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Dark Moth

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Everything posted by Dark Moth

  1. I tend to disagree. While they attempted a deep storyline, it fell flat on its face because there really was no underlying theme or lesson or objective in the story. The only real thing I derived was that good or evil, your choices don't matter, which isn't true. That, and they portrayed the force as some manipulative being *cough*Kreia*cough* that enslaves life, another farse. As for the Revan thing, I hated that to because after that Revan felt less like YOUR character, and the 'falling to the darkside because he had to' theme is lame and utter BS, in my opinion. At least in K1, the story was ingenious in its simplicity, and their was a whole bunch of philosphy rooted in it, such as themes of redemption, forgiveness, and judgment. It was also, IMO, way more satisfying, particularly because you actually felt like you accomplished something, and the ending gave you more than just flying off in a little ship. In the words of Dufflover, it felt like you just coincidentally defeated the Sith while searching for the Jedi masters. In my own beliefs, Chris Avellone (and any other dev responsible for the story) deserves to be stoned in the streets....or to listen to Kreia talk for hours on end. " :D Wait...that might be too cruel.
  2. Bao-Dur: My arm? Let's just say I've learned to never feed a rancor with my hands. Exile: Why must I leave Visas behind? Kreia: Because only you must go there. Exile: Where? Why? Kreia: I'd tell you, but it seems the developers got lazy. Sion: Has anyone seen my skin lotion?
  3. I highly doubt it. Even with the HK storyline, the only real thing that would be different would be the end, and even then that wouldn't make up for the LAME storyline. Now, if they made a mod to make Kreia and GO-TO optional party members... (w00t)
  4. What did I hate? From K1: T3 (no personality) From K2: KREIA (die, you miserable back-stabbing old witch!!!), GO-TO (useless) From K1 and K2: Master Vrook. Gameplay-wise, I also hated the endless loading screenings and the party members falling behind sometimes. Now if you'll excuse me, I must throw flowers on the grave of my recently-deceased thread. :'(
  5. Well, I for one liked the romances in K1, and I'm sure a lot of people agree with me judging from my romance thread (recently locked) :angry: And I hope they improve them over the lame ones we got in K2. Another thing I'd like to see (forgive me if this has been mentioned) is real-time. I'd love to see the setting shift from night to day, and even changing weather to boot. It was a tad unrealistic to have it always be nighttime on Kashyyk and always daytime on Dantooine. I think that would add a lot to the overall feel of the game. And better yet, you'd have changing npc's appear depending on the time of day. Ex: you'd see different people during the day than night, and perhaps even different creatures if you're exploring a wilderness area.
  6. Figures. Right when my computer goes to hell, Aimo posts new pics. :angry: Oh well. Guess I've missed out on a lot. Superb work as always, Aimo. To quote the great Yoshimitsu: That was worthy of praise. (Tekken, SC2) No wonder you've built up a band of worshippers here. :D
  7. Hmm...interesting, Eddo. Actually, that might work if you wanted to add more realism to the game. One thing I would love to see is a dramatic reduction in loading screens. They were bad in K1 and got worse in K2. I would like to be able to go different places without having to pause in front of a loading screen often. And it can be done, many games do it already. A nice overhaul of the game engine and graphics would definitely help things. Crew-wise, I think they should keep he option to be able to convert people into Jedi or Sith, but dramatically rework the influence system. Although, I highly doubt Obsidian is doing K3. By the way,... Spaceballs is awesome.
  8. It took her a long time to post that last chapter. I thought it was just a two chapter story, but I guess I was wrong. Most of Helena L's stories are great. She, like me, shares a dislike of the K2 story. :D Have you looked at her latest KOTOR fic "Let your hair down"? It's also really good. If you want to read other good authors try Sith Lord Darth Revan, xInuyashaAngelx, and Tinuviel Andomiel among others.
  9. Ugh...until my computer's fixed I can't post often. (I know, you're all crushed) @Groinofdespair: Well, Bastila didn't lie to Revan and manipulate him in the sense that Kreia did. She only lied to him because she had to. She had a duty to do and she did it. As for her arrogance, she had grown arrogant because she too, was a strong Jedi and very important to the war. But to say she was like that at the end is absurd. As you talk to her, she lets down her barriers and becomes a loving, compassionate woman. In the end, she even says how she couldn't stand not being able to tell you your true identity, especially when she developed feelings for you.
  10. Aaargh! My computer's broke, so I haven't been able to post for a while. It's still broke, but I'm getting it fixed. I won't be able to post much until it's fixed. Anyway, excellent artwork, everyone. I'm working on a pic of my own, and will have it up when my pc is fixed.
  11. Hard to say. One of my favorites is seeing the tripod emerge from the ground and seeing it full-view for the first time. The part with martians vaporizing everyone was neat, too.
