Hey there! I'm new to these forums, so be nice and don't let my avatar creep you out. I thought "Why not start out with a poll?" So here it is:
Like many things in KOTOR II Kreia was pretty ambiguous. So in your opinion, was she neutral, evil, or good? Pretty straightforward, I think.
For me, I would have to say she was evil, and here's why:
Kreia, if you think about it, never really had a good motivation for anything she did. Practically all her actions were driven out of some personal ambition, and she would go to any length to succeed. For instance, she hated the force, so she would try to destroy it, regardless of how many lives would die or that the galaxy would be thrown into turmoil. (don't forget, the force affects more than force-sensitives.) She frowned on many lightside acts, such as helping out people in need. Come on, what if Jesus had set "You can't help the poor?" Sheesh. Not to mention the fact that she contradicts herself several times. <_<
Most of the dialogue to gain influence with her was darkside. Probably the only lightside option to gain influence was on Korriban near the tombs. While she frowned upon killing random people, the real reason behind that was that it didn't benefit the character, not because she cared about the lives. In addition, she told you to think of your party members as dispensable. She had no value for their lives.
Don't forget, evil is more than killing people. Manipulation, hatred, lies, and betrayel are all evil, and Kreia did all of this. While she trained your character, her real motivation was to get revenge on those who betrayed her (the Jedi and the Sith), and, of course, to destroy the force. But really, it was her own fault she was betrayed by both sides. Kreia used your character to further her own selfish ends. My vote would definitely be evil.
So, there's my opinion. Feel free to respond!