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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Hubs & I played Commando & Siren through the first "starter area" end boss. And I have to say .... MOST FUN EVER. The starter area is the dullest part when you're solo, imo, but playing co-op made it fun. And for old farts, we didn't do too bad either. Had to Fight For Your Life a few times here and there but no deaths. I think BL2's multiplayer is a lot better than the first game, at least playing with people you know. Dunno why....nothing to do with difficulty or anything - just feels a lot more dynamic and exciting. Maybe it's the music. @Ghost - I haven't tried random/online MP. I have the sense that doing it randomly might not be too awesome...loot is free for all. So just luck with what type of group you'd get, kinda like with the Diablo's. The Gearbox forums have threads/topics about finding people to play with...you might have some luck finding people/groups there.
  2. Sorry...but someone posted this large pic info on why so many found D3 lacking, and I loved it. Well done but also with a bit o' humor. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/9989/infographiclarge.png
  3. Going to go with the 2nd answer. I like it when there are some encounters/enemies who may need weapon switches, but either they should be limited in frequency or only have a few categories. I don't mind carrying 2-3 sets of weapons/gear to meet situations (whether it's slicing resistance/immunity or needing silver vs. iron) but I definitely don't want to have to gear up for oodles of that type of thing. Especially when you know inventory will be about as big as my little toe, even with a full party.
  4. I agree I don't want to see magic users in full metal armor or something, but I never understood why mages in so many games have to use nothing but robes or something. Yes yes, I know the reasons often given, but ... meh. Just seems an excuse to keep them super-frail to balance their often powerful AoE spells. I'd rather have more subtly-powered mages who wear some armor ... and where wanting mages in the party isn't just/largely for huge AoE dmg. but for other spells they can do hat are highly coveted in a tough battle. Many leather armors don't restrict mobility that much, I've always thought mages should at least be able to wear that type of armor.
  5. I'd imagine (hope) that it's not something that you have to do, only that doing so gives you a major advantage. Whether you want to use that advantage is up to you.
  6. The usual domestic stuff. In another one of those phases where I can't seem to sleep for more than 4 hours before waking up, again. And no, it's not video games. Speaking of vid. games, that's what I'm going to do next. Hubs and I are going to start new chrs. to check out how co-op in BL2 feels. This should get interesting.
  7. Diggin' for treasure yohoho, it's a pirate's life! Dueling for pleasure yohoho, it's a pirate's life!
  8. Off-topic: P.S. if you continue with updates at this rate, the entire first page of this fora is going to be stickies. Perhaps an "Announcement" sub-forum as a place for all the updates, where users can't make new topics but can still comment to the Update posts, like now?
  9. I like having the ability to continue playing in some games - but usually it's limited to the shoot and loot games like Diablo, where I want an endless loot-hunt grind. In the type of RPG that I believe (hope) P.E. will be, I want the game to have an ending. I look at it like thus: if you enjoyed the game enough where you want to stay in the world longer and keep on playing, start a new character and play the game again, taking different choices/paths, or reload earlier saves and experiment that way. So...no, I hope you can't keep on playing once you've beaten the game.
  10. --Yes, finally! Mages that aren't limited to wearing pajama's! --The soul stuff as an explanation for abilities sounds interesting. Can one be an unbeliever? --I'm not normally into (or against) guns in fantasy rpg's but I'm loving the sound of the way you're using them in this game. It feels like it makes sense/there's a good reason to have them and I like that they're old gun tech. Again, thanks for the update.
  11. ...I hear 3 of the yellow circular symbols = orange legendary item. Sadly, I haven't had that happen yet. Sometimes you turn around and its looks pretty cool. Hope I'm mostly done with the snow areas tho...the blue/white is a bit much after a while.
  12. Hubby is playing Borderlands 2 as I speak...it's so adorable it makes me want to dance. <---this sprite apparently steps in time to Katy Perry music...
  13. The word "donate" does not always = non-profit charity. It's often used thought of that way because of organization association but you can donate to anything that you think is a worthwhile cause/endeavor. I started writing this longish post about the topic of Kickstarter vs. actual investment, but realized I didn't want to get caught up in that kind of debate/totally derail the thread. So I'll just say that: Yes, consumers do deserve this, but this is true even when a product is not a crowd-funded project. ...and... I don't think anyone's going to disagree with that sentiment.
