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Dark Moth

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Everything posted by Dark Moth

  1. no please? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hehe... I sounded like a moderator in that post. Sorry, but I'm just scared that the green dragon will lock this thread if we keep swapping insults. Although that seems unlikely, because this is the main K3 thread and Fionavar hasn't been seen for a while... :ph34r: I think one of the problems with allowing a non-human PC is that you'd pretty much have to scrap any romance options. It's much easier, not to mention makes more sense in the story, for the male and female NPCs to have a romance with a human PC rather than have to write for, for example from KOTOR 1, Bastila having some kind of flirty romance with a Rodian PC male. I know Gluupor was hot and all, but come on now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's a good point, but even such a hurdle as that may be overcome with good planning. Just have the "love interest" coincidentally the same race, if necessary. By this I mean if there is a peerceived problem with inter-racial romance, then it can be written around, too. I have no objections to inter-species romance; not all romance has too be consumated in some sort of mucus exchange, after all. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I hadn't thought of that, but you're right about the inter-racial romances. Although I wouldn't have minded it if the PC could romance Yuthura Ban from K1.
  2. Advisement: enough with the insults. Lay off the arguments before this thread is locked.
  3. Yes,give her proper underwear instead of those longjohns so Brianna doesn't feel left out <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (w00t) Is it just me, or does Mira's "no clothes" option cover more than the "clothes" option? :D Nevertheless, all the underwear in K2 (except for Handmaiden's) is just brownish gray and ugly. K1's was much better (daydreaming of Bastila).
  4. I seriously wouldn't mind a D&D thing where you could choose different races for your character. Human's aren't the only force-sensitives. And each race, like each class, could have its own attributes, strengths, and weaknesses. (w00t) The only problem with that might be that it would make the game too complex, but hey.
  5. I thought Hellboy was great! :D It had a ton of good lines and cool characters. The comics are sweet, too.
  6. Don't even get me started. I'd be ranting for five pages. :angry: But seriously, let's not talk politics. OK?
  7. If I could use the force? Use force lightning on Michael Moore and other people I don't like... [Force Persude] You will give me an "A" for my grade. [success] I will give you an "A" for your grade. Make Eddo36 stop posting topics. :D Oh no! 100 posts! Aaauugh!
  8. I think now we're just digging too deep into the game's plotholes. If Kreia had indeed been handmaiden's mother, we would have seen better evidence for it either in the game or the cut content. There are too many inconsistancies for Kreia to be Handmaiden's mother, anyway. One of them being that Kreia was a historian and a Jedi Master/council member (it says so on the canon) and Kae was a Jedi Knight. If I find a link to it, I'll post it. Besides, I doubt even Obsidian would be so shallow as to use the "I am your parent! Hahahaha!" theme again for Star Wars. If they did want to, they obviously changed it in the stages of development.
  9. Watch "Ghost Hunters". It's on the travel channel, I think. Or it could be Sci-Fi (having a mental block). Great show. Sometimes the History Channel shows great ghost/UFO/monster documentaries. History Channel = greatness
  10. During our trip to Gettysburgh, we visited the Krauth house, a place where my dad stayed for his graduate work. While he stayed there, he would sometimes here people walking up and down the stairs and through the hallways, and noone would be there. When we visited, we saw a mist floating at the top of the stairs which quickly disappeared.
  11. Guilty as charged I'm afraid. (At least you're not alone.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I admit, I also saved before talking with Bastila. :"> It's just fun seeing all the ways you can infuriate/flirt with her. "A Kinrath pup?! It most certainly is not!"
  12. Pretty freaky. But don't forget: as long as humans exist, there will be wackos coming up with strange theories to explain things they don't understand, whether to get attention or sound smart, or, in some cases, government/America bashing. The same goes for alien abductees and ghost witnesses: you'd be surprised what people will do simply for attention. I'm not saying all the stuff on this forum is fake (in fact, I'm as much a believer in UFO's, ghosts, and bigfoot as any other). Just take everything you hear with a hint of skepticism.
  13. No, he wasn't. It's a blatant CGI sequence. I'd like to see you try and perform a lightsaber fight choreography, and then perhaps you'd have a higher opinion of a 60+ year old man doing the same stuff. That kind of tricks are really lame and result in pretty awful sequences. Well, I think that Palps was pretending, and probably he was not trying to kill Mace. Which isn't necessarily the same as hold back. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And I have seen fast sword fights, not just in movies. I've seen fencing and medieval-style swordplay, and I have seen people move pretty fast. And I meant "speed up" as in have them speed up their movements, not the film itself. :"> Sorry about that. He was CGI?? I'll have to look harder next time. Oh well. Let us move on.
