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Everything posted by Mazisky

  1. From what I seen there are allready very few people around the city. After the living city at Divinity: Origin Sin. My expectations have risen aswell. Divinity Original Sin doesn't have any cycle tho, and this was a major disappointment considering that the graphic engine can manage it pretty well.
  2. I really like day\night cycle in games; it adds a lot in terms of atmosphere, even if only aesthetic, so i'm really happy that POE will provide it. Would be interesting to know if there are some gameplay aspects related to it or if it's only a graphical touch (that i appreciate anyway.)
  3. The battle music from the last Pax Panel was pretty nice tbh. The only complain is that such theme was played in all three gameplay scenes showed, but i guess we'll have more battle themes on final release.
  4. So, FAST RECAP: -Patrollers -More NPC on screen -Crowd ambient noise -People sitting and drinking in taverns U can do it )
  5. So, dear devs, are u going to fix the "dead tables syndrome"? :-P We need to feel a real crowd on taverns, fill thoose chairs with people!!!! )
  6. Why? Don't u think that having lot of EMPTY tables\chairs looks just weird? Even in Baldur's gate we had people drinking and eating on tables or just sitting on some random chair
  7. Hi, here a little suggestion: i see that in taverns we have lot of empty tables, would be REALLY nice to add some npc who's sitting on tables while eating\drinking\whatever, cause it feels so weird and unnatural at the moment. Fill thoose tables with people, guys! i know u can do it! )
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