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Everything posted by Mazisky

  1. Someone can confirm this? i didn't play after the 2.0 patch, it would be very nice if this is true
  2. They couldn't because they needed to ride the nostalgia dollars for the Kickstarter. Now they don't. I don't think so. If they wanted they could 've gone with a random fps and get more dollars so i think there is a true passion about rpgs behind the making of
  3. If the aim is the most sales as possible, it was a better idea to make a different game, with less text and better graphic, i don't get it
  4. This was a product created (and crowfunded) for experienced rpg gamers. I'm fine with difficulty options (and no problem about story mode) but the fact the entire game difficulty balance is around "easy" is a bit contraditory considering what i wrote above. I didn't play after patch tho, maybe something changed
  5. I won't complain about the story mode feature because it's optional, but it's quite embarassing that people find the game hard when me, an average player, steamrolled the game on hard mode. If you want no-gameplay and follow the story only i guess it is better to switch on books I hope they balanced the difficulty so i can restart a full playtrough when part 2 will be released
  6. Hi, Aarik I've just done a test with 2.0.1 and the problem is still there for the Caed Nua and Dyrford Areas. Here my savegame folder https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3kwkr72vy61v73t/AABg-Nds0A0Ox30Nui0TT9w8a?dl=0 You can check by yourself by entering Caed Nua main hall and switching between interior and exterior or even between interior and 1st floor: music will re-trigger instead of continuing. Same for Dyrford (You go on interiors= music continues, you exit=music restart) For the second part unfortunately, actually i've no savegames with the Sanitarium and Lighthouse quests doable (all completed) so u won't be able to trigger the problem unless you find somewhere an earlier savegame in which you can join and play both quests (the Banshee and the Thaos one). Both Lighthouse and Sanitarium should trigger the "mus_dungeon_brackenbury_sanitarium.ogg" when you enter them once the quest is active, but the music won't trigger (still "town" music is playing) unless you save the game and reload directly from inside the place. It seems a little problem but those parts are really atmospheric (horror\thrilling style) and the "missing" trigger ruins a lot the atmosphere. I guess those are generic build problems and not related to savegames because other people i know are experiencing the same.
  7. I guess they just got confused by the exp name.
  8. Those kind of expansion are made specifically for starting an entire new playthrough rather than just continue from mid-end game.
  9. I hope Justin will give us some others new tracks with the 2nd part of the exp )
  10. I'm sorry, you're right. I guess the expansion release made me think more time has passed. Btw i care particularly about this because the soundtrack is absolutely beautiful and those little issues weaken it.
  11. Problem is still there. I've just bought the white march expansion cause i wanna do a new full playthrough but i guess i will wait until this "bug" will be fixed. I know it's a minor bug but it's there since the release, over one year is passed so please do something guys
  12. Examples: -Music triggers over and over on every area transition in Caed Nua or Dryford locations. Pretty annoying. (try to exit from Caed Nua interiors and then go again inside, do the same with Dyrford interiors). -Music don't trigger properly in the lighthouse or sanitarium when u have an active quest. (try entering Sanitarium and go basement or try entering lightouse, the music in the background will still be the "city" one and not the location one.) Only way to trigger proper music in this case is to reload a savegame when u're already inside those places. Is there a chance this will be fixed in the expansion?
  13. @sensuki do you give a chance to the fact they could\will improve the game after expansions or patches with tweaks\encounters balance and other stuff? Or are you guessing they will give us the same formula even with poe2?
