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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. You guys are so funny. And I mean that in the best way.
  2. The Bay (2011) First, it's directed by Barry Levinson, who also directed Rain Man, Wag the Dog, and a host of others. Which makes you go "huh?" Second, it's not really a horror movie so much as an ecological disaster/warning movie with horror elements. The found-footage aspect of the film doesn't annoy too much, however, because it's not teens running around with a camera shooting at their feet, but mostly pretend news footage, with occasional home video stuff. And it has a survivor chr. narrating missing info as the footage is shown. So has more of a documentary feel than a "Blair Witch" or "Chronicle" feel. But it's a weird movie, and I don't think it really succeeds at doing whatever it wanted to do. It's certainly not frightening.
  3. Only the Genesis device can make a garden large enough for an apocalypse.
  4. That's a nice garden. We have the yard space that could be used kinda like that (edged garden areas) but at the moment if we built some, they'd just get used as litter boxes (my cat and the 5zillion neighbor cats) so I have no interest in trying to grow anything at exposed ground level. But I'd love a small greenhouse for growing a few things almost year round. Cabbages, tomatoes, onions, strawberries, jalapeno's, long string beans etc.
  5. As long as you're both legal age I don't see any serious issue. That said, for me personally, I do tend to find it kinda weird when one is, oh say, 75 and the other is 25. And as Hurlshot said, even outside of how mature they may seem/behave, sometimes if the other is below 20ish, they may not really know what they want yet (compared to the one who is a fair bit older), either from life or from relationships, and thus the couple may find themselves growing apart rather fast. But that can also happen to any couple, so I don't see it as a reason to not try.
  6. Played games. Ate pizza. Took care of/coddled a sick cat (Mr. Grey, outside kitty, seems to have a bad cold or something ) Watched the Red Sox beat the Yankees after 11 innings. Now watching a bad movie. All in all, a pleasant Sunday.
  7. Currently watching "Metal Tornado." Where these people ... ...stand around in control room with dramatic expressions while in the outside world, people are terrified by tornadoes with magnetic properties. Pulling guns out of holsters, pulling cars off the ground etc. in awesome CGI scenes! ...mostly, between occasional guffaws, I keep thinking ... Greg Evigan? Lou Diamond Phillips? Grab that paycheck! Good for them.
  8. Not a MMO but online - Diablo2/Diablo3 releases, anyone? Hahahaha. They often do that ... underestimate the load. Either that or tech problems in general. Even NW:online has mild issues still, during peak times. Mostly with connecting to their servers or getting bumped off. Must be difficult because you don't want to spend more than really needed on servers/techs etc. but that likely sometimes means you end up with problems at peak times or during unexpected sudden surges. And you don't know if the increased load will remain long enough to be worth spending more.
  9. Was bored, so ordered Showtime, because they have a few original series I've been wanting to check out (not Dexter, seen that before on DVDs). First few episodes of Shameless (the US version). It wasn't quite what I was expecting ... I thought it was going to be broader comedy ... but it seems pretty decent. I love William H. Macy and the rest of the cast are mostly good, especially the two older sons. They have every episode available VoD so guess we'll be watching a couple a night for a while. The original (UK?) series has been on Netflix too, I might watch it later.
  10. Thanks for all the notes about the "cards." Much clearer. I don't think I'd be personally interested at all, but it's still interesting. For some reason, my Steam isn't doing this, but my husband's is. We both D/L the BL2 DLC at the same time, and Steam seemed to do some updating then. Later when we actually played the DLC, hub's PC/Steam downloaded something (offline mode). But mine hasn't. It does say "Downloads disabled" in the offline mode greet screen now, I don't think it did before. We can still play BL2 together so there doesn't seem to be any version conflict. It's odd that mine hasn't done anything tho...wonder why. I don't have Steam set to run on bootup (edit: nvm, thinking of something else disabled it in msconfig actually) and I have the "Enable Steam Community-In-Game" option unchecked...but I'm pretty sure I did the latter on hubby's Steam too (because it seemed to get around the issue of Steam not really wanting to allow offline mode at all that occurred to me recently). And all that's just to say ... I don't like it either. They really seem to be desirous of moving away from having offline mode be a ... viable? useful? ... option. Even if the games don't require being online just to run, eventually Steam itself might. Bah.
  11. At this point I just find it easier to take those hundreds of thousands of AD's I can make and sell them for Zen. One wonders, however, if there will come a point where hardly anyone is buying Zen for people to buy. Still probably some months away before that happens to a game-stopping point, I bet. Hopefully by then I'll have lots of Zen stocked up for whenever they push out new kitty things, haha. In 2-3 weeks I'll finally get to see what 8 chrs. all firmly concentrating on bringing in as much AD as possible can really do. Depends partially on markets and how dedicated I am. The last being the biggest factor.
