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going to start a game of Kotor... 1... This is not going to be pretty is it?
BioWare/Lucas Arts game unveiled Oct 21
Calax replied to Maria Caliban's topic in Computer and Console
Cortosis was origionally introduced as basically mud that instantly caused a feedback loop that made lightsabers shut off due to safety cutout. I was a little bit angered at the basic idea of "cortosis allows a sword to block lightsabers huh huh huh huh" because the Tim Zahn made it quite clear that the stuff was terrible for almost anything except to cause lightsabers to shut off. but I guess in the name of "balance" they coopted it for swords. -
BioWare/Lucas Arts game unveiled Oct 21
Calax replied to Maria Caliban's topic in Computer and Console
another MMO is officially declared dead. Hellgate: London's Servers will be shut down on Feb 1. >.> not that anyone cares that much Probably my biggest question in the new mmo is if they'll try to have a story that lasts longer than the first two updates (looks at SWG leerly.) -
why do people whine when we apply school grading scales to games? I mean I earned a 70% on my test that earned me (barely) a C grade... WHICH IS AVERAGE!
This isn't WOW. I'm sure that if there are factions, your allegiance will be determined through a few very specific, heavily plot-driven events. In a good RPG you don't have any grinding, period. have you met fable2?
BioWare/Lucas Arts game unveiled Oct 21
Calax replied to Maria Caliban's topic in Computer and Console
my hope is that the character creator for the body of your character is pretty in depth and allows you to make the character as unique as possible. Then when you actually get gear your face and body type would be different enough that you don't look like the next guy with the same armor. Or they could just do away with masks in the first place. Jedi will probably be denoted by their lightsaber color and the style of lightsaber they use (duel wield, single, double blade...) -
BioWare/Lucas Arts game unveiled Oct 21
Calax replied to Maria Caliban's topic in Computer and Console
I just wonder if Bio will embrace the Loot system and outfitting to the degree that WoW has or if they will go for a more simple system where in you don't look like the next person of the same class just with a different color to the showing skin. My guess would be that there would be a far more limited number of options for equipment and the like given that Jedi MUST have lightsabers and you can't exactly find superlightsabers that will cut through a normal lightsaber like butter (I wish) Most likely the loot system will be on the level with Hellgate:London. less slots than WoW but still a few to make getting the loot worth it. Weapons probably will be dealt with by having a standard template that the user mods in order to get different effects (much like the systems we had for Kotor's 1 and 2). My biggest question is will they have the same level of ... colonization added to the game like you saw in SWG initially (remebers running across tattoine and never getting out of sight of the various processors and farming toys that people put up to make a buck). .... these are just conjectures made by a tired brain. -
not free roaming in the sense of say Oblivion but there will still probably be areas where you wander around, that's standard for an RPG of any type.
genrally I find factions to fall into two catagories when put in a game: Several factions which are tertiary to your gaming experiance. not necessary to complete the game but might give you an ok bonus if you did the right seven quests and keep them happy by having money thrown their way every chance you get. or Factions that are required for gameplay purposes which at some point or another will end up making you do a repetative quest to grind out rep with said faction until you are loved enough they will open the way for you to proceed down the main story.
a '9'??? '9'?!!!? until i got to that part of your mini-review, i felt sure you were gonna say it was a 4 or a 5 ... the fact that you're giving what sounds like a so-so game a '9' is the best evidence of how lazy gaming journalism has infected impressionable minds. an entire generation of gamers is now apparently under the belief that the average score of a 10 point scale is an 8 or a 9. because fable 2 truly sounds about as epicly average as fable 1 was. I didn't have MAJOR problems with the game. Generally 7 is average. By biggest beef was that the game didn't feel like it liked it's own main story line. I mean you didn't have people talking about how the spire was working and how your actions were were in dealing with the main quest. I got called a mass murderer for accidently killing five people but nobody mentioned the fact that I killed Lucian. I think the biggest problem with the main quest is the basic design of it. Most of the main questing is kept away from the public and there aren't any earthshattering events that happen within the quest. the game world itself is otherwise very beautiful and immersive, theres lots to do, and the few sidequests i did were very well done. it's just that the main quest was usually "report to former hero's guild- go somewhere get in a pickle, get unpickled by killing things repeat." you didn't save towns from demons, you didn't get forced to choose between good or evil on the main quest (which is kinda counter to everything the game wanted you to believe) you don't do anything noteworthy except beat a gladiatorial arena.
