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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "That said, Dragon Age Origins was also touted as a spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate. I loved DAO (less so the second title, and I haven't even bothered with the 3rd), but in terms of looking for a spiritual successor to the I.E games, what I've seen of PoE gets us about 1,000% closer to that mark than DAO did." Of coruse, there's the fact that BIO didn't ask 'gamers' to 'finance' DA. Also, we were also told we weren't allowed to just PE untilll we actually got to try it out. Now, we're told that the ebat doesn't count (exceptf or the awesome parts). Then we'll be told the release won't count and w'll have to play it 7 times. Good news is that PE has dwarves so it has that going for it. Still, no answer on why it is acceptable that PE has a worse xp system than SRR. "we don't need a gold star every 5 seconds." But, you need one every ten minutes?
  2. Q"uest/objective based XP has never detracted from my enjoyment of a game -e.g.,VtM:B," Fun game despite garbage combat. XP system is irrelevant. "Shadowrun Returns," Great xp system. Merely enjoyable as a gaming experience. Fun but not special, But, the xp system is awesome. Why is PE's xp system worse than SRR? Hmmm.. "and even NWN: Witch's Wake." An EPIC FAIL of a module that got thrown in the trash right where it deserves.
  3. The stash is trash. It's not hardcore. It's not fun. It's not logical. It doesn't make sense. The fact there is no encumbrance would also make no sense but since every character is equally strong I guess encumbrance is worthless since strength doesn't exist which makes it weird that the standard 'strong' races like PE's orc ihas more 'might' than PE's halflings even though 'might' isn't 'strength' so makes me think that the orcs are more spitually aware than orlans... that's all weird. But, anyways, back to stash. The inventory should be more hardcore. There should be no mystcial stash, their should be be an encumbrance stat based on race, inventory slots shouldn't be shared amonmgst the party, and you shouldn't be allowed to carry 8 suits of platemail. Also, if you leave loot on the ground it should eventually 'vanish' to show that some other interloper came by and looted it. LOOK AT THAT LOGIC GO! No mercy for the newblood! HARDCORE EXPERTS ALL THE WAY!
  4. "your characters motivations for slaughtering the local wildlife" POINT. NOT. FOUND. ILLOGICAL. MINDSET. Nobody sia sking for xp for 'slaughtering the wildlife - local or otherwise. Nobody is demanding xp for killing the deer. They are asking to be rewarded with xp when overcoming a challenge to their characters when the INSTA HOSTILE beetles, spiders, oh my attack them for NO REASON. Let me ask this? Why do you you feel xp exists? Why does Obsidian believe xp exists? Why SRR XP system superior to PE's current xp system? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!
  5. "obsidian made expansions. the original games had a formula and were popular enough to warrant an expansion. obsidian were getting paid to Expand the original game, games which gave combat xp. is not as if obsidian were working from scratch to build the bestest crpg the could. they followed the formula, the script. that were their job." SP isn't an epxansion or a sequel. Also, NWN2, KOTOR2, and DS3 are not expansions. They are sequels. YOU DO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE RIGHT GROMNIR? Again, grom, answer me this: Why is PE's xp system worse than SRR which had no xp for combat/kills yet is 10000000x better than the evrsion PE is using? Weird.
  6. MP is crap. It was crap in ME3 and it'll be crap in DA3. Only NWN and sports games do it right.
  7. I don't think my question's been answered. Why does PE have a worse xp system than SRR which actually had a good xp system? Very weird that this game wants to dumb down their xp system.
  8. "the current PoE system is borked. there is literal hundreds o' games better than PoE in its current state. nevertheless, your observation is pointless and misguided. in any event, we should all thank God that vol approval does not = better." So, you believe PE's xp system is better than SRR's xp system? L0L
  9. L0L That doesn't change the fact that SRR has a better xp system than PE does.
  10. Because it makes sense to build your game around combat and then tell your players that the combat sucks so you are best to avoid it by not actually rewarding them for it even though you make it so encounetrs are right in their path so they have no choice to fight. L0L P.S. I don't think the combat will suck (in fact, I think it'll be fun in the end) but that's how this design decision comes across. Certainly no SRR.
  11. KOTOR2 isn't even Obsidian's best game. Not even in their top 3 so how is it even in the running for best ever? (though it is better than BG1).
  12. "So it makes me wonder why they did not found that out earlier, reading the blog, interviews and watching videos would have made it clear in which direction the developer want to go." It's not just about knowing or not knowing. It's also about being told to STFU and not make any judgements until we see things in actions. We've seen things in action. Not too impressed. Now, we're told it's just a beta (p.s. i don't mind the bugs as its a beta of course there's bugs i don't complain about those except in a haha way). When the game comes out we'll be told to shut it sicne we can't judge until we play the game 7 times. Then we'll be told no judgements allowed until we see the 'changes' in the expansion. AFTER THAT, we'll be told well.. if it's so awful why did you play the game so much? p.s. Ultimately, the lame xp system won't make me hate or like the game as other things are MORE important but that still doesn't chaneg the fact that 9thus far) PE's xp system sucks and si 1000x worse than SRR's xp system.
