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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'm SF Giant's happy, whilst trying to pretend Red Sox's 2012 never happened. Not just the losing season, but all that silly drama stuff. And if Tito signs to manage the Indians, I'm going to have start watching them a lot more often too. He wasn't perfect, but I miss Tito. Day warmed up quite a bit and had to rig up/point a fan to blow air into hub's gaming pc to keep GPU temp down. The case itself has no fans in it (don't ask) so he leaves it open, which is normally enough, but on warm days with a somewhat GPU-intensive game...heh.
  2. In terms of the ES rpg series, Morrowind was like that for me. I loved it a lot originally, for the mod tools and the open world exploring and other things, but over time it became kind of ... lacking. Oblivion didn't improve it, and then I had hopes for Skyrim, but .... I just find the ES games rather flat and boring. Beautiful, interesting and admirable in some ways, but doesn't hold my attention at all. Probably doesn't help that I never liked the combat mechanics in any of the ES games. I won't be buying any more of them.
  3. Do you know anyone who's gotten a Gunzerker to higher levels? He's the only one with decent ammo regen capability, so one can see the potential there, but I'm having a hard time thinking I'd like his playstyle and skill vs. the other classes. And yeah...hubby and I were thinking of using two Sirens if we make another duo. For co-op just seems like it'd be the "omg awesome" combo. But I suppose being able to lay down 4 turrets (eventually...) would be pretty wicked too.
  4. BL2 - I'm definitely tired of the pattern the game uses of making you chase map-diamond locations in a circle around the area. Sometimes it's really contrived and irritating, making the game feel like chase-the-diamond and nothing else. We're at the supposed final battle now - leaving that for tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be fun...the boss/minion arena fights have been the best thing in the game to me. Every time we do a side mission, I get a little bored or irritated. It's the compete opposite of BL1, where I liked the general gameplay better than the bossfights.
  5. If there are quests/goals related to it and it's not tooo much of a dragged out time-sink in order to achieve them, sure, I sometimes like fishing/mini-games..can be a relaxing thing to do when I don't feel like direct combat exploration. As long as they're optional and not a requirement for main storyline quests.
  6. I do like it when the people in the world occasionally react to your presence in some way. Whether it be because you're armed to the teeth/look frightening or because you're wearing a symbol of something they do or don't like. Emphasis on occasionally. If it happens all the time, it's no longer interesting/special. And definitely avoid the "There she/he goes. I heard she defeated (insert boss name here) all by herself!" and "Look ma, it's the hero of (insert world name here)!" type of whispering, omniscient townsfolk. I find that corny and immersion breaking, for a variety of reasons.
  7. I love that phrase, it fits what I thought of the graphics in Torchlight. Cartoonish I don't mind, bright vivid colors I don't mind, but there's something about TL that grates on me a bit, even while kind of being cool at the same time. I can't put my finger on it. Anyway....my friends are at least all saying that it's much better than D3 in many ways, so I'm still going to give it a spin later. Is the demo very long?
  8. One day I will replay NV and get to all the DLC's, not to mention Sawyer's mod, which I downloaded but never tried. I love the game but I played it so much, sooooo obsessively, it's going to take a while before I can go back to it. Either that, or maybe I'm afraid if I start again, I'm going to become that obsessed again. Glad you're having fun with it, Cant ... it's a great game!
  9. The original Divine Divinity used a combo of both, if I recall correctly, and I liked that system. The limitation was that the sellers/storekeeps had a VERY limited amount of gold, that didn't replenish very often, so you couldn't just sell them your 20 swords every trip to town and collect all the gold. But you could use items to 'trade' for other items once they ran out of coins to give you. Or something like that. It's been a while, I don't remember exactly.
  10. I would be happy if multi-classing made it into the game. Or at least, a few multi-class/hybrid like classes to choose from, even if you couldn't choose what to pair together yourself, if that makes sense.
