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Everything posted by Calax

  1. either the great hyperspace war or the Sith war.
  2. beat it. the final part of the plot i think can jump over a candle stick and go flying out an airlock but eh. The model they had for leia was TERRIBLE. admittedly she's only like 14 when this happens but still. Also they put a few things in the wrong spot and... now I'm just getting spoilerific. the combat was fun, if not a little bit of cheapness attached to it. what with guys hitting you in succession just fast enough that you can only stand up to take another hit. I think on max difficulty this would turn into ninja gaiden where the wrong move ONCE can kill you instantly. the platforming elements were terrible and dispite reviewers warnings, i didn't encounter a SINGLE bug through out my ps3 playthrough. the story was a tad DMCish in that it was explained in short 15 second cutscenes between each level. there were a few longer ones but I've come to expect cutscenes to be much longer or have story points built into the chatter in the game where as here it was just "go here kill x" and in game they told you "oh and this is how you pass the obsticle." through out the entire game the place is peppered with holocrons. I think unless you were obsessive compuslive you wouldn't get a single one until after you've beaten it and played it again. Ultimatly my guess is I'll keep this around for a few months and then trade it in because it just really isn't worth having for a while unless you really feel the urge to force out. My suggestion to you fellows is rental. week long would be best because then you get to beat it all and chew it over but you could probably do it in a day if you had that much free time. I wonder if yhatzee will review it? it'll make for hilarity.
  3. The Force Unleashed, City of heroes and villians, WoW, Republic Commando and Battlefront 2. it's... interesting to be playing all five at the same time
  4. is that the short or long answer?
  5. I was always just annoyed when you put a certain inflection on a line and figured "eh that'll net me a paragon point" then you get a renegade. Of course this is before you realize right responses are always top:paragon Middle: grey bottom: renegade.
  6. I knew it I knew it I knew it! Freaking do gooders ruined my story! the droid is awesome tho.
  7. I played a bit, it's great fun until they start throwing platforming into the mix. 3d platforming has never really been my forte because usually when try to jump I end up at yhatzees "jagged rock Junction" 9 times out of 10.
  8. at the earliest the east coast of the USA will get it in an hour. westies (like me) get it in four.
  9. Wrath of the Lich king got a release date today!
  10. Looks like tommrow I'm getting gas and headed for placerville (I'm about midway between placerville and Sacramento) to pick up an application to do "Property Damage Restoration" for 15 bucks an hour! WOO HOO!
  11. Some college. not much, and at this point i'll take almost any job except for McDonalds or any other fast food joint excepting In-N-out burger.
  12. >.> SWEET!
  13. I'm planning on it in the next semester but I don't exactly have anything to do in the interim. I'm in Cali, near Sacramento walsh. Actually I live about 2 hrs a way from Feng who has disappeared. GD, I wish I knew where to go to even start to volunteer. I'm a humanitarian at heart and if I could make a life being disaster relief I would. I found it... fulfilling to go to Gulfport Mississippi and rebuild after Katrina. I wish I could do that without charging the people half their life savings.
  14. 31 + if you count the C&C Decade collection as 7 games I say plus because theres a few games I don't have in that particular folder... I think another 5 or 6 that are outside the games folder?
  15. went out to eat with my brother who came home for the weekend and his friend. then came home and sat around felt really... High i guess would be the right word. then within the past hour have gotten really depressed because I'm sitting here on unemployment trying to find a job and failing miserably and otherwise starting to question my exsistance. No, I'm not in a happy place. I suppose I've been using the best form of escapism that I know to get away from all the depression in my life by playing ALOT of games. But it still catches up to me in the middle of the night, like an evil worm that's burrowed into my head and I can't get out but still feel move every so often. I mean what the heck am I supposed to do? I've applied to about 10 places. Still got more to go but I'm not willing to go back to McD's (various reasons) and gamestop is throwing less hours at me than taks throwing a compliment my way before I joined the military. There's a part of me that says "Hey Man, this is the life, living on the government and your parent's dime? only having to pay for things you WANT? Whats not to love" then theres another part that's grumbling because the only people I know in the area are shut ins who play WoW like 6 hrs + a day when they have new content.I just... I donno, I want independence but that doesn't seem like it's ever going to happen so I keep going down. I've hit rock bottom TWICE in my life and am not looking forward to hitting it again.
  16. Morgoth reminded me. those stupid physics jumping puzzles in Half Life games. it's really annoying having to jump JUST right to get beyond a certain point.
  17. Company of Heroes
  18. Saying your character has a hidden power but we never are able to use it. Most RPGS of any kind. You're special and powerful only in cutscenes. otherwise your best friend could take your place during combat and you'd still win.
  19. it's not quite as bad as it sounds. Yes the sequences are not skippable and there is an achievement for getting 100 deaths (Valkyries folly). but all in all the game felt fun to me. of course I'm the guy that likes dynasty warriors so take it as you will. My biggest gripe about the game is the odd slapped together ancient norse gods as cybernetic beings thing. According to them the Norse people could become gods by being a Cyborg. As it is they are the equivalent of shoe polish when it comes to a fight (dying left and right.) the camera isn't controllable except by hitting the left bumper (iirc, been playing gta IV again) to recenter it behind you but usually the action is easily seeable and if somthing is off camera your character can still hit the thing if you point at it. Biggest problem is selective targeting, when Yahtzee said that the exploding guys were a problem he wasn't kidding... imagine a horde of ugly little screwballs coming at you and buried in the horde are three guys who explode and either turn everything around them into ice or light everything on fire, and then you can only target the 30 guys to the left or right of said bombs and not hit the bombs until they are within melee range. and the boss fights are COMPLETLY designed for ranged combat (which screws over one of the classes that was designed as Melee only (sure you can still use guns but they don't do near as much damage as the other classes do))
  20. don't get forces of corruption, it unbalances everything. on the tactical level anyway.
  21. Applied to be a bookseller. And applied to best buy And asked about a job at a mom and pop (literally) gaming store. Why does finding a job have to be so depressing?
  22. GTA: whatever we all know it's going to happen.
  23. trying to do freelancer but it screwed up as soon as I tried to hit another system.... I'm thinking it might have overheated but...
  24. somebody is not sober
  25. depends on how you look at it, theres always the missions and the fun part is the assassinations but those can be few and far between for some players.
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