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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I didn't get a bday thread :cries:
  2. that was the 100th episode... ep 200 was named 200 and was quite similar.
  3. well more details... I scored high enough of my ASVAB to make it into the Nuke program... they're practically BEGGING me to enter that program (20k enlistment bonus sounds nice) but... I'm having second thoughts, I'm thinking I should go into advanced electronics because of a job opportunity that I might get from Lockheed-Martin that pays rather well after I get out. Before I do anything too drastic about my job selection tho, I'm going to try to talk to my cousin (who's got 2 1/2 years under his belt already, and is advanced electronics currently) and fer the record I scored 97 on my ASVAB.
  4. ... this is going to be very very interesting in the coming months.
  5. Project Origin.
  6. MMMMM Indigo Prophesy Syndrome....
  7. Army of two and finishing up Crysis
  8. Invisible War!? WHAT!?
  9. There was one mission that I remember giving me fits. Can't remember the setup for it, but you don't start with a base. You have to go in and clear a section of the map first. In the middle section is a group of bunkers that act like banks which are your only source of income in the map. There is a group of air fields in the top left hand corner that constantly send bombing runs at you. In the top right is a big base that likes to constantly send M1A1's after you before you get anything really set up. I've been using yeepeekaye to great effect (fires off a strategic weap where ever your looking.)
  10. Mechwarrior 2 Tie Fighter MGS2 Zone of the enders 2 Starcraft FFVII Suikoden V Dawn of War Freelancer Call of Duties 1 & 4 in no real order.
  11. not so much difficult as I don't want to spend the time building up a base at the moment. I have high treason and GODS the difficulty at that is schizo.
  12. working/cheating my way through act of war direct action.
  13. That doesn't look like gabriel! (who later becomes chapter master)
  14. dling the act of war expansion off steam.
  15. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermov...aylist=featured Dead fantasy 2 is out :necroposts for justice:
  16. got to vegas on Rainbow Six Vegas for the pc. beat kanes wrath this morning.
  17. there was Cronos as one of the goauld
  18. been there done that killed the eight goa'uld that cropped up. What? When? SG1 up to about season five/six was ONLY about the Goa'uld who nominally based themselves after the egyptian pantheon. seasons five and six were the replicator wars, seven and eight were generally dominated by ancients and Anubis and the last few were about the Ori.
  19. Temple Prime seems awfully weak for being such a stronghold of Nod superiority. well when you attack it several times in a row it tends to wear down. I wish I was gdi so I could have a simple slugging match with an opponent rather than having to be either overwhelming numbers of weak units or sneaky. Nod needs a good Main Battle tank. they don't really have anything that can stand up in a knock down drag out fight except the Avatar and it's big brother the Purifier. and those are so far up the tech tree it's not funny.
  20. been there done that killed the eight goa'uld that cropped up. Asgard were the norse gods just as the goa'uld were... everything else (primairly egyptian but there were greek and chinese guys thrown in for good measure) Recently withing sg1's continuity the asgard have pretty much died out as a race and gave EVERYTHING to the Humans so that their legacy could live on. I don't know where Atlantis is (I stopped watching it after the first or second season) but in the episodes i have watched theres a replicator wraith war on which imho was a stupid dues ex for the writers to throw in. the replicators should have STAYED dead.
  21. I'm on the mission where you have to hit the convoy carrying the tacitus. Temple Prime Sucked.... again!
  22. just watched Gundam 00 end and Liked it. one thing bugged me
  23. I managed to pull off that mission... the biggest thing is that you grab all the purifiers quickly and beef up your base defense. I picked up about 4 purifiers (three or four times too) and was able to wipe them out on medium. I've gone to easy simply to allow myself to see the entire game. I'm also waiting for Vertigos to be available fer once.
  24. probably more like the Myth approach where the same squads get MUCH better over time.
  25. zerg were created and then promptly killed the Xel' Naga who also had a hand in guiding the protoss.
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