again.
  18. They practise A LOT more. 7-9 hours per day. At least that's the way it was in WC3.
  19. Have you read the book? I really liked the first two episodes, the castings of Tom Builder and Waleran especially were exellent.
  20. It was unintentional, but intentional in the sense that he didn't have the arm "attached" to his body. If his arm had been attached to his body it would've been completely legal.
  21. You sure it was unfair? Kewell illegally prevented a goal-scoring opportunity in the penalty area. Going by the rules, that's a penalty and a red card, intentional handball or not. The unintentional handball rule only applies in situations where there is no goal-scoring opportunity for the opposing team.
  22. Haha, same here! Watching a good WC3 replay is almost as fun as watching a good movie. Speaking of which, this one is a gem.
  23. Their new album, Embryonic, is amazing, one of their best. Can't go wrong with The Soft Bulletin, Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots and At War With the Mystics either. As for similar bands. Maybe Yeasayer? Pink Floyd is similar in some ways as well, especially some of their early albums.
  24. Been listening a lot to Fleet Foxes lately. Not sure why I didn't pay any attention to them until recently, after all the positive reviews they got in 08. My favourite song from their self-titled album: Really been in an indie/alt-mood this year, after discovering great bands like Animal Collective, Grizzly Bear, Yeasayer, Wilco and Bat for Lashes.
  25. Maedhros


    I haven't read it yet, but Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell by Susanna Clarke is supposedly very good. Gaiman himself called it "the finest English novel of the fantastic written in the last seventy years".
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