  14. The game is not perfect but according to the review this would be a 1\10 rating, and it's clearly a butthurt review. However, nobody can't deny the major weak points (encounters, combat, xp balance, etc.), they have to be fixed because now, in his actual form, the game is such a waste of potential. I guess that next patches, expansions and sequels will choose if this game is a fail or a success
  15. This is the most viewed thread, devs should look at it and balance the game. Btw, i respect who says game is hard, i remember one thread of a guy saying even easy was too hard cause he wanted to play storydriven. This guy opinion, even if can sounds funny, must be respected. So I think there is a way to satisfy all the audience: Make easiest difficulties almost GODMODE where u can't really die and at the same time make harder difficulties ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to beat. Everybody happy, SO SIMPLE
  16. When i listen to that track (in the game audio folder) i imagine everytime a guy reading a sad letter to his woman, like he is on war and can't go back home, so much feeling
  17. THIS. Game base is great, with balance tweaks will be awesome
  18. People don't realize that Hard should be HARD (like the name says, and it is not) and PoD should be ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to beat. Actually Hard is Normal (but post act 2 it is EASY) while POD is quite hard at start and NORMAL mid\late. This is a completely balance mess and saying things like "try to avoid side content" or "last boss is difficult" doesn't change the fact at all, it is just a desperate try to deny that. I LIKE THE GAME like you all but let's try to be honest please. We have to be honest with criticism if we wanna the game to grow up better with patches and tweaks. Denying won't make the game better
  19. I think it would be nice to add aggro and add warriors spells and talents like taunts and similar with a limited duration in combat and a few uses for combat.
  20. I'm gonna call BS. Sorry. Unless you avoided all the side-encounters that were more challenging and/or overleveled like crazy, you didn't left click your way through the game on Hard. Why i should lie? i'm not even a good player, so it's even worse. Btw, i skipped whole Endless Path and Twin Elms. And forcing you to do Endless Path to have challenge while the other 80% of the game is easy, it is not a solution. I find claims like the one you made rather hard to believe as well. Only auto-attacking just doesn't seem like it would work in many fights. If you don't counter plague of insects with spells for instance one casting of it will usually kill your squishies for instance. I just let go Eder and my chanter (heavily armored) tanking the world then select all others 4 members and click on every enemy one by one. Plague of insects can't be tanked. It's aoe. Also shadows, shades, spectres, etc will just teleport to your back line and start wailing on your casters. And I didn't even mention dominate and charm attacks. Again, I just don't see how you could get through hard only auto-attacking in all but two fights, sorry. And it's not like Matt or I are arguing it isn't too easy much of the time, it's just that claims like your smack of hyperbole and that's not helpful. Shadows fight in the lighthouse was harder than normal, as i said. Charm attacks well, i remember only the shrooms doing that but this didn't change anything, still 3+ hitting one=melt. I don't remember plague of insetcs at all, dunno if i didn't notice it or never encountered, who throw this?
  21. I'm gonna call BS. Sorry. Unless you avoided all the side-encounters that were more challenging and/or overleveled like crazy, you didn't left click your way through the game on Hard. Why i should lie? i'm not even a good player, so it's even worse. Btw, i skipped whole Endless Path and Twin Elms. And forcing you to do Endless Path to have challenge while the other 80% of the game is easy, it is not a solution. I find claims like the one you made rather hard to believe as well. Only auto-attacking just doesn't seem like it would work in many fights. If you don't counter plague of insects with spells for instance one casting of it will usually kill your squishies for instance. I just let go Eder and my chanter (heavily armored) tanking the world then select all others 4 members and click on every enemy one by one. Few times i used Hiravias bouncing fireball who melts half hp of each enemy alone.
  22. I'm gonna call BS. Sorry. Unless you avoided all the side-encounters that were more challenging and/or overleveled like crazy, you didn't left click your way through the game on Hard. Why i should lie? i'm not even a good player, so it's even worse. Btw, i skipped whole Endless Path and Twin Elms. And forcing you to do Endless Path to have challenge while the other 80% of the game is easy, it is not a solution.
  23. The only challenging fights on hard were 2: Raedric and final boss. Others were just left click on enemies and wait. Clearly unbalanced. Ah, lighthouse was fun too, but easier than the Ruler and Thaos.
  24. Balance is more important than new content, cause adding content to an unbalanced game would be a global mess. Balance first, then content over a solid, balanced base.
  25. Thread title is "hard mode is too easy", i want hardest settings to be buffed only. I'm fine to normal\easy mode being easy, i won't complain if they will made those modes even easier. I think easy mode should be played with just left clicking on enemy while PoD should be almost impossible to beat, that's not the situation actually. Edit: sorry, i'm so dumb, i thought it was the "hard mode too easy" topic, apologize for that.
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