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Everything posted by Maedhros

  1. My country is largely atheist/agnostic, but pretty much all of us celebrate christmas. I don't really see the need for a "war on christmas"! Merry christmas!
  2. Yeah I did not like how "Marvel" it felt like in terms of humour. I like funny creatures doing their things though, that's definitely Star Wars. Didn't mind the porgs or the custodians.
  3. I believe most feminists WANT women to be able to join the army on equal terms with men. You paint war as a negative thing, and I agree, but the deal here is more a case of "another thing men are allowed to, while women aren't regarded as capable enough". "Feminism" simply wants equal opportunities.
  4. Still playing my "chill after work" games like Football Manager 2018, Crusader Kings 2 (now with new DLC) and Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI. Kind of wish I was younger and had the energy to become truly good at Dota 2. It's my favorite game, but when I'm tired after work it's not really what appeals to me.
  5. You're talking about a bad government though. I think most people here agree on the part about sending children to fight in ridiculous wars. I like my government. Of course the Norwegian perspective is very different to the American, but I believe the idea that everyone pays money to support each other, and that people who earn more pays more is perfectly logical. I love living in a society where rich and poor pretty much have all the same possibilities, everyone can realistically get a higher education, having a major injury or healthcare problem won't ruin you financially, it's a system where everyone guarantees safety and security for everyone - and therefore you get a truer form of the American dream. Everyone truly has a chance to be what they want, and along the way you realize you're in it together - which creates a better society than one where everyone is in it for himself (or only his close family).
  6. Well, now it makes sense why the rights were sold. Christopher Tolkien was pretty big on not commercialising Middle-earth.
  7. *shudder* literary equivalent o' being forced to chew aluminum foil. HA! Good Fun! Haha, have you read it? If so, what's not to like? It's got everything that GoT has, except on a far larger scale. War, politics, betrayals....even incest! There is much potential in a story like 'The Children of Hurin'. Admittably, I've been a huge Tolkien fan since I was 13 - I totally get why it isn't for everyone.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ei11WhPCDI
  9. I wonder if they got the rights to The Silmarillion. Some great stories in that one.
  10. Has it though? To be annoyingly optimist: The world as a whole is probably better than it has ever been: http://nordic.businessinsider.com/the-world-is-better-than-ever-charts-2017-1
  11. Gabbard seems more sensible than most politicians (from what I've read).
  12. Norwegian metal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il_qQ89BRtU (I don't listen to this stuff unless I'm really drunk)
  13. Just by looking at the presidents (and the candidates) you have and have had over there it's pretty obvious why people distrust the government. I cannot for the life of me understand why in a huge country with so many talented people there aren't any better alternatives?
  14. The War On Drugs - Holding On Quickly becoming my favorite american band. Feels both fresh and familiar at the same time. Also, most feelgood music video I've seen in a while. (Also, how do I properly link youtube videos? Edit: Thanks!)
  15. I definitely want to travel to Poland. It's pretty much the cheapest country to travel to from Norway. There's a saying here that going to Poland for a weekend actually saves you money. Also, Krakow seems like a nice city.
  16. I watched that back when it was released in Norwegian earlier this year. It's really funny, if you like dry humour
  17. It annoys me that all the super-intelligent people in the books are so useless now in the tv series. Varys, Littlefinger and Tyrion especially. The show-writers don't know how to use them.
  18. @Volourn I'm happy with strict seat belt laws. It's literally saving lives. Not wearing seatbelt is the douchiest thing ever, because you're a human projectile waiting to happen if there's a crash. In other news: transcripts of Trump's calls with Mexico and Australia - https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/politics/australia-mexico-transcripts/?utm_term=.bf152cf606db
  19. He's probably thinking of Michael Douglas. Antman was kind of dull and uninteresting, Paul Rudd can't really carry a film as the main lead. Liked him in Civil War though.
  20. Wonder Woman was alright, a first for DC in a long time. I think this one suceeds because Gal Gadot is a great lead, and the story is tighter than the previous DC films. It's still pretty average as far as superhero movies go - nothing new to see here.
  21. Charming: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2017/06/08/saudi-arabia-football-team-fail-line-minutes-silence-honour/ Edit: Ah nvm was posted above.
  22. Bad acting IS Twin Peaks dude!
  23. Twin Peaks season 3....what a great return. Feels more like David Lynch's newer films than old Twin peaks, but that's alright. Also liking American Gods and what I've seen of Master of None s2 so far. So much good tv these days.
  24. Alien: Covenant was a dissapointment. For all its flaws, Prometheus is ten times as memorable.
  25. Mads Mikkelsen as Geralt definitely. Great actor, plus actually looks like him.
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