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Everything posted by Calax

  1. ... Almost NIL. the only difference really being the pronoun used, and the romance option. And I think that Conrad Verner has a different line... but thats kinda it.
  2. How'd you like it's rehash (returns)?
  3. Mass effect deserves a play by any rpg fan. Prey? your probably better of either renting or borrowing a friends. Short game that's rather shallow with vaginas tacked on the walls for kicks. I think theres going to be a Witcher enhanced edition coming out soon. the PC versions of Rainbow6 Vegas are good. Crysis is also a good place to put your money. Holy CRAP! http://www.thewitcher.com/community/en/news/444.html 80% decreased load times, increased english text, german redub, 50 new character models, 100 new animations for supporting characters, redoing of the UI, and a re doing of the facial and lip synchs. also 2 new "advetures" (estimated time of five hours between the two), a mod editor... heres a PDF with all the changes I think. http://www.thewitcher.com/resources/upload...act%20sheet.pdf
  4. after having played both, I personally liked my female better (of course I made a better looking one than the guy who looks like he's got a WWI british mustash.)
  5. oh and the new npc in k3 needs to be from taris.
  6. Dbz has the wierdest timekeeping, one thirty minute episode= 1 minute show time. then they have a 20 year jump between two later episodes.
  7. learned this
  8. I haven't no. I doubt that I'll be as excited as you as I wasn't too awed by the "philosophy" of MGS1 and have heard that 2 is worse, so I'm kinda awaiting a bull**** overload so that I can concentrate on the gameplay and the narrative, which is incidentially the high-points of MGS1 Wait what, MGS1 had philosophy? No, only MGS2 of these is only philosophical work. Maybe first one throwed some typical japanese quasiphilosophy but no, it wasn't philosophical work per se. Tale, can you tell Well MGS1 had more philosophy about the self and the will to live (How to beat foxdie? Live! IIRC) MGS2 was about the nature of society. MGS3 was just a cook fest. Ocelot Meowing included. I just wonder what would have happened if we had dealt with ADAM instead of EVA in MGS3. Was that NGE reference or just some tidbit of MGS lore I've forgotten about? I can't remember anything about "ADAM" in MGS's when they first brief you for the Snake eater mission in MGS3 they mention that there are two spies within the soviets forces. ADAM and EVA. You're supposed to meet Adam at the factory like structure at the beginning but EVA shows up instead.
  9. I would think that the shirt would be against the rules for ... "vulgar" content. I'm also pretty sure that at least 30 odd students would have probably asked a teacher if the teacher could get him to change shirts because not everyone wants to see an aborted fetus. (my HS had a protest of prolifers my junior year. They couldn't come on campus but they certainly freaked out several girls who were on their way into school.)
  10. I will soon be in a unique position to blow zombies up from long range with tomahawks so I should be fine.
  11. Political restraints aren't necessairly Mannan esque. For example you can't go to a planet you need to because one of the high ranking members of the galactic senate has... interests on that planet that he doesn't want you to know so he does everything possible except for killing you or outright barring you from going, but throws EVERY TRICK in the book at you to get you to stop. Another thing would be having to deal with infighting between members of your own faction. Sure they all came together to stop the big bad menace but that doesn't necessairly mean that they like eachother. The Mandalorians could deny the Echani supplies during a thrust into enemy space so that the Echani take more casualties than they should and thus loose favor with the warleader.
  12. Recently I've seen indy and the Forbidden Kindom. Indy was ok. good fr a summer romp of fun but not a timeless classic. meanwhile Forbidden Kingdom was... interesting to say the least. Jet Li as a comedic character doesn't exactly work for me.
  13. Company of heroes did it's best to strip out all but the most basic of base building, then it modified the control points system so that territory was awarded based upon what control points were in your hands, territories can be cut off from the main base, There is no real morale system rather your fire teams can be suppressed/pinned by heavy machine gun fire. Biggest problems that COH has had is that after about 10 minutes in a match it becomes tank land. Also it's designed for more small scale conflicts rather than the massive ones we see in DOW. I can say I've played EVERY C&C Made EXCEPT Sole Survivor.
  14. Ahh Plagarism. not necessairly on essays but I thought this was an interesting case of plagarism. http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=134443 It's image heavy (as it's art being plagarized) The only time I've seen plagarism in a good context was in a remake of "the computer that wore tennis shoes" where the main character is in the process of plagarizing an essay when he gets the contents of the net dled into his BRAIN!
  15. I haven't no. I doubt that I'll be as excited as you as I wasn't too awed by the "philosophy" of MGS1 and have heard that 2 is worse, so I'm kinda awaiting a bull**** overload so that I can concentrate on the gameplay and the narrative, which is incidentially the high-points of MGS1 Wait what, MGS1 had philosophy? No, only MGS2 of these is only philosophical work. Maybe first one throwed some typical japanese quasiphilosophy but no, it wasn't philosophical work per se. Tale, can you tell Well MGS1 had more philosophy about the self and the will to live (How to beat foxdie? Live! IIRC) MGS2 was about the nature of society. MGS3 was just a cook fest. Ocelot Meowing included. I just wonder what would have happened if we had dealt with ADAM instead of EVA in MGS3.
  16. MGS2+3 to get ready for MGS4
  17. I personally liked mgs2 more than 3 simply because 2 had less jumping to another screen to do somthing (like work camo and food and the freaking cure screen).
  18. just going to say that if they could I'd LOVE it if they added a Suikoden esque political plot (looks carefully at the first parts of suikoden V). Just the idea that you can't just run in willy nilly and slaughter the sith because of politcal constraints would be nice.
  19. recently went back through my manga... completly read Battle Angel Alita (cyborg fight!) and Sorcerer hunters... contemplating reading back through the 15 odd mangas of Ranma I've got.
  20. don't have a portable system at the moment... Like I said Wiki ftw!.
  21. well from zipping through wikipedia (I've played all the "Solid" games.) I've learned that there Adamskya is a patriot not just an agent.
  22. yeah... this time Raiden is a brain and a spine inside a cybernetic body
  23. well in about a week MGS4 will be arriving on PS3's here in the US (a cheaper 80 gig bundle is being offered with the game at 499). I is drooling over it. figured I might as well preempt the inevitable thread by making this one. Supposedly the game will contain at least 3 90 minute cutscenes for the players viewing pleasure (although that is unconfirmed.) And it might have a LENGTHY install time on your PS3. btw ran across this.
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