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Everything posted by Calax

  1. movies in general are an hour and a half 8*1.5=12
  2. Sure, everyone misunderstands you because you're so much more advanced than anyone else. No matter how many university points everyone else has in the exact same subject. Keep living in your little bubble. Makes it a lot easier to 'discuss' things if you can just dismiss people as knowing less than you based on a few university credits. The US has a lot more guns out in the wild than most civilized, non-warmongering countries. Yet the US also has one of the highest death-rates by gun related deaths than any other civilized non warmongering country. The only people not clever enough to realize the connection are the Americans themselves.. so I guess Darwin's theory is in full effect in the US. Good for you! Shoot more, you deserve it! you make it sound like america isn't a warmonger.
  3. particularly working on the ease at which you can turn a semi auto into a full auto. It seemed easy enough on law and order (which isn't the best resource for this but hey :D )
  4. then it'd be 12 (in cali which I believe has the highest minimum wage out of the fifty states.)
  5. Interesting. at least they didn't yell guns for everyone and start dumping them off the Court roof onto the poor reporter sods. but seriously, I actually support the decision to strike down the DC law. I don't know the circumstances of the other laws that are mentioned (and I'm not sure exactly but is there a law in both washington state and DC that they were talking about or just DC?).
  6. wouldn't it just be easier to say that a true sith lord got shot down over Myrkr and couldn't survive in the jungle (due to the fact force powers don't work there) and now regular army troops are searching through the jungle to find his body and hopefully recover the intelligence that he had on him?
  7. It's better than Ang Lees movie.
  8. or Yoga? (I'm serious, the local CC offers Yoga as an alternative to weight lifting) stayed up late trying to get my cat in (they get eaten if they stay out too much at night) watched the Olympic Trials in Philly reruns and was amazed at what some people can do with their bodies when I can't even touch my toes anymore. Oh and today was the last day I work until I hit Boot Camp.
  9. We'll just wait for MC to embrace the X universe in some form or another. I think it would be his kind of gameworld. ... for some reason I drew a connection between Darkstar one, Freelancer and Mass Effect.... :imagines running around in the Normandy like you can in Freelancer:
  10. after having watched it, the biggest thing I noticed was that he didn't mention the game has multipul ways to play though it, Rambo, no Kills, and finially No alerts (the last one is where the Stealth REALLY comes into play.)
  11. I have recenctly discovered another side of Mr. Carlin and that is watching Thomas and Friends with my kid. ... they put him in because Ringo Starr was too... edgy(?)
  12. Calax


    >.> :casts rez: :fiddles with his magic wand: so? anyone got new songs for their themes? Unfortunatly we appear to have lost several links (including hildes "awesomness in movie form") Lets just go with beyond the bounds from ZOE 2 (produced by Hideo!)
  13. His original ending was to have Snake and Otacon arrested. Not dead. actually arrested and EXECUTED!
  14. COD1 had some of the greatest moments I've ever seen in a fps... Like the first part of the russkie campaign being done WITHOUT A GUN! or the brit campaign being just sheer awesomness... it also has the longest single player campaign out of em all, AND it's got United Offensive as an expansion (you get to play as a RAF gunner in a b17!) COD4 is second best IMHO. it's single player is too short for me then COD2 Then COD3
  15. COD1 and COD4 are MUCH better than number 2 or 3. 2 feels put together in a hurry, and three isn't from infinity ward. COD1 was AWESOME even though it didn't have the normandy landing from MOH AA.
  16. I thought the very last scene created a MASSIVE copout (supposedly Hideo's origional ending was shut down by his design team, his publishers, and a few others in the production) I am still frustrated that they spent an entire game making Ocelot's character unique then toss it out the window in favor of Lawl Liquid.
  17. found my disk. if anyone still cares about me >.> v.v
  18. Kung Fu Panda... A fun little romp. alot of humor and several moments where you say "and this is where X happens" and they take a left turn and don't make that happen.
  19. no brutal legend Mk?
  20. Velvet assasin?
  21. MGS1... Busted out my ancient "thrill kill" ps1...
  22. I hope the game has high class hookers, because that's what every spy needs. A high class hooker with a heart of gold I kid
  23. what are the four endings? Human empire Human led council humans join the council and...
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