  11. I'd like to see some barter trade in the game, so not everything is just dependent on collecting numerical value "coins." "I"d like that new bow." "500 gold." "How about 300 gold and these two iron swords?" "Toss in that bronze shield and you got a deal." ...but yes, having at least gold and copper coins, so things might cost 2g 35copper is cool/a nice touch.
  12. Not really into it. Would rather just have different origin starting scenes about how they arrived at a certain place and then start gameplay in the same area. I think it makes for a tighter storyline when it originates in the same place ... it's the decisions/actions you make later that should affect the tale and where/how you travel the land, not what city/town/hut you start in. But if they put it in, I wouldn't actually object. It's just not my preference.
  13. Nope, finished that quest and my Siren's voice was still stuck. Probably is Handsome Jack's voice, but she's stuck. So I made another chr./twinked her out and am speed leveling her, will give her my original stuff, etc. Won't take long when you know what to do/have good gear. Pain in the butt tho. The last two boss battles were really insane. We were lvl23 for the first (I did well on that one) and 24 for the 2nd (I died several times). We made it to the Eridium purple land area at lvl25 and stopped while I level up the new girl. And story-wise - oh my, that happened. Just before doing those main quests we went back to The Dust to do a side quest that was rated as lvl16/trivial, but everyone there had leveled up with us to be 21-23, so...yeah. I wonder what the limits to the enemy scaling really are.
  14. I've always wanted a game set in a world akin to what's in the short novel Sentenced to Prism. Crystalline, silicate+organic life/environments. But that's an entirely different potential game, not this one. So...the typical things. Volcanic caverns, large lakes, mossy swamps, snow and forest and ruins would be fine with me.
  15. I want a cheetah. Or a ferret. Or an angry hippo. Anything but a dog/wolf. Dogs are overdone in most stories, needz something different.
  16. I'm not a fan of bloom myself...but I mean things like every puddle of water (even indoors), and a lot of the other textures (walls, armor, floors, even dirt floors) has an almost polished marble reflective shine to it. I prefer more matte and less shine.
  17. I love locational damage, both for enemies and the player, so I'd vote for that because what I'm largely interested in is more challenging/interesting combat options/situations ... which can include various injury things like wounds/disease ... but I'm not all that into the stuff like hunger/thirst/gold weight because I'm not into micromanaging party non-combat aspects.
  18. Definitely would be interesting, but not sure how it'd really work for a game where you're supposed to be the protagonist. You could create a game where your character is not the main protagonist, but if they then became the main protagonist at some point, via making choices that cause others to follow, you'd be back to the more typical story arc again. Which isn't to say it couldn't be done/wouldn't be intriguing to try. I'm just struggling a bit with trying to think of how one could present it without feeling too distant or contrived, in a video game.
  19. Yeah...you might end up living next to some quiet, reclusive, crazy cat lady who keeps odd hours and does who knows what in the basement ... oh wait, did I say that out loud.
  20. Currently watching Animal Planet's Kitten Cam while making various "squeee, cuteness" noises. It's making my day highly unproductive.
  21. No, I have been...well, kinda. I know about the voice changer thing. But hubby's the host and he picked it up and I heard his voice be different, but I thought mine hadn't changed ... until after the freeze. But...hm. Well, I suppose that could be it. I'll find out I guess.
  22. Here's what my Maya sounds like now: I think it is just pitch lowered. Funny. At least when you know what she's supposed to sound like. http://youtu.be/hBVn_mSyNwc
  23. I also believe that's the main reason for it in many games/rpg systems. Give a class certain powerful, AoE/other spells, and you need to balance them out with some weakness. Lack of consistent armor/protection is one of the easiest ways to do that. That said, I personally don't care whether mages can wear giant plate armor with huge AC bonuses. That's going in towards the Fighter/Mage territory vs. just a mage, imo, which is sort of another debate. I just want to get away from the stereotyped wizard look. There are other types of clothing besides robes and tall hats.
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