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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Yeah, I understand that. I do find the real-life study of criminal behavior interesting, from a more clinical psych. point of view, but for some reason it doesn't translate into gaming/entertainment media all that often for me. And at this point I've heard all the hard questions before ... it's no longer memorable.
  2. Of course. That's stating the obvious. Sure it could. Altho in most cases, it's not so much because of "morally corrupt" so much as I don't personally enjoy it, find it entertaining, enlightening, lesson-learned-inducing, humorous, or at all interesting in any way and thus if such a theme is too dominant, I would be bored into not playing. While I'm no stranger to liking oddball stuff sometimes, and while I liked playing "evil is good" Dungeon Keeper, I like my evil-in-entertainment to be more humorously presented/over the top (Evil Dead 2), or "random element/suspense/sci-fi" oriented (Alien,Terminator), not realistic. If I want ultra realistic about how people can suck, I can watch the news or a documentary. eg, I don't play games to be depressed or watch a chr. beat a child to a bloody pulp. Personal preference, of course. ahem.
  3. I can't think of any game I've played that didn't have at least a few "cheap" or "forced" combat scenarios. Which isn't to say none exist. I just haven't personally played one. In terms of random trash mobs waylaying you all the time ... whether bandits or animals or groups of skeletons or ghosts in a dungeon ... I think I'd find the exploration part of an cRPG fairly dull without at least some such encounters. And I'd also personally find a cRPG without any exploration aspect boring. Hence ... I tend to accept such mob combats. To what degree depends on how much combat focus there's supposed to be. eg., it's fine in Diablo to have random monsters every 10 paces and nothing much else. Not so much in something like Morrowind or BG or Fallout. I expect a mixture of encounters and situations, from complex and involved to simple with little dilemma.
  4. I think you're at least somewhat misinterpreting the thrust of my personal preferences.
  5. I wasn't stating it as a reason why it shouldn't be in a game. It was a statement of personal preference. That said, if you want to go that direction, it's as good a "reason" as those who argue that they want it in the game because it's their personal preference to see "reality" represented as much as possible. But the logical argument against, if/when they apply, probably would be the technical/time resources involved and whether the developer has those resources and/or whether the developer feels it's appropriate for the game they want to create...as well as whether they're trying to appeal more to a majority/mass market vs. a niche one.
  6. It's a valid point. I still don't want to see it being done by other chrs. Implying it via a line of dialogue is enough.
  7. I don't mind if quests involve meting out "justice" for some poor farmer's wife chr. who was molested/raped/tortured or whatever, putting those topics into the game in that more indirect fashion, but I have no desire to play a game that allows my own chr. to act those things out. Or more specifically, I definitely don't want to see it in a game anymore than I want to watch the no other purpose but to linger-watch "torture porn" horror films. And btw, the issue with killing children (particularly very young children) being so socially abhorrent is generally, I think, because most children are unable to defend themselves...or even be able to recognize a situation as a danger. Technically/rationally it may not be worse (child or adult, a life has been taken) but it feels worse because most of us can't imagine the kind of mind it takes to want to ever do such a thing...whereas we might at least sorta understand, if not condone, a passion killing, or political-hate motivated killing, or a greed killing etc.
  8. Usually in my case, it's more like "why are you still up?" ...altho this time I actually went to bed early because I've been up far too late the past week. So I fell asleep at midnight ... and woke up at 2am.
  9. Gas company to work on replacing the pipelines near our street for a few months, starting in a few days. Which is (hopefully) a good thing (considering that horrible accident/explosion a while back) but it also makes me a little nervous. Not to mention, I expect it to be noisy. And a driving route annoyance. Their letter states we may smell gas as they vent from the pipelines and this is to be expected. Uh huh. I think I'll skip the BBQ's for a while. Hahaha.
  10. Was looking up the voice actor for BL2's Axton and discovered he's one of the player chr's in Orcs Must Die 2. Looked it up...sounds exactly like Axton ... (and Lilith too?) I may have to get this game.
  11. That's a nice place to be in during August.
  12. I was in the mood to see a stupid movie. So I watched Stranded. Starring Christian Slater, Brendan Fehr, and directed by Roger Christian. Yes I paid $7 for it via VoD. As soon as the opening scene came up, with the so-obviously-models of a station on the moon being supposedly hit by meteors, I knew I'd gotten what I wanted. It was amusing to watch the trainwreck for a while (wooden acting, no development, terrible dialogue, no originality), but then it just became kinda boring. It wasn't the worst, tho. Just very not good.
  13. Not inherently. Certain skills (which can be passive or you have to do stuff to regen or get a health boost for a short period) and/or wear certain class mods give a small percentage of it. Course, that means giving up stuff in favor of it. And it's mostly useful for between battles - regen isn't fast enough to help in combat, unless you have time to hide behind a boulder for 5-10 minutes. There are no potions/insta-healing thingies to carry. Transfusion grenades (sends small amounts of health via "health orbs" back to you when they dmg. enemies, tho the orbs can miss you) are useful.
  14. Note to self: when paying the bills today, remember to change the house loan number to the new one this time. ...brain cells...you too will lose more than you'd like, someday.
  15. Finally... only took, what, 2.6 months? Now to finish that Platesmithing for the 3-professions extra slot.
  16. BL2 - Hubs and I must have died 5 or 6 times in order to finish the last quest bit before going to Hero's Pass. First time ever, had to drop down off the overpass with 3-4 Super Bad*** Loaders (arm launchers, homing rockets) + angelic guards, those ION-shield bots, flamebots, etc. chasing after us in a conga line...and snipe the constructor from below, because every time you tried to get remotely closer it would almost insta-spawn 5 or 6 more BA bots. I'm pretty sure enemies move faster now, bulky robots can catch up to you in no time ... must have sped them up a bit. That whole bit was crazy. It's nutty how much more the game sometimes throws at you with just one extra person. If I'd been soloing, there wouldn't have been nearly that many BA's in that short quest run. Crazy, and yet ... it's like ... "Let's do it again!"
  17. Green Mile, because it was on, and because I like (almost) everything with Tom Hanks in it. I didn't know Michael Clarke Duncan (actor who played Coffey) had died not too long ago, tho.
  18. Not even lvl3 or 4 enchants as a temp until you get all the 7's? I have a mix of lvl5, 6, and a couple 7's in mine, with the shirt still empty. And yeah...I unslotted lvl 5 and lvl6's a few times...that was expensive. Including for the pets.
  19. That's definitely interesting. I never finished Outcast (a frequent syndrome with me....) but it was an intriguing attempt at doing something different and I did like what I played. So I'd be curious what they come up with...altho if they don't make a pc version I likely won't ever play it. :/
  20. lol, I remember doing that in that game...all of them trying to climb the ladder. Definitely amusing.
  21. Good point. Just hope they don't outsource too much of the work, because that doesn't seem to do well for them. I hear that the Tiny Tina was not outsourced (the other BL2 dlc's were) and imo it's the best one. So basically...stop outsourcing, Gearbox.
  22. ... "Solllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllld!" (more for solo than for playing w/hubs but still...and from a vendor machine to boot)
  23. That is one bold red dress against the backdrop of white snow that the woman in the 1st pic is wearing. Which means I like it. As a photo. And as a dress. Altho ... the make-up job, not so much. But I'm not into make-up at all in general...on myself or others.
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