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Everything posted by Mazisky

  1. You can still watch full playthroughs on youtube and imagine you're playing, would be the same
  2. Even if only a Hack n slash and not a Rpg, i remember Sacred did an awesome job on drawing a 2d fantasy open world.
  3. They don't exclude each other and they can be true at the same time. Making easy mode easier and hard mode harder would benefit both
  4. LoL, the way Shades spawn in that Lighthouse is so sly that it deserves a sly solution. Well done
  5. "Combat E" and "Combat D" are the best combat tracks, could listen to them forever. Others are good too but Combat "C" suffers by having a strong intro that is not viable for a 5\6 times loop repetition while in combat and can be really annoying cause of that (in a old thread a user complained about that track and i'm pretty sure this was the issue, not the track itself). I edited the Combat C track by erasing the intro and by putting a fade in at start, so that repetitions feel smoother; unfortunately i've got no audio\editing knowledge to do better. The way how "Combat D" repeats is absolutely perfect, imho.
  6. He's trolling, so obvious. Those kind of threads don't help to get better balance in the future, tho
  7. Hey dude, put on glasses, you're in front of a microwave oven; personal computer is on the other room
  8. Yep, you'right. I'll post feedback after 30 hours (min) on PoD
  9. I'm not a Rpg veteran, otherwise would be even easier. I'll wait the next patch and i'll restart on PotD even if i don't like hardcore modes ( i just wanna normal challenge, not frustrating one)
  10. Unfortunately i noticed i have no stats bug, my Eder lvl 9 has about 80 Def and my main Chanter has 85 (i maxed CON at start and he has many def items), so i guess it's correct. People saying the game is challenging, are you sure that you don't select all characters and just click on enemies? Every character has skills and spells that can be used in fight, check it out. Also, characters like Aloth should stay far from the fight and not go tanking in melee with no armor and a dagger. Also, the green\red circles around characters are not quick time event markers and you can pause the game with spacebar
  11. You're joking but i won't be surprised if people would REALLY complain about this without realizing
  12. So switch on Expert Mode (or any of its components individually), or play with a smaller party, or do any of the other things I listed plus others besides to tune the difficulty for you. I never understand people who say this. What's the point of making the game more difficult by handicapping yourself? The game on hard should be difficult due to the rules laid down by the game itself! Dude, seriously. If you find the game too easy, try to play by pressing mouse buttons with the nose and keyboard ones with the chin before complaininng. If it is still easy, try to crush your monitor before playing, so that you have a kinda glass-web on screen who makes visuals unclear. If you are still unhappy, cut your arms with an electric saw and try to play with the forearm bones, trying to rush till endgame before you die cause of blood misses. This is how some players think you should fix the issue instead of asking for balance patches.
  13. Srsly Mazisky if you can't find a way to set up the game with a difficulty level suitable for your preferences, either you're the greatest cRPG god of all time or you're just not even trying. Or maybe there is too umbalanced gap between Hard mode and PoD and i know, as a mature person, that criticising the weakest points of the game it is necessary for having a better\refined product in the future. (fanboys will never understand that their behaviours are only counter-productive, but i don't expect them to be more than 12 years old, so i can understand) Btw, people like you will never understand so... ...it's ok. Everything's balanced and perfect! Can close thread.
  14. I'm looking forward to hearing from you when you've got the Triple Crown achievement. (Path of the Damned, Trial of Iron, solo.) I just wanna a decent challenging experience, not an hardcore one. Hard is too easy and triple crown is hardcore. There is an "average world" in between
  15. Problem is that people who find "normal"or "hard" too hard can easily switch to "normal" or "easy" while in game. People who find "hard" too easy, can't switch anything.
  16. Wtf, probably as a watcher you're reviving the old flood through one of the soldier's soul.
  17. Challenging but not frustrating should be the definition for "normal" mode.
  18. 1 - New environments (desert, snow, swamp) 2 - Unique horror places (Haunted manor, witch lair, etc) 3 - Stronghold improvements (add depth to the system) 4 - Missing Companions (Rogue, Barb and Monk). 5 - Higher level cap and critical path balance (raise enemy levels according to this)
  19. Backer npcs at least are lore related. The real problem are the tombstones.
  20. I'm on act 3 and one thing i loved and i didn't find for example in Baldur's Gate are the horror parts. Caed Nua, the lighthouse, Heritage hill, Sanitarium, all those places have such a creepy mood that is uncommon for an rpg. I hope expansion\sequels will have similar parts too!! I suggest for an expansion an area with a huge haunted manor : - ))))) PS: Justin's music helped a lot to emphatize those places
  21. Only 2 combat musics out of 5 total are Baldur's Gate inspired, the other 3 sounds pretty new to me! And btw, both Caed Nua tracks (the one when it's haunted, and the one when it's clean) are awesome: the first is damn creepy while the second feels like a safe place, perfect!!!!
  22. Agreed, the music is really good and set the mood perfectly for every moment : - )
  23. 1 - i noticed sometimes the ambient effects don't trigger at all (completely missing, u can hear only main party footsteps) and doing again a transition (interior\exterior) seems to trigger them properly. 2 -Some interior music doesn't trigger properly; for example, if i go inside the lighthouse from Ondra's Gift, the Ondra's Gift theme will continue playing instead of the correct one (should be the "sanitarium.ogg" if i remember well). When inside, the only way to trigger the proper music is by reloading a savegame (located inside the lighthouse). -Same issue with the sanitarium itself: If you go inside, the brackenbury music will continue playing, and even if you switch floor, the music don't trigger. Useful information about this issue is that in both cases, a quest was active. Also, the ogg file is the same, so maybe it is something related to it. Both Sanitarium and lighthouse are scary places with a strong mood, so i think it is very important that the correct theme is triggered, otherwise the atmosphere is broken (not so good going into a haunted place with the dreamy city music instead of the correct, scary one.) 3-the unsummon creature effect (es: chanter skeletons) has a higher volume than normal. 4-Both Cad Nua and Dyrford village themes trigger on every interior\exterior transition, and this can be annoying,
  24. I'm not sure but it seems that reloading an earlier savegame (where the problem didn't exist yet) then reloading again your actual game seems to fix the issue. You can give it a try
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