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Everything posted by Calax

  1. St Valintine was a lord who gave virgins to his knights on every valentines day Jesus stole a pagan god's birthday.
  2. I'm between books but i'm debating reading the jedi academy trilogy or the Black company books
  3. I bow before your awsome artistic might.... Maybe instead of a lightsaber you should use a giant pencil
  4. yeah wll they could have A triple divergant storyline where they have Four seperate storylines based on weather their allied or not and it's all baced on the char's choices (like at the beginning from TSL) One for revan DS exile LS One for exile DS revan LS One for both LS one for both DS But that would be literally four games in one Give you alot of playing time tho
  5. cheers to Chains.... Frosty your avatar scare me.... I love the mod i can have Kreia use a lightsaber instead of a gammorian war axe (how she lifted it i will never know )
  6. GYAAAH WHY WON'T SOMBODY ELSE LIVE UP THE WORLD WITH SOME TALKING BLAAAAAAAH Kreia: Exile, I am you mother Exile: Run Run Run!!! AHHHHHHHHHH Exile has a heart attack and dies
  7. I can never get into a mmo because the storyline/world is much to static and it just gets boring, hense Kotor Kotor2 Vampire the Maqurade and about a dozen other RPG's in my room and on my ps2 Kingdom Hearts baby
  8. or you could just import both char's from the first game... check out my post in the other Kotor 3 suggestions thread
  9. i'm a "power gamer" i like to follow the story line rather than sit around killing random stuff to get my level so it's always kinda hard to kill bastila without enhancer's (the in game kind, yes i do cheat on both games but not after beating it once without them)
  10. well they just do a DEV IS GOD thing like in Deus EX Invisible War... anyway Atton: Pure Pazza* Ouch what was that for exile?
  11. Young Revile could be Mcauly Caulkin!!!! Done and done
  12. score one for the first amendment. only problem is where is this server based...
  13. there we go we just solved the char problem for the kotor 3 people Revans a chick Exiles a dude they made a little Revile
  14. Carth had to keep the republic strong while Bastilia was WAAAYYYY out of her league. you saw what happened when she went toe to toe against Malak, the new lords were stronger than malak by a lot
  15. I would have been pretty happy to see a small exile at the end of the game i must admit. not caring who the Father/Mother was as long as the other was the exile
  16. yeah but i like the technical battle over what could happen and it died on me! it's only 9 pm here
  17. I got that from my teacher who's got at least a masters in psycology and is a practicing sex councilor... The class by the way is Human Sexuality
  18. on the kotor suggestion thread most people assume that it's going to be a new char. with that said they want somebody to be there to teach the newbie. Why not make exile or revan the primary theacher (ie teaches basics of force powers) and the other the more advanced teacher (eachers force crush enlightenment and things of that calibur) Username what you want is a rehash of Kotor 1 with Kotor 2's stuff added on. I would love to see it but that just won't happen
  19. nobody pays attention to this anymore :'(
  20. yes and jew bashing leads to the possibility of a lawsuit. US Penal Code
  21. this is getting way off topic but i love the attention Sex is appearently better when your fifty and married for a while because you know what your partner likes and the guy's sexdrive throttles back to the the girls
  22. i would beware of such comments but hey that's me
  23. buddy i'm a Mel brooks devotee too.
  24. i hope they go back to master vandar. errrr the little yoda looking guy "
  25. eh right now im content to community college
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