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Everything posted by Maedhros

  1. The entire escape sequence for instance. I can already see the "Fin and Poe dicking around in space" comedy-spinoff. And yes, maybe I'm a bit too cynical and jaded and exaggerate that out of proportion, but there *were* comedy elements to Finn's character in the beginning of the film that annoyed me to no end. I thought that was one of the best scenes in the film. Loved how happy they were for each other haha, it felt like "true Star Wars", the same energetic fun you got from the old films at times.
  2. I rather liked that the villain wasn't an all powerful badass like Vader/Maul etc. Made him more interesting.
  3. Saw it earlier today. I'll not spoil anything, except to say that it's better than the prequels.
  4. Finished Life is Weird. It's not without flaws, but all-in-all actually one of my best gaming experiences this year.
  5. It seems like Starcraft, Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2 is getting some much needed modernization at least: http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/company/careers/posting.html?id=15000XZ
  6. 2012 Anthill Farms Pinot Noir, Demuth Vineyard (Anderson Valley). Anthill Farms continues to impress me. Wish I bought more of it when I had the chance (not too easy to get a hold of in Norway). Definitely my favorite American wine producer. Terrible wax-seal solution around the cork though, got lots in the wine that I had to filter out.
  7. Makes sense to introduce Thrall early on if they're gonna make sequels. As for the trailer, it all seems kinda boring doesn't it? Doesn't look completely terrible...but at the same time I'm not really feeling any hype.
  8. I think I'm slightly in love with Daisy Ridley already. Love her facial expressions haha. Hopefully this won't suck.
  9. Looks like they're trying to capture the "Warcraft look", instead of going gritty and realistic. I like it, I think.
  10. Wild theory time: * The villain of this film is Luke's first student and nephew, and the reason why Luke dissappeared into exile. * The dark haired girl who seems to be the main character, is the (twin?) sister of Adam Driver's character (red lightsaber guy), and they are the children of Han Solo and Leia. Note how their weapons line up perfectly in the poster. * Luke will return from exile at some point, after his nephew goes out of control. Luke will never turn to the dark side, that would be too cheap after the ending of episode 6.
  11. Best thing in the film was clearly the Lord of the Rings reference though, with Sean Bean explaining it!
  12. TI5 prizepool now at 18 million dollars...pretty insane. Main event starts in 2 hours.
  13. From the same site: http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/20-examples-bernie-sanders-powerful-record-civil-and-human-rights-1950s I like this guy.
  14. God some you guys are a bunch of sad scaremongers.
  15. Pretty interesting reading, about Iran's youth: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/b110ec2e-04b0-11e5-95ad-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3g3Uc3500
  16. It's not like there are any truly mature fantasy games out there. No idea why it seems to be such an issue for some guys here. (Unless you hate fantasy rpg's in general - which wouldn't make much sense considering you're here).
  17. New Diablo tunes for Heroes of the Storm patch, apparently there are some remakes of Diablo 1 & 2 songs in it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwkgdNY3AXU&list=PLA7qt10I5gzC2OQXXgq1fmwUOnl6HMahj
  18. TW3 is the best RPG in years. It's also much better than Witcher 1 & 2, neither of which I managed to play all the way through. I think with the second one I held out for an hour or so. Much of the criticism towards TW3 in this thread is definitely more relevant for the first two games, and it's sort of sad that many won't experience TW3 because they didn't like the previous games in the series.
  19. Age of Ultron - So many millions gone to waste. Better than the transformer sequels, but still kinda in the same vein. Too many characters, too little character development. 5/10 Mad Max - Best action film in years. Fantastic visuals, simple and solid script, good acting - all over a very good film. 8,5/10 It Follows - Loved the creepy retro-atmosphere, I was fully immersed and enjoying the film up until a certain scene I won't spoil. It's an interesting film, but not as good as many reviewers would have you believe. 6/10 Jurrasic World - Decent cinema experience. Didn't like how they used the classic Jurrasic Park theme songs in moments that didn't really evoke any feelings (kind of random complaint, I know). I wish there were more "dinosaur moments", like the one with the triceratop in JP. Also, many of the characters could've used some changes (the bad guy, the rich guy and the brothers comes to mind in particular), but all in all it was better than the trailers suggested. 6/10 Ex Machina - Oscar Isaac is fast becoming one of my favorite actors, and Alicia Wikander is always great (loved her in A Royal Affair). Could definitely see it getting some oscar nominations. 8/10 Also, not a film, but watched a miniseries named Wolf Hall recently. Strongly recommended.
  20. What laws are you refering to? And your complaint doesn't make much sense. All I see is Breivik whining about being in isolation (which is for his own good, the other prisoners would kill him), and the prison giving zero ****s. If we actually gave him what he wanted I'd agree with you.
  21. Looks good, but man modern trailers sure don't care about spoilers.
  22. B00bies or not, The Witcher 3 is superior to Dragon Age Inquisition. More interesting world, better combat (neither is perfect here though), much better quests...yeah. Not even close.
  23. Do you guys play it with mouse/keyboard or a gamepad? I switched to a 360 for Windows gamepad, and I'm surprised to say it actually feels a lot better now. As for the game..it's fantastic. Like you guys say, the sidequests are so well done. Almost considering buying a new graphics card just to play it on ultra.
  24. I got money back for GTA V and Red Alert 3. Bought GTA in April, and RA3 in march. So the 2 weeks thing is definitely not set in stone.
  25. Liking what I'm hearing from Bernie Sanders. H. Clinton is so yawn.
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