  14. BL2 - why did they have to put a slot machine in the game? Don't they know there are people with serious mini-game addiction syndrome? Now I spend all my money on it in the hopes of winning Eridium. And Eridium isn't even super-rare later on. Must ... pull ... lever. *shakes fist*
  15. That first episode of Revolution was fairly disappointing, even tho I'm willing to suspend disbelief on the physics angle. The female lead acts like a spoiled whiny brat out of Twilight and her brother isn't much better, making them unsympathetic. Miles character feels like a mix of O'Neill of SG-1 and MacGyver. The scene transitions are abrupt and leave you not caring about characters or motivations. The mystery set-up reveal at the end was not a surprise. Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad) is the only redeeming thing so far, and even that's a bit thin given the material. The fight action wasn't bad, but on the other hand was pretty ludicrous. I did, however, enjoy/giggle when two guys were trying to reload their front-loading muskets. I'll give it a few episodes to turn around but yeah ... kind of a mess.
  16. No, just no. We're not the publishers. We're not even investors. We're donators (or "crowd funders" in today's seeming terms), currently with no actual legal rights over the product outside of them delivering a game that at least basically approximates what's in their pitch (fantasy rpg video game), versus, say, taking the money and running or sending us all a chiapet instead of a video game.
  17. Some of are just stubbornly old skool and don't like DRM in principle, fondly remembering the days when you could just buy a disc-game and there was nothing, sometimes not even a CD-key check. Steam has its uses/advantages but many don't like it when a game requires extra programs just to be able to run it. Or the "forced" downloads of patches and stuff. That said I personally did give in and use Steam these days ... I just try to avoid it when ever there's the option to do so.
  18. I don't know if we need three subforums (at this point) but having it split up into at least two - say "General" and "Suggestions" would be nice. I was thinking about this the other day too.
  19. It's also why there are often multiple tiers of beta testing, with each tier having different types of beta goals/access. Which is why I said if there's a very late stage QA beta, that could be for "everyone" via email invites. I'm still of the opinion that for early or overall beta testing, it shouldn't be an en-masse pledge reward.
  20. *reads new update* GoG? Beta access? More swank loot? Strategy guide? More pledge tiers to help inspire potential pledges with a wider range to choose from? *Joy-puking all over the room* I'm a little unclear however ... is the GoG drm-free only for backers or a general availability?
  21. That's my general opinion too. Certainly not for initial beta's .... perhaps when they're very close to finishing and want a much bigger beta pool, they could mail out invites to all backers at that time. But initially ... yeah, I'm going to agree with any of the others who don't want/don't think beta access for all backers is a good idea.
  22. The reasons for an editing time limit aren't completely unreasonable, from a mod's point of view. It's not just about a troll making other users look like a moron but that it then erases the evidence so mods may not be able to see/judge complaints. But it is often frustrating as a user and it's a fine line to draw.
  23. What if the arrows are enchanted with shock damage? I understand what you mean tho....I recall in BG1 that at some point I started using almost nothing but ranged in the party, in one game, with half their inventory stuffed with arrow stacks. Fighters, archers, and even the mages would often be slinging their slingshots instead of casting spells (simply because I couldn't "rest"). Then add enchanted arrows all the time and most combat became very very easy. It seems pretty difficult to balance ranged combat vs melee combat in terms of the player in many games, even when ranged characters are weak against melee. So first up, I suppose, is to not have enchanted arrows, except maybe for a slow DoT poison effect. Enemies with shields should have a high chance of blocking arrow damage altogether until the shield breaks (or something). But I don't want them to be any weaker against melee than they tend to be already. Other than that ... I have no idea how to keep archers from feeling overpowered in a game setting, while still being viable enough (eg, not dying every 10 seconds to melee) that people want to use them in their party.
  24. Choice 2. Unless you're making an actual undead/zombie horror game, the undead should be left in the graveyards and tombs. Or as spelled summons.
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