personally i hated the deviation from star wars lore
ie the sith lords, there are but two, the master and the learner, the learner always kills the master when the learner is strong eanough.
This was prevalent in Kotor 1 but they kinda snubbed it in 2. Nihilus was just a world eating school boy, Sion was a lerner who seemed to be able to change the foundation of his personality at will and treya was............... i don't know, i suppose i could say obvious because from what she says while she's with you. and then there was Atris. She's stronger than Nihilus but not an official sith lord and she has a love interest in your char (if male). And finially, the famine of lightsabers, crystals, and other parts. I would have loved to be able to fully outfit my char's with lightsabers and a preferred color but.... also i hate the break down and make items. it's useless unless you are like god at your skills.
ummmm sorry for the ranting