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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. They are RPGs. Deal with it. Even if you go with the notion that rpg = story even a RPG with a bad story is a rpg. Quality is irrelevant. Just like a bad sports game is still a sports game. Quality doesn't determine genre. That's foolish talk.
  2. "That's the foundation of the game and is huge factor, if not the most important thing, in a RPG as the narrative is the base for your decisions that determine your RPG journey. Without a compelling story what would be the point of an RPG?" That's funny but story was never the 'base' of RPGs. The base is building your character largely based on combat with non combat stuff. Story, characters, even 'C&C' came later. I mean, D&D "the Originator" was originally just a combats imulater based on old war games. It's evolved. As for me, story 8is* important and CAN make or break a game but it is one of multiple things that make a RPG worth playing for me. Story, (including characters and writing), character system, C&C, combat, and the 'loot system' make up the good and bad RPGs. Some RPGs hit hoom runs with some categories and not others. ie. PST = great story but has bad combat. It's why BG2 is the 'best'. Beacuse, while it may not to all those aspects the best it's easily up there in all categories.
  3. You are going too deep. I'm just hateful. Nothing complex.
  4. "You don't get an 87 on Metacritic by making a crappy game. Original Sin is one of the best crpgs of the last 5 years." L0LZ All the NWN haterz here want to bash you in the head now. L0L "That ****ing teleportation pyramid. Seriously, now I've got a swarm of town guards on my ass because I couldn't unlock the door and they never clarified I should drop the first pyramid before using it. Teleporting back to the first one is useless when you're carrying the first one in your pocket. Which is currently adorning you in the same room as the destination pyramid. With an angry naked woman calling for town guards when you try to escape through the supposedly always-passable door. Despite passing the speech/reason/charisma/whatever check. YEAH THANKS LARIAN." Did you try the unlocked door that leads to the outside. It's unlocked and no worries. Don't go through the locked door connected to the rest of the house.
  5. "Baldur's gate was a product of the Bioware/Black Isle partnership." No. It was Bioware + Feargus. BIS gets way too much credit for being the publisher. OMG! They helped playtest the game. LMAO
  6. "I think it's old school. You wanna fight about it?" Old skool is about rock-paper-scissors battles to 'win' dialogues? What happened to old fashion 'skill checks'? Old skool my butt.
  7. Damning with faint praise is still damning. If you think that was one of my most 'accurate and sightful' posts you need to read more of my posts.
  8. Houston doesn't need to clear space for Parsons if they sign him before Bosh. Yeah, but they'd have to give up Wiggins though. love is really good but giving up a player who may end up a top 5 center is tough.
  9. I thought Lin was going to PHI. that was quick to change. I know Nash is an old geezer but that gives Lakers two capable (when healthy) starting PGs. Hmm..
  10. Actually, 5th adition is out. And, while not perfect, it seems to be a MASSIVE upgrade on 4the dition. While a BG3 being made may not be guaranteed to be good but it cna't be good if it isn't made right. Afterall, without the crappy FO3 we wouldn't have gotten the very good FO:NV. We don't 'need' anything. When it coems to games it's always 'want'. Geez.
  11. My favorite team is the Knicks. Always has been. My favorite player amongst current players is Lebron James. there is no bandwagon jumping.But,s till, L0L. You should have a form for bandwagon haters, too.
  12. "It is an old school D&D RPG in its purest form. Of course old school people will love this game" (Lack of) Quality aside, DlOS is NOT old skool. Anyone who has played old skool RPGs should know this.
  13. So, now you re insulting ime in THIS thread?
  14. " Dude is made of rock. " Dudette.
  15. I guess going back home and raising his family was enough to ignore the fact he is going to play for a wananbe slaver and ana round piece of crap like Gilbert. There's a part of me that kind of hopes CLE goes nowhere because Gilbert deserves crap all.. but, I like Lebron and if they stumble people will just trash him. "On that note, will the owner of the Cavs apologize for that nasty letter calling James a coward 4 years ago." I'm sure he has while he was begging for James to come back. Though, I'm surprised this guy would want a 'quitter' on his payroll. Of coruse James never quit. James doesn't know how to quit. Gilbert is a friggin' coward, has no standards, no balls, is a hypocrite, and is an all around piece of crap.
  16. http://www.nba.com/2014/news/07/11/lebron-james-goes-back-to-cavs.ap/index.html
  17. "I feel like games like Divintiy Original sin prove they should make it and it will sell well, that game has never left the no.1 bestseller sense it came out over a week ago. Clearly people like to play old school RPG'S." D:OS is a good, fun game. But, aside of the turn based combat, it is NOT old skool. Old skool RPGs don't use RPS to determine dialogue outcomes. L0L P.S. BG3 can be made, and it can be connection to the BG series, and it can be awesome. I have tons of solid ideas for it as I'm sure anyone else with imagination can come up with their own.
  18. "Volo I know you trust very few people on these forums but I also know you implicitly trust me, when have I ever lied to you about anything? This game is excellent, you need to buy this game or you will be denying yourself a fantastic RPG experience. Don't become one of those people who has to stand in the street and look through the window at everyone having a good meal in the restaurant. Become part of the movement Volo...don't become an obstacle !!!!!" "Guess nothing will convince Volourn." "Well.. hope all the hype is even half true as i got suckered into buying it." Whata re you guys whining about it? I already posted I got the game. You guys sound like if I didn't buy the game I had killed your pet instead of simply not buying a silly game. LMAO
  19. "Indeed a missed opportunity, considering how little interest the game garners around here." You must be joking right? L0L
  20. That's a silly way to do it. Why not just have no class then. Not a big deal in the long run, though. Any class that starts with an axe?
  21. Well.. hope all the hype is even half true as i got suckered into buying it.
  22. Do you have to take an archetype or is it like Shadowrun Returns where you can just select what you want without need of one? If so, that's perfectly fine.
  23. "So I take you never bought any new game in your life? its 50$ for 50-100 hours of fun that is like 1$ for each hour." I've bought more games than years you've been alive, bud. And, the some. And, that's only in the past year or so. 1. There is no guarantee any game is fun. 2. 50-100 hours. L0L Yeah. 3. When I buy things I want to own them. I prefer my games in boxes not on the evil internet. It's one thing tos pend $5 on a crappy passe game on GOG. Itr's another to spend $50 on a new release that might be crappy or merely okay. That's a HUGE risk. And, while everyone is praising it as 'the best thing ever'; I know they are lying and over hyping it. At best, I'm sure I'll have fun and it'll be a good game. At worst it'll be Alpha Protocol all over again.
  24. You are welcome.
  25. I thought the game was classless?
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