  12. Downloading Planet Explorer's .605. Didn't realize it was out, so I'm behind. From what I"m hearing tho, it's much improved ... at least on the durability and digging front. So I'm likely to like this version much better. Alas I have to wait until tomorrow...much too late for me to start it now (plus the D/L is another hour to boot...).
  13. So somewhere in this thread I saw that the cards were maybe worth real money. Are y'all collecting cards for a chance at cash and prizes, or for Steam achievements or "just because?" I confess I don't understand the cards...outside of the fact they seem incentives to buy more games?
  14. Agreed. People often seem to want something fresh and innovative, but then if it strays too far into the unfamiliar.... I can't really think of anything to say at this point... I needz moah info first. I definitely understand being used to/liking the stat/ability methods of old, but on the other hand, I did often find them a bit restricting and/or nowhere near as flexible as they might sound on the surface. So something different might be interesting. Depends on what the execution really ends up meaning, especially in relation to any/all other chr. game mechanics, vs. a single interview quote. As they say ... we shall see!
  15. And another famous woman: I liked her without the well-known short blonde hair-do. ..ok, I'll get out of the man-thread for now.
  16. In terms of modelling, Crystal Renn is an interesting story. Pressured to be thin to be a model, bouts of anorexia, then gained weight and became an inspirational "plus size" model/spokesperson (even tho she really wasn't that big), then recently lost tons of weight again to become pretty thin once more. ...in terms of famous women, I've always liked Catherine Zeta-Jones. She goes up and down in weight a bit but I think she's very pretty. Or other women I think are attractive: Michelle Yeoh, Queen Latifah, and Halle Berry. All very different body types, all very attractive, imo.
  17. They all kinda start to look the same (oby's pics). Pretty soon we'll start cloning people. Especially the attractive ones. ...it is (generally speaking) true tho, that in glamor photos, sometimes to get that sharp high cheekbone look (on camera) one has to be extra thin elsewhere. Cameras can be unkind. Most women I've known who were that model-thin of face, however ... in person when you see them, they are walking bone sticks. Not all of them - some people are actually naturally very skinny/bony in shape. But a lot basically starve themselves to stay like that. Like my almost 6' cousin, when she was trying to be a model and they wanted her to be something like 120-125 pounds. She quit in a year.
  18. I've reached lvl 19 in Leadership! According to my calculations, if I filled all 7 slots with Leadership tasks, and if I was an auto-bot who never had to sleep so I could change tasks every 2 hours and 40 minutes, I'd have lvl 20 in about 5 days. But sadly, I am not an auto-bot, so this means it's most likely going to take closer to ... 12-14 days.
  19. That's the real reason why I have so many alts. (Eventually) a different mount/companion for every one!
  20. Went socializing, enjoying a mild and pleasant day (80F ). Hubby has one of his poker nights so on the way home I grabbed some food for me. Got home, stuffed my face full of Chinese BBQ pork and fried rice and now I'm going to ... uh ... I'm not sure, haven't thought that far yet.
  21. Hey! Did you steal my spatula?? ...I don't use them that much, but when I do want one it's because I'm flipping pancakes, fried eggs, or a big slice of meat, and I want a big, roundish one that goes under and supports those things. I also tend to use non-stick pans, so plastic for me. Otherwise I stick to wooden spoons. Also...ever since clumping cat litter made its appearance, I'll never look at the smaller metal spatulas in quite the same way.
  22. I'd like a new/remodeled kitchen, too. It's not very big, but it could use some rearranging, like a window removed, the stove moved to a different wall (the one with the window....), which means the dishwasher would be moved to another spot, etc. One of the worst kitchen layouts ever. Don't care about granite countertops or fancy appliances/pantries...it's the inefficient layout that drives me insane.
  23. I had fun with Risen2, but then I must have become distracted by something else because I never finished it. Oh well....happens to me a lot. Today I dug holes in Planet Explorers and spent time pressing "refresh" on the auction house of NW:Online until I got what I wanted. Tomorrow I will dig more holes in Planet Explorers. I am going to turn the land into swiss cheese, until all the enemy animal spawns will fall down all the holes as soon as they spawn, unable to climb back out to bother me. Well, ok, not really, the world is too big, but if I had the time...
  24. NW:Online - tiger mount and the new healer companion. I named her (companion) Uhura. Actually, I named her something else first, but then she played her harp and went "hmhmhm," which for some reason made me think of ST.
  25. 2 to 3 more days later... BUT ... at least ... ...someone put one on the AH for 1.4 million AD (instead of 2-5 million) and I snatched it up. Also gave up trying to be a cheapskate on the AD to Zen exchange, so I have my tiger mount now, too. Left me with like 150k AD, heh. So I sold some col. wards and other things and back up to 700k AD. I love MMO-economics.
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