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Everything posted by Calax

  1. well i didn't mean you import the entire char. Just the model. This would allow you to get around the problem of fans bitching about "that revan isn't my revan" they could come with their own unique skill sets so as to show they've progressed beyond the point of the games before. Also if a person didn't have a import file they could just add a second and third set of portrait and skin design.
  2. buddy i think you need to go to an s&m clinic... if this were to happen how would you be a "bad boy who deserves punishment?"
  3. first time i did it i kidded juhani and never met the chick on korribon... does she take the place of one of the student's when you make like anakin in rots?
  4. Please? make the exchange fall and the hutts take over like they should!
  5. k i'm going to have to say no... For Carth i would have to say Ryan Renolds would do the job, but he's just a funny man
  6. actually a force persuade on a cop has worked it goes a little like this Cop:gimme a reason that i haven't heard and i will let you go. Dude: uhmmmmmm You won't give me a ticket?(waves hand) Cop: Move along
  7. huzzah we're finially back on track ::flinches:: i suppose i shouldn't say that considering im the one who got off track. I hate the fact that in some areas there are doors that you can't touch or it's "magnettically sealed" and you can't open it at this time. Also that there are lines that require more influence to continue than you can possibly get, ie Tell me more about these sith who persue us.
  8. the only really sophistocated sith lord/enemy in Kotor2 was Kreia... and that was because she actually tried to do somthing other than smash kill demolish ugh.
  9. try knight's editor for saves aka kes. you have to add it to your inventory... I personally love silver as well as red(as stated before) nobody else has even tried silver. How Sam L Jackson got his purple lightsaber Sam: Do i have to have a blue/green color? George: we could give you purple... Sam: YAY! :D
  10. you try to find a char sheet for yourself to rewrite your scores. you ask how much damage does a hockey stick do in D20 system. When you repair a car you keep having friends do the same thing over and over and over again hoping that they will tell you all their dirty little secrets
  11. well they could have a large duel on a catwalk after which Revan tells exile I am your father's brothers uncles sisters former room mate. er already taken anyway i guess their duel would probably take place in a korriban moseleum. Korriban has always been more grandious than the devs gave it credit, imagine a myan corecant.
  12. Exile:Disiple? Disiple:Yes? Exile:Go sit in a corner and think about what you have done. Disiple: er... Exile:Do i have to force you? Disiple: No ::slinks off:: Atton:Pure Paz- ow son of a...
  13. Personally i love the idea. But i think thai has what would happen down
  14. personally because i don't have a real life i did feel bad about being a complete j a c k a s s in kotor 2 but at least in one the difference really seems to do somthing
  15. it was a she at about 30
  16. put it in the context of things you wish our char would say
  17. i would go for that and i would also like to see several quality enemy's attacking you instead of a hoard of pathetic ones
  18. i think you would be surpised.. if you had a million people sign it they would pay attn
  19. the only time i would use hk is on duxn when you go to freedon nadds tomb (which should have already been pillaged according to EU stuff) You initiate the kill all organics protocol and set hk on solo and have him join the fun because he won't get shot at by the droids. certainly allows you to get by that portion a little easier
  20. G0T0 was the most useless char for me, and i never used kreia because i was always trying to get influence with other people than her. Also she's not a very interestin char to me i much prefer attons backstory. Also i would like to know what hk did in the interveneing years between games
  21. I think it was one of those things that got removed
  22. Personally it made me feel like i was doing somthing.
  23. Ahem the new american Philosophy "WE COME IN PEACE, Shoot to kill!" "we will be christianity and disneyland to Iraq." I think bush said the second one
  24. GOTO is difficult to work out... personally. i'm also wondering why this thread has been revived after 6 mths. Ah well i wish that the devs would come around more often.
  25. Hey we were looking for somthing to do because we were the only poster's at the time. might as well, we're both in our teens anyway.
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