  12. Awesome, julianw. And as DL said, nothing wrong with the shading. (w00t) I wonder what she would look like if someone tried to draw her with long hair? I would, but I'm no artist. :">
  13. And to think she'll have to feed them as well... Then again, Baley could probably survive on his own spam. :D
  14. While Cruise isn't my favorite actor either, the film is an adaptation, so things are naturally going to be different. And at least it was a good adaptation, unlike the new The Time Machine or the new Planet of the Apes.
  15. KOTOR II: The well-drawn and cool-looking but in the end almost non-existant and pointless and truly disappointing Sith Lords
  16. Spoken like the truly ignorant. Yes, just leave because you have no idea what you're saying. Have you met any Israelis? The reason why a lot of people dislike them isn't because they're jewish, it's because they're so damned arrogant and full of themselves. Why would the rest of the world care about this US protectorate? You give the little critters guns, and they run around sniping children, levelling villages with their tanks. Your proteges are just as dumb as the "terrorists" they're fighting. The only difference is that they're better equipped. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Spoken like another one of the truly ignorant. Have you even been to Israel? If you haven't, then shut up. Your talk about them sniping children is completely false, and the only time they level villages is when they are actually fighting terrorists - you know, the ones who blow themselves up on buses and marketplaces? The ones who target civilians whether they be men, women, or children? The same ones who also danced in the streets when 9/11 happened? Yup, those are the ones. And unlike the terrorists they fight, they don't actually purposely target civilians. [Edit] I also, for one, have talked to Israelis (and they were far from arrogant) and people who have been to Israel and I actually pay attention to the news, so I can actually back up my statements.
  17. I really liked the film. :D I thought Spielberg did a great job, and it far exceeded my expectations. I really loved how he depicted the tripods, and is it just me, or does the sound they make sound a little like the ship from Close Encounters of the Third Kind? And they were super-ominous. One of my favorite scenes was where you see the tripod in full view for the first time. (w00t) The special effects were intense, yet they weren't the only part of the movie that was good. I thought the acting and drama felt very real in many scenes. Unfortunately, I agree that the ending was a tad rushed, and they didn't explain at all how his son made it back alive, especially after that huge battle scene. And his daughter was just annoying, I thought. All she ever did was complain and act like a little priss. :angry: Yeah, there were some fallacies and inconsistancies, but I thought it was a great film.
  18. Anakin was going to become Darth Vader no matter what. Palpatine was waiting for an opportunity. He saw one with Padme. He knew he could manipulate the situation to get Anakin to turn to the Dark Side. If you want to blame someone, blame Palpatine. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dude, chill, I was kidding. But I seriously wouldn't call Palpatine weak. He was a beast. Even Yoda had a tough time fighting him. Although I don't understand either why Vader didn't kill Palpatine/Sidous himself. Maybe he just lost his nerve or his ego after Padme died. Pity, though. Anakin's character makes Vader look bad. @ShadowPaladin: Sidious is a master manipulator. He might have been on his master's good side and so was able to gain his trust very easily and thus, betray him all the more easily. Time for this moth to get some sleep. :cool: G'night, everyone. Oh wait...moths come out during the night.
  19. *sigh* Can't we just get along? :'( Seems like everyone hates each other after the K3 spam thread.
  20. Unfortunately, I'm not the only one posting, so it seems this thread doesn't want to die. " "Mothie" hehe :D I kind of like that
  21. I didn't have any problem with this thread until people started using it to flame others; that's when I got pissed. It used to be funny, but now practically everyone knows it's a prank. People are now just hurling stones at one another like they have nothing better to do (or to make themselves feel like they have a pair). And when people try to get others to stop hurling insults, we take a ton of crap for it. <_< It's like no one can treat anyone with respect on this thread. Any shred of funniness it had is now gone. It's old and stale.
  22. Hey Mus, if you don't like it, then don't read it. And grow a sense of humor, for crying out loud. Go post spam in the K3 Confirmed thread (and it's a prank thread, in case one of you hasn't noticed) if you have nothing better to do, but not in this one. :D
  23. I've heard it was actually illegal to display a Swastika in Europe. Is that true? Or is it just in some countries? But yes, anyone who wears a swastika out in the open...well, you can't help being suspicious of them.
  24. So you can guarantee that, huh? Nope, not my point at all. But USA didn't attack 'Terror-land', USA attacked Iraq. The citizens of Iraq are iraqi people, not terrorists. Don't ever forget that. Anyhow, sorry for helping to pull this thread into a negative spiral. I hate when that happens. I do like a lot of things about (and from) the USA, but Bush's foreign politics really make my blood boil. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just a minor correction, mkreku - he can guarantee that, because Saddam Hussein actually used wmd's on his own people. Ever here of the gassing of the Kurds? The infamous "Chemical" Ali? All part of it. Saddam probably got rid of them before Bush Jr. invaded the second time.
  25. KOTOR I: Hk, definitely. KOTOR II: T3 ( he actually had a personality this time)
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