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Everything posted by Calax

  1. tyranids came before zerg I believe. edit:yes tale early 09.
  2. On the other hand, such decisions can make great atmosphere. Just check Penumbra: Black Plague. Awsome realistic flashlight effect that just fits I suppose the most nonsense from the doom three darkness was that it was a technologically advanced civilization that didn't try to duct tape the massive maglite to their friggen gun.
  3. I just hit that mission der... Good freaking god you need to post defenses quick.
  4. aye laddie
  5. I'm on the third mission of kanes wrath.
  6. Nooooooo next week is the last Gundam 00!
  7. I liked it and thought that it has the best scaling of all the FF's I've played.there isn't that awkward jump at certain boss fights where you feel like you should be several levels higher than you are but you murder the random fights near them.
  8. Looks like Stargate is getting an MMO. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6143410.html
  9. didn't Take two turn down the offer and promptly get a stock boost from the proposed offer? IIRC they thought that the 2 billion offer was a bit of a slap in the face.
  10. Don't confuse Yahtzee with "everyone." He rarely speaks for everyone. Though many love to mime him and repeat his opinion as if it is in synch with their own (even if they lack any exposure to the relevant material). Many people do actually like the story for DMC4. The only common complaint I've seen is that Nero's girlfriend is cardboard. Other than that, I've heard nothing but thumbs up. actually at least one other review i saw hated the fact that there were so many cutscenes. and generally the cutscenes will develop plot hence... I thought they hated plotlines.
  11. I wish I had live...
  12. after playing as the sisters of battle for an entire campaign I think I can say they are quite powerful. they can pop out tier one units almost on par with the IG's and they only get better when you add heavy weapons to the mix. Their biggest downfall tho is their vehicles aren't that grand. You get a transport, a flametank and an arty all based off the rhino. though the penatint engine is perfect.
  13. Soulstorm didn't turn out too great for single player. It's just a rehash of DC with an even stupider reason for the Imperium fighting itself. I think they could have done better (why is multiplayer more important than Singleplayer now a days?)
  14. buffed em up for multiplayer but as for adding new units the only thing the older races got was an aircraft (air wasn't implemented well at all.)
  15. Sisters at least start out EXTREMLY weak and brittle but with upgrades they become monsters. I did the SM Stronghold and the only way I lost my Sisters was due to massed termies mixed in with Marines and a few vehicles. Also the sisters have Abysmal morale until you give them some upgrades and a leader. Haven't tried the Dark Eldar yet. But playing the sisters of battle is making me hear chainsword revving all over the place.
  16. My word. Iron lore really kicked the bucket on this sucker. It feels unpolished and lacks the little things that made us love DC so much (banter anyone?) anywho, I posted a review on relicnews http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=183762
  17. it's still done by brubaker. It's really quite fun, and Bucky has more of a role.
  18. I only pick up trades but I got Death of Captain America, Batman Long Halloween, Justice Society America book one of the relaunch (with the KC starman and such). Other than that I'm waiting for Sinestro Corps war to come to trade and the next Justice Society.
  19. Why does everyone hate DMC for deciding to try adding a TAD more story than DMC3
  20. is Gorgutz back? I just gutted the imperial guard hq and was dissappointed... gone are the Dark Crusades little discussions when you invade a place between commanders. Though a fully battlegeared Sister of battle is going to look bad ass.
  21. the campaign feels exactly like Dark Crusade, just with more territory and special points to access the other planets in the system.
  22. I'm just posting two from my first fight. well the intro "this is why everyone is here" vid and a fight, just showing off the meltas.
  23. Gundam 00 is going to come down the the kid who's got the spanish girlfriend and the reporter sister isn't it?
  24. Got it. Have a few Screenies of the Sisters tonight.
  25. someones into Ruroni Kenshin Currently continuing to play COD4 (stupid net pausing every 50 seconds has made leveling up hard... Made it to first LT. tho) Dynasty Warriors 6 (Must unlock LU BU!). and of course WoW Raiding SSC.
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