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Everything posted by Calax

  1. His arm has that effect. When I swapped characters I'd thought Dante would have a similar ability as the arm but instead we get the crap style moves.
  2. I just passed the second dante fight with nero.
  3. Empire at War was only noteworthy because of the space battles (which needed to be expanded IMHO, they could have easily made the entire game out o fthse space battles and why they didn't bothers me)
  4. boy bleach is starting to suffer Dragon Ball Syndrome ( not much plot movement per episode, and only one character has any real power increase that is above and beyond the norm apparently.)
  5. its 280 faster than on foot. I'm playing a little bit of wow and a little bit of DMC4
  6. ... /want
  7. watching a sentient mech try to waltz is frightening.
  8. mmmmm Zone of the Enders Dolores. worst intro in the world but a funny giant mecha anime.
  9. it does have a difficulty curve like running into a brick wall though.
  10. actually gunslinger girl is about a group of assasins who employ teams of an adult and a little girl (in the main characters case an 8 y/o). It's fun and bloody.
  11. F.E.A.R. Perseus mandate.. Yeah it was a christmas buy. the engine is showing signs of age and the entire concept seems like the devs just said "well fear is win... Mercs are win... Fear+Mercs MUST = win^2!" why do they have to be all outdoorsy? the engine sucks at outdoor stuff because it's got bad backrounds and not much depth to it.
  12. It's Umbrella chronicles this week Next week (if the ending is any indication) will be :dun dun dun: COD4.
  13. Rock band, I suck at vocals and am ok at drums.
  14. Discovered Gunslinger Girl.
  15. wouldn't you get a cut of the profits from the casinos the indians run?
  16. I think he's getting a full blooded ongoing but I'm not sure on that.
  17. tale: as for me, I just passed ryans office and am now headed to fontaines house on Bioshock.
  18. http://youtube.com/watch?v=VBTh1xy5XAI :giggle:
  19. I think runaways is being taken over by Joss Wheaton this year too.
  20. eh it could be like when you are able to punch a journalist in the mouth for her trying to get you to say something against what the Alliance would want you to say.
  21. What does this have to do with the Fox News story? I agree, the guy apologized and that's great, but the story is still hitting major news stations despite huge inaccuracies. I don't care if it's a liberal or a conservative, it's ridiculous that gaming is blamed for so many of societies woes, and it's insulting that they air these stories without a shred of evidence or research. well supposedly EA (I think) finially sent a nasty letter to Fox News requesting that Fox retract their story and state the facts. uhh... Full board post from bioboards http://masseffect.bioware.com/forums/viewt...0&forum=104
  22. it's better to learn on a manual as you'll be more apt to be able to keep those skills around as your driving. as for the clutch, as a more mechanically minded person.
  23. bioshock, I'm missing a little sister at the beginning of neptunes bounty.
  24. a guildie made this http://youtube.com/watch?v=FBXiu7iadcc
  25. I'm just happy Armory stopped bugging out on my character this month. And I've a gotten the shield from GRUUL WOOGITTY WOO! http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.x...&n=Kithsara
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