  13. "You could farm your characters to level cap in couple hours in BG by killing respawning high xp monsters like sirens for example. " And, sirens aren't easy at low levels nor woudl you know where to 'farm' them when you legit play through first time? Vast majority of people don't play games multiple time s- heck most don't play more than a few hours. And, those who do likely enjoy the game enoguh to replay a second tiem for good reason. And, even at max level, BG enocunetrs could be tricky if unprepared or fought foolishly so 'reaching' the level cap hurts nobody. Certainlyu doesn't hurt 'balance'. And, fi someone wants to level up 'farming' sirens before hitting to the first mine good on them. Different playthrough styles is GOOD. Not having to play the game linearly is GOOD. "need we have any further proof that combat xp sux than for vol to be in favor o' it?" I'm in favor of an xp system that works, makes sense, and is logical. Did you know that SRR is 'mission only xp system' and I praised it twice in this thread? The main problem with PE's xp system is not that it isn't 'non combat xp' is that it's just plain subpar and fails to do what xp is supposed to. And, no, xp is not about 'balance' or making it 'easy' on the 'devs' or whatever nonsense that failed company BIS wanted to do with their their failed BG3 and their failed FO3. I want PE to be as good as it can be, and xp system is not gonna help it. The different inn rooms, though? AWESOME.
  14. +"but combat kills xp is bad design and leading to difficulty in balancing. " No, it doesn't. BG series is very balanced xp wise. And, combat kills xp wise has worked for DND (and others) for decades and for good reasons. Balance has NOTHINg to do with xp. XP isn't even about 'balance'. Whether xp is put in via combat or via quest completion or via whatever method, balance is achieved through other mehods. but, again, what are the goals of xp? Why was it used in DnD and other games? Answer that fully and you know why XP system is subpar (thus far, might work in full game) in PE ebat but works well in DOS and SRR? Hmmm...
  15. "Spells from D&D, awww ... i remember to this day hov much resting my sickly 18 years old mage had in one dugeon. Two steps --> fight ---> rest --> two steps ---> fight ---> rest ... After an hour of grinding in the dungeon my Half-orc Barberian companion sad "I have enough of this resting bullsh...." he killed me during my 12 rest during this day i joind orcs and becoume tair leader withaout any resting xD" You guys don't know how to play. You would have hated me as your DM. No way would you be allowed to rest so much.
  16. "Why? Nobody has yet explained why a reward is necessary." Ask yourself why xp exists and why Obsidian themselves have decided to actually use in this game. Then you will get the answer which is obvious.
  17. "Really? You think 8 slots per character is enough? Not I. I found it rather tiresome having to do inventory house cleaning (moving things from the inventory to the stash) every other encounter because someone got "Full"." \ It's too many and not enough. You shouldn't be able to carry 8 suits of armour but you should be able to carry more than 8 rolls of toilet paper. They want a ahrdcore game? Their inventory should be hardcore. Encumbrance should also play a role. Then again, muscle isn't really strength in this game so you have to fanwank how physically strong' your character actually is. And, the stash is trash which is where it belongs And, ruins the so called 'hardcore' 'cred' the game pretends to want. And, while PE being a 'dungeon crawler' can be debated; what can't be debated is a) it's combat heavy as the devs admitted this already since it's a design goal and b) as of right, the xp system they have is supbar compared to every other xp system out there be it DOS or SRR. EPIC FAIL.
  18. "One game has realistic art direction the other is a color-fest (some people like it, I don't). One game has an interesting protagonist with personal quest, the other has a worn-out "chosen one" that has to save the world because he is the "chosen one" (some people like that, I don't anymore). One game explores interesting themes, such as racism, terrorism vs. freedom fighting, morality of lesser evils... the other just glosses over these themes. Developers of one game offer free "dlc", constantly patch the game, listen to the community, the others nickel-and-dime their customers. Despite the fact that Witcher is a derivative work (that is based on the novels and pulling a lot of stuff from the books) and Dragon Age offers new setting. CDPR are bursting with creativity and bravery (act 2 in Witcher 2 is one of the bravest decisions ever, brilliant). On the other hand Bioware are just rehashing the same things all over again and look devoid of any creative juices." Basically every bad thing you claimed about DA is 10 fold twicther? Chosen One? The loser white ehaerd freak is as 'chosen' as it gets. Twictehr doesn't explore any racism in a serious manner, it doesn't explore anythings erious. It's trash. Plain 'ol fashion trash. dealing with same thing over and over? That defines exactly what CDP hasd oen with Twitcher sicne they jumped on the boner of a silly book and ripped it off int he most boring way possible while leeching off BIO's popularity. R00fles! but, it has b00bies and that's awesome. , "but I have to admit that Torment: Tides of Numenera" Ripping off a good older game and making it worse.
  19. Sure, it does. if someone claims a game is the best ever and it isn't that means the game is overrated. metacritic is for losers so it doesn't count and what 'mainstream media'a re you talking about? What exactly is that? Oh, you eman NBC news doesnt' talk about it? Uh... NBC News doesn't really talk much about games at all. POINT. NOT FOUND. Majority of gaming sites do talk about it.
  20. Yeah, because it filtered out Bethesda's turdiness.
  21. DOS *is* overrated. that doesnt' stop it from being a fun little game, but when I hear peons claiming 'best game ever', yeah, overrated for sure.
  22. "on the surface" ON THE SURFACE!?! P.S. Fantasy games are awesome. I'll never get bored of GOOD ones. "KoToR is not sword-and-sorcery RPG." Yes it is. (i took out FO because it isn't)
  23. Of course they weren't going to change it. Why do you think they avoid these xp threads? Just be glad they aren't locking them so at last people can rage. <>
  24. "To be fair, if backers were following the Kickstarter, they found out about the quest experience literally one day before the Kickstarter ended through a Reddit discussion on 15 October 2012. Of course, I realize not everyone followed the Kickstarter as closely as some others." To be fair, the backers were told not to judge the system until they tried it. And, we're called names if they argued otherwise.
  25. |"chicks have usually got better things to do." Men... or other 'chicks' (or PCish other women)?
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