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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Be brave, uve done somthing different and stick with it Obsidian." It's not different. It's been done before. It's been done better. SRR handles xp better than Obsidian. Even BL did. This system (thus far) is EPIC FAIL. "From someone who has played rpgs video games all the way back to dragon warrior first coming out," Not impressed. "weighing my options should this be a good idea to engage or a better idea for disengagement." Except majority of combat is forced on you (barring sneaking with whole party) since most enemies are insta hostile. There is no option. XP is about rewarding the player. PE doesn't reward the player for exploring, combat, role-playing, C&C in proper and meaningful ways. SSR, BG, and BL do.
  2. "Inaccurate passers don't survive in the NFL" Tell that to two time Super Bowl MVP Eli Manning who has 'below average' accuracy numbers in his career.
  3. Why bring religion into this?
  4. Spell system seems fine. Definitely DnDish overall. My bigest issue is that all spells are geared towards combat. The closest to 'non combat' is the haste spell. The system really needs some non combat ones .. Making different spells just do various damage/hold types can only work so long. Let's mix it up!
  5. "I feel that there are other ways to reward the player some experience for not fighting. Maybe tie it to the stronghold or something similar. For instance, If you talked your way out of a situation you might get something like " followers at your stronghold heard word of your deeds and their moral boost rewards you ##xp". Whatever the same xp is you would get for all the creatures you would have fought. If you end up changing your mind then have their moral backtrack or something." There ya go. Of course, in most encounters, you can't talk your way out of it. It's not an option.
  6. "Really? I was sure that Adam got it in the 2nd gamescon vid without talking to the farmer first - was it the same ogre? (Just checking that this mightn't all be an xp-bug)" It is likely a bug in this instance. I'm just having fun over it. The anti xp people got their wish. There's no xp at all. Not from combat, not from exploring, not from quests. Heh. Still, bugs aside, I don't see why one can't earn experience by overcoming the challenge of the beatles...
  7. yeah, but people are saying 'best game ever', etc., etc. That's from a beta. If you can praise the beta you should be able t criticize it. And, I'm not talking about bugs since bugs are to be expected and if a bug exists it exists. That's not controversial for obvious reasons. the assumption, of coruse, is that at the very elast the major bugs like items disseapearing will be fix by release time. But, features like the discussion in this thread are things that can be praised/criticzed now.
  8. But, it's not 'too buggy' for people to praise the game, right? L0L "You can't criticize because you haven't seen it." "You can't criticize because you haven't played it." "You can't criticize because it's just the beta." "You can't criticize because it was just released." "You can't criticize because you haven't played it 7 times." "You can't criticize because it's not the sequel." But, we sure as heck can praise it. Not one person has attacked me when I said good things about the character system... but, woe to me when I criticize something.
  9. "Uhhh, no." Uhhh... Yes.. I wouldn't say it's Diablo like but it is heavily focused on combat. The stats prove it. Nothing wrong with that either. And, yeah, it will have dialogue and non combat solutions, and all that other stuff but even Obsidian has stated quite clearly that the game is highly focused on combat and majority of combat won't be avoidable. Yeah, you can avoid combat with ogre but not with the beetles, lions, or even the presumably intelligent cultists. Nothing wrong with that but don't pretend this is some anti fighting game when it isn't. XP should be about rewarding players for overcoming challenges, complting quests, role-playing, and encouraging them to partake in what the game has to offer. There is no reason why completing the challenge of beating the beetles shouldn't be worth the same as defeating the ogre. NONE.
  10. "Good to know that the fans of Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, etc. are not the target group of this game." I'm a fan of IE games and I don't feel the need to hunt down every last xfart for 7xp. But, I also don't believe games should be made to smack those type of players down. Theyc ertainly don't hurt me.
  11. Since NWN was released and is the best game ever.
  12. Actually, I think you just made another joke. L0L 'Cause that would be said if there were to be true. It's going to be between PE (if certain things are fixed), WL2, and DA3.