>.> :plays wierd als cavity search:
BioWare/Lucas Arts game unveiled Oct 21
Calax replied to Maria Caliban's topic in Computer and Console
wait... naga shadow was unequivocally killed at the end of the great hyperspace war WELL before the era of Kotor. -
already posted in the C&C forums
I have never been banned and never gotten an official warning. Or many pms. I've only gotten like SIX in my tenure here.
Weapons, Armor, and Concealability
Calax replied to Signal's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
I donno if a Spy game would do well by having the character carting around heavy ordinance like it was a warzone. I would expect the rocketlaunchers would only pop out on certain occasions or be all together removed as it wouldn't really fit the spy motif. Yes bond has used an RPG before but usually not unless he was in DEEEEEEEEEP crap. I donno having heavy artillary be somthing you can get regularly seems like a copout. Spys don't go for rocket strikes, they stick with their hands and maybe a pirated AK. -
BioWare/Lucas Arts game unveiled Oct 21
Calax replied to Maria Caliban's topic in Computer and Console
Not that I know of. Tython (Not Typhon like I typo'd) is mentioned on SWTOR main website as where the Jedi go after the Temple on Coruscant is destroyed when the Sith sacked Coruscant. Tython seems like it'll be the starting world for Jedi classes IMO. http://www.swtor.com/info/story/tython Sith sacked Coruscant? Only time I've heard of that happeneing was during the Sith War with Exar Kun. and then he didn't get close to the temple (he did hit the main state buildings and a courthouse tho.) -
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I want to like the game but every thing I've heard is that it'll be either a nightmare trying to keep all the factions happy so that you don't get a terminal case of the "we hate yous so yous no gets guns!" or that there will be a single faction that you have to get happy and the others can run off and play with themselves for all the main game is concerned. Could we have a character like whasshisname in Burn Notice? (the main character, not Bruce Cambell)
BioWare/Lucas Arts game unveiled Oct 21
Calax replied to Maria Caliban's topic in Computer and Console
Taken from Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the sith (which occurs about 50 years before Kotor) http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Image:Conclave_on_Deneba.jpg That's an image of the jedi conclave/war council held on Deneba after a failed assault on the Empress Teta system in the series. most of the people filling that image are Jedi. to say that the playerbase would outnumber them on a server would be ludicrous. I think people are to attached to the post clone wars era where Jedi are few and far between. At the Height they were MUCH more common, and given the fact that an MMO can't handle that many places to be (I doubt it can show a significant portion of either side as playable) to say that there would be alot of Jedi around the battleground and frontline planets would probably be accurate as to the idea that this might crack WoWs stranglehold on the playerbase is... difficult to say. It depends on the ease of use and how many people are willing to make the inital purchase. I mean you can have the greatest tissue in the world but people will still buy Kleenex because it's such a brand staple. Same thing works in the MMO market, I think the star wars title will give it a leg up on snapping up the playerbase because Star Wars is so ingraned in the culture of america. But what Bioware and co. will need to do is keep servers stable at launch, polish the sucker until they can see themselves in the reflection and get lense flare, and make the game actually be fairly easy to pick up and fun. I play WoW and City of Heroes for different reasons. WoW because my friends irl are playing and I've got a significant investment in my character, also because theres an impressive sense of accomplishment when you down a boss. City of Heroes (while niche) I play more for the fact that satisfaction comes quickly. I've never run into a WoW style "you must have X class do Y at time Z perfectly otherwise you will die" and there isn't such a thing as a cookie cutter build. -
the last boss in that game still irks me.
