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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Here's a question for the Obsidianites: The beetle fights seem like just random wilderness encounters not tied to any quest. Do you get any xp for them at all or wasting resources on them is just wasteful? This is where 'battle xp' (or soemthing similiar) would be useful and why 'quest xp only' falls short.
  2. "What is happening in Ferguson is amazing and horrifying. It showcases the underlying racism that is pretty well sown in our society. The YouTube of that police officer begging the protestors to attack them, calling them animals. The entire situation is screwed beyond control and belief." I agree. The racist (both white and black) are disgusting pieces of crap.
  3. Liking and playing video games/pnp doesn't make one cool. I should know. I play and like those things and I'm most certainly not cool. Robin Williams was cool because he was Robin Williams.
  4. "If Russia decided to protect russian speaking ukrainians in Ukraine, there would've been no deaths going on right now." L0L Because non Russian speaking Ukranians in Ukraine aren't human right? Right. Putin can't even protect Russians in Russian. How many murders has he coommitted in Russia? How much property has he stolen in Russia" How many innocent victims have been framed because of his scummery? How many fake elections have occured sinc ehe took power? L0LZ
  5. KOTOR combat was subpar no matter what it was played on. DA combat is vastly better nop matter what it was played on and it did not play KOTOR except in the most superficial of ways. KOTOR is NWN/BG/DA supra light.
  6. "Console DAO was indeed dire." Console DA > PC DA = FACT
  7. Jumanji > Zelda
  8. "That's all nice and well, until the funeral of a loved one is being picketed by Westboro." Let the bastards bring it on.
  9. No, I defend people's rights to speak and not get murdered over it.
  10. L0L male problems L0L
  11. "And those that would actually do that would probably have their faces kicked in by bystanders, and deservedly so." So, you believe in violence but not in words. You are evil and a nazi. Don't say bad things or I will murder you. L0L0L Power and control. Everyone must think the same and if they don't they don't deserve to live. HAHAHA!! That's the real world.
  12. "Its funny you say that but about 3 weeks ago I was talking to this girl at a bar and I said "I'm a feminist, do you care about the struggle for gender equality" ( the truth is she was arrogant and I could tell this would annoy her ) anyway she said to me " you should speak to my friend, she cares about feminism " ( I knew she was being sarcastic ) so I went to her friend and said "hi, your friend told me you care about feminism" ....she gave her friend this annoyed look and said to me " well I will have to have a chat to her about that " :lol:" They thought you were using it as a pick up line.
  13. "If Obsidian took all of our money and made a first-person shooter instead of a top-down isometric RPG, people would be angry." Horrible comparison. I doubt very much people would lob rockets at Obsidian. 'would be very angry' L0L
  14. "This is your interpretation of the word and this is simply wrong" It's a real world interpretation. Kirottu wins.
  15. "I´m a very active member of the bioboards and just flying over the posts about the dragon age games is telling what they are about and what not." You hate them but you hate them but you are a very active member on their forums? Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...................
  16. Bruce is about power and control. he wants people to think exactly like him. One must conform or be an undesireable and be put to death. That's Bruce's ideal world. Diffeirng opinions is a GOOD thing even if it's soemthing we don't want to hear or read.
  17. That's why you don't wait til the mage is almost dead. You do it as soon as they decide to attack him. If you wait til you have single digit hit points you deserve to die.
  18. Gay means happy. Yeah. Definitions change. Bittom line is feminism by its very nature is sexist. Just like 'tomboy' is.
  19. By far the best video for the game. I really liked it. Good stuff.
  20. By far the best video for the game. I really liked it. Good stuff.
  21. "Men are discriminated against in the work place, what do you mean?" Read stories about daycares or preschools and how men are dealt with there as just ONE example. "How is feminism sexist?" For starters, the name itself suggests that to believe in equality one must be 'feminine' therefore implying the opposite that masculinty = the belief in non equality. How is that not sexist? It's like when someone uses 'sissy' or 'stop acting like a girl' as some sort of putdown. It's nto any different.
  22. And, 'romance' is a big reason why humans still exist...
  23. "The world would be putting all pressure on the Hamas had Israel spoken to the world," L0L You have this idea of a fictional 'world' that's all lollipops and rainbows and are unbiased. I don't see you or others complaining about Hamas mass murdering Palestinians. You don't see people whining about how Muslim/Arab countries treat the Palestinians within their borders. But, it's just anti Isreal over and over again. Hamas led Palestine doesn't want peace. Eveyrthiing Hamas does is about mass murdering Palestinians and Isrealis. FACT.
  24. "Because we all know that a man has more physical power and violence in his ego then most woman does and a lot make use of it. If man would not hurt them there wouldnt be a problem so the problem for them is imo the violence and traditional thinking of being superior just because of the **** adam and eve fairy tale." So, you bleive, that men by nature are just violent psychopaths simply ebcause theya re men/ that's sexist. And, stupid. And, evil. And, very feminist of you.
  25. "Out of curiosity, why are so many people so put off by a card game? Is it the disappointment that this isn't a traditional cRPG or is it a hatred of card games? I'm disappointed it's not a cRPG also, but card games can be quite fun. I'm interested in hearing more about the card game and how it will work." Nothing wrong with card games. I love cards but if I wanna play cards I'll play cards.
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