  13. The pro xp camp have given constructive feedback. I know I have inbetween the sniping between me and the 'other side'. But, it doesn't matter. It's not being changed. Our opinions have been thrown in the trash and ridiculed by Obsidian. These xp threads are mostly for us posters. There's a reason why no dev is active in these threads despite how 'busy' they are, and it's because this issue is not an issue for them. It is what it is.
  14. A lot of the changes are good. A lot of the changes are bad.
  15. The thing is all PE classes are designed to kill things. That's what they are made for.
  16. Great post and largely agreed.
  17. "we just need to see if Josh can swallow his pride a bit.." Problem is he won't do that. I mean he's already labeeld those who disagree with him 'grognards' even thoguh he actually fits the description. He's simply wrong with how they're going about xp. Even his own boss disagreed with him but relented to Sawyer's 'vision'. No combat xp worked in SRR. It doesnt' work here. To be more positive so I'm not 'picking on Sawyer'; there are stuff he has done well for the game and kudos to that thoguh it's wrong thread for those kudos. Bottom line is player should be rewarded for overcoming challenges. So far, in PE Beta, the player is not. That's a fail. Even the anti xp people are slowly seeing this. Volourn was right again. Don't pull a Troika or a POR;ROMD , Obsidian.
  18. I have to read this new thread so I'm responding to a post in the other one since you guys won't let a guy sleep in peace. L0L "But removing the choice to do that is not the way to go either. Like Indra said, you are essentially railroading the player in to a specific style of game play." PE si combat focused, and outside of ssneaking there is no way to avoid majority of combat in the game since enemies are usdually insta hostile and also camp right at the area entrance. ie. Beetles and lions. Now to read other posts and comment on those...
  19. Boldness? Guns have been used in fantasy games before. Even DnD has them. But, yeah, guns are kewl.
  20. XP is about rewading the player for overcoming challenges, role-playing, quest compeltion, and C&C. And, claiming that giving combat xp is rewarding 'deriative behaviour' insults PE since PE wants you to fight. It's largely focused on combat. All characters are based on combat. Not getting xp for combat (not neccessarily xp per kill or non hostile characters) is silly. This isn't SRR where it works. Again, XP is about rewarding the player. That's where it fails in this game (beta). Period. "- go kill the ogre and see." I did. No xp.
  21. My first impression is that if they get a complete game out in 3 months I'll be really impressed. there's a lot of good in here and the game can shine but as Sawyer said himself, there's A LOT of work to be done before things get finalized. I would not be shocked if they give us the 'bad' news of it being postponed until next year....
  22. "FONV (condemnation)" Huh? It was rated like 85 or so. L0L Condemnation. "You keep going on and on about what a terrible series of games the Witcher are. Why don't you just say " I will not be playing Witcher 3", stand by your convictions and save the rest of us your opinion on this matter?" Take your own advice. This thread asked us a question and I gave my answer. And, I'll continue to replay since that's what message boards are for even if Big Boss Bruce doesn't like what he reads and pouts and personally attacks people 'cause he hates differing opinions. SHORT VERSION: No, sir, I won't shut up because you demand me to.
  23. XP is about rewarding the player for successfully overcoming a challenge. Combat in the game is the most challenging aspect (it's not hard for me outside of super lag and vanish weapons and shields lol) yet there is no reward for it. And, no beetles shells is not. You get 1k xp for enteraining cave but nothing for beetles, lions, oh my? Come on. Finding a cave is easier than defeating beetles. L0L And, it's silly to say that giving xp for combat is rewarding 'degenerate gameplay' when the game si heavily focused on combat so in a way it's insulting PE. I mena the classes are geared for combat. The game is focused on combat. You'd think they would reward the player for it. Again, as I said above, xp is about rewading the player for successfully overcoming a challenge/role-playing. That's why it was invented, that's why it exists, and that's,why it should be used.
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