  14. Again, the duel is slow because it's a duel performed by real actors in contrast to Palps vs Yoda that is CGI. Do you know how old Ian McDiarmid is? That is NOT a solid argument. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, true, but Sidious was still real in his dual with Yoda! The speed at which Sidious moved in that dual was his own. Human reflexes are not that slow, even with two of them. If GL wanted to, he could have easily sped up the dual scene between him and Mace Windu. It's not that hard. Even still, that's not the only reason I think Sidious was holding back; it's only one of them. And don't forget, Vader still died destroying the Emperor. :cool:
  15. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think that Palpatine really was faking it. His dual seemed rather slow, and from what I've heard from GL and the novel, it makes perfect sense as to why he'd be holding back. Think about it: once he seemed helpless and Mace tried to kill him, Anakin would intervene and Sidious would have him in the palm of his hand. He needed Anakin's loyalty, and making the Jedi seem evil was a great way of doing it. And don't forget that he had no trouble blasting Mace out of the building once Anakin sliced his arm off. That, and he was one of the most powerful Sith Lords of all time. I know Mace is one bad motherf***er, but I think he was overmatched. :cool:
  16. I would be sorely disappointed. I would almost hate that more than being abducted and experimented on.
  17. Halo 2's soundtrack was my favorite. I also liked Starcraft's soundtrack to an extent, the Protoss's music was my favorite.
  18. Actually, I read in PC Gamer that the new game "Hellgate London" will be a first-person RPG, and it uses guns as well! It's from the people who made Diablo (not Blizzard, a smaller-sub company) and the graphics look amazing!
  19. Excuse me, but how is this spam? This is the "way off topic forum, after all. That's why the section was made, genius. <_< And if you can't even spell "the", you have no room to talk.
  20. BASTILA: If I fall in love with you, I'll end up being captured by Malak and turned to the Dark Side. Then you'll have to 'rescue' me and of course I'll be pathetically grateful and collapse into your arms. It's so demeaning! :D (w00t) Great. Helena L has a lot of good stories. She recently reviewed one of my own fanfics and actually liked it! I was just reading "Let your hair down" by her and it's great. It's already on my favorites. Oh, and here's another: DARTH BANDON enters the room. As a Sith soldier crosses his path, he blasts him with a bolt of Force lightning, which strikes a console. It explodes, electrocuting several other soldiers. SAUL: Lord Bandon, your habit of lashing out at random underlings is having a significantly negative effect on our recruitment drive. :D
  21. Pretty self explanatory. What's your favorite kind of game? For me, my favorite type would have to be RTS's (real-time strategy). I love the strategy involved as well as the abilities to create entire armies and kill everything on the map! It's also where I first started out. The first game I ever owned was Starcraft. Which I still play sometimes today. I also loved Warcraft III and Age of Mythology. My second favorite would have to be RPG's (role-playing games) Diablo II, anyone? (w00t) I love the character building and the amount of gameplay involved. KOTOR 1 and Diablo II are among my favorite games ever. My third favorite would definitely be FPS's (first-person shooters). Sometimes, you just can't beat blowing enemies away with whatever arsenal you have at your disposal. Probably my favorites are Halo 1 and 2 and Doom 3. There are tons of others, sports games, simulators, puzzle games, but these are my top three.
  22. Actually, if you play a female in K1, you can romance Juhani... Here's an idea: every time Eddo36 posts a thread, let's spam it with stuff that has nothing to do with whatever he talks about. That way his posts can become our own spamming sections until the green dragon locks em down.
  23. Oh! I almost forgot this one: Bao Dur: I'll take the stupid one. The one who decided to make threats instead of shooting us when he had the chance. :D gold. and who could forget: Exile: Just because I saved her doesn't mean I'm going to go shooting up her entry ramp. or something like that.
  24. Too Christian? When was that a bad thing? If you're of a different religion, I can understand. Even still, you don't have to picture it as that. Just try and enjoy it in its own universe. I read most of the series, and it's pretty good, but I think LOTR is better. And having scene the visuals in that film, I'm definitely sure they were LOTR inspired. I'm kind of up in the air as to whether I'm going to see it or not.
  25. Wouldn't want to be anywhere near those suckers, unless i was armed with fully automated and loaded Gatling Gun. :cool: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, you obviously haven't read anything about Mothman. (I know, big surprise coming from me) And no, I'm not from Point Pleasant. But the stuff going on over there with Mothman was pretty weird. Some people speculated he was a demon, but most believe he was connected with UFO's. One reason was because he often appeared around UFO sightings. Supposedly he could fly without flapping his wings at speeds of over 100 mph! And his red eyes supposedly had some hypnotic effect that caused intense fear in whoever looked at them. Strangest of all, in the Silver bridge collapse, a number of those killed were Mothman witnesses (though I can't remember the exact number). But that's only some of the strange stuff about what happened. Pretty freaky, huh?
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