Thats EvE online. that's got its own freaking Economists working on it and it's a space sim. technically what they are doing is being hitech highway men... or pirates... space pirates with android monkies.
I got to the point where I was so loved that I literally walked in bowerstone and had half the population pineing for my hand in marriage. the bookseller is two doors down from the potion shop in bowerstone. I beat the "main" story. It's... underwhelming to say the least. The end is anticlimactic and overall feels like you're being congratulated for walking somewhere. the game doesn't feel like theres any punch to the main quest as life goes on quite easily after you kill the antagonist. My female adventurer could have been male at the end the way she looked. I accidently kinda went on a killing/theiving spree in a pirate town you find and I'm not sure if it made my eyes glow or not, but I got artificially aged in a quest so that I looked like I was 50 but I was still much stronger than your average person. I donno, I guess that after the first games story I was expecting more from the game. I mean the Jack of Knives fight at the end of the first game had quite some punch to it. where as this you shoot a decrepit old man once in the middle of his monologue and you're done. I mean theres all this buildup and then pop you're done. Also the story wasn't that memorable imho mainly because none of the dungons felt very epic excepting the break that ages you to later adulthood. and even that was only an hour long at best. I found that the easiest way to earn money and XP was just to keep running the crucible over and over again. Also guns are EXTREMLY powerful once you get a repeater. I donno. maybe the game just hates its main story given that most of the game was spent with four quests or so up 1 being my primary and the others being somthing like "Donate money to the church of Light" (which replaced the Church of Avo from the first game... yes the civilian sacrificing is back for the church of shadows/skorm's replacement). After "beating" it (because there are certain things you can only do after you complete the main mission) I don't think it deserves a 10. 9 would probably be a better score because the game just doesn't have the punch of the first game and while the world reacting to your quests previously was nice it didn't feel like there was that much change. the only changes I found were the Old Town change, and the change to the church of light after the 10 year break. If the main quest were more like Mass Effect in that it had some really well done and involving planets that took longer than 2 hrs to beat when you were first going through them. Also your entire Heroic actions feel like a side show in the world rather than somthing that actually has any impact on the gameworld at large. to a point you don't want the main quests to impact the world but I mean common NOBODY mentions the GIANT SPIRE sticking out of the ocean or the fact that people go there trying to find their fortune and don't come back. Also the main character is mute or close to it. they do have part of the tutorial saying that you can thumbs up or thumbs down what people tell you but you don't actually get to do this more than once or twice in the entire game. And honestly the game I think suffered from not having the hero have dialogue. Often I felt that I was nothing more than a pack mule for Theresa (who I'm convinced is the Hero of Oakvales sister from the first game) and it wasn't really about ME. which I guess is a bit narccasistic of me but then why would you play a game thats not about the character you're playing? it'd be like playing Redshirt #5 in a star Trek game where all your shooting and such gets attributed to Capt. Picard or somthing. the only thing I really did on the main quest was get to location A kill somthing and move on. For all the touted moral choice of the game there isn't really a Moral decision in getting revenge for your sister. It's just kinda there. For all you grey choise fans theres a ending for you too (if you can call it an ending of the game). All in all a good romp game but it lacks an ending of significance and the main quest (where you're supposed to be saving the world) feels insignificant compared to the rest of the world. Sorry if I'm meandering I'm kinda stream of conciseness writing
http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...34445&sid=1 watched nerd rage rock and roll.
it's not a FPS, its' a squad controlling mechanic mainly where you just select your target and the squad starts shooting.
BioWare/Lucas Arts game unveiled Oct 21
Calax replied to Maria Caliban's topic in Computer and Console
we figured as much given your obvious opinion of MMO and the fact you mentioned this way before. -
How does that midnight launch thing work again? Gamestop has a rule that if a game gets over a certain number of preorders at a store, that store will be open at midnight so the second it hits 12am of the day of release then you can purchase it. I just go to talk and hang out (we played quake 2 because there were so few people there) but it nets me a game I'm going to get and some out of the house time.