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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Cute face, but that hipbone sticking so far out kinda makes me want to feed her a sandwich.
  2. They sure know how to time new things to keep that zen/diamond exchange high. ...the purple healing companion is going to be desirable, but a random chance from a prof. pack is annoying. It is tempting, however ... especially since the one you get for praying takes a year (or 292 more days, in my case). Ghost companion ... meh. They're never going to release those "level up companion" tomes, are they? Also ... lol, they heard me. Mass ore/resource gathering option now in professions. heh
  3. Isn't that basically what most entertainment/mass products become, tho? I mean, at one time you could hardly turn around but stumble on the big splashy musical/dance film, with the same stars (when stars were under restrictive studio-exclusive contracts), until audiences finally grew tired of them and they stopped being profitable. Or the gangster movie. Or the Western movie. Or the WWII movie. And if you didn't like those things or those actors, too bad, you had to hunt around for the few things that weren't that. I suppose it's a bit different in terms of who the main pusher is (investors, studio owners/partners, whatever) but movies go in cycles - I don't really see a big difference. They're just not in a cycle that I like at the moment. Altho, the issue of the changing way many like to consume movies (audience has many choices) vs. traditional methods (audience had only one choice - the theater) had and still is having a large impact. I don't think studios have figured out how to deal with/work with that effectively yet, so they just keep on looking for the "theater blockbusters."
  4. It's like the floating, magical-cast sword ... only it's a flashlight! What's it hovering over? A pile of mule puke?
  5. Anyone else actually read Dianetics, the book? It's sorta interesting in a weird way. But it's hard to see it forming the basis for some cult like "religion." It's not that interesting.
  6. The only thing I know about Scientology as an organized group is that when I was 17, I walked into a small, newly opened local office of theirs out of curiosity (I'd read the book recently, then). Just some books and some people at desks, boring. I was there 5 minutes. But I did the mistake of putting myself on a mailing list ... I can't remember why. I used my parents address. I'm now going on 45 and their mailings (constant, often huge and fortune-costing packages to mail I'm sure) have followed me the entire time, from address to address, with occasional breaks as someone forgets to check up on my change-of-address filings, I suppose. This indicates to me a level of obsession that I find rather scary. And a friend's mother was harassed by live people for several years. So ... if the internet helps curtail some of their cult-like habits via them not being able to effectively hide/mask their semi-strong arm tactics anymore, then I'm all for it.
  7. What? You mean you don't want your giant Orc warrior romping around on a white Unicorn? What's wrong with you, man? That would be awesome! ...yeah, I think they're over-doing it on the elven races a tad, especially when all the elves look the same just with a new face tattoo option. Just a name change mostly. Speaking of lazy art departments ....
  8. I guess the people who didn't like that Cheerio's commercial wouldn't like my husband and I. It's always been odd, as the adopted-by-mid-class-whites Asian kid, to feel/notice race assumptions from both sides of the fence. Not always racism per se, but the expectations, initial assumptions, and reactions about who I am and who I am not.
  9. I feel more like that all the time, but I usually figure it's because I've become that grumpy old fart that I made fun of as a kid.
  10. Latest "Under the Dome" episode ... cliffhanger, what's that councilman dad going to do now? Dun,da,dundundunnnn....also, the fallen preacher has now become the repentant-and-shoutcrazy-nut preacher. Also...Alaska sustenance/survival living reality show "Below Zero" should forget about the other people and focus entirely on the young man "Wiseman," because he's cool.
  11. The whole DLC is a sort of parody on D&D gaming (and general fantasy stuff) most of the time. A lot of the enemies/names are supposed to look familiar. Plus all the jokes. Even has dice to "roll" to open the new loot chests. And Claptrap in a Wizard Hat.
  12. Since I'm a Borderlands nerd....what I thought of when I saw the above pic:
  13. Another all-in-one "pack" with unique items for sale ... only $60 this time. Unicorn mount. Another elven type race. Fairy/pixie (?) companion. An outfit. Strangely, even tho all I do anymore is level professions, I still want all the new shiny stuff, particularly when it comes to cool looking mounts or companions/pets. Which isn't to say I'm going to get it. But I still want it. *shakes fist* Only a bit over a month for the new Fey game-content, too. Might get me back to combat-playing, for a bit.
  14. I still have yet to play Saints Row 2 (barely started) or 3, and now there's a 4 coming. ... I'll get to the series someday. Unless I croak first, of course. Borderlands 2 Ultra or Ultimate or whatever mode is pretty tough, at least initially. I like being able to level up more, tho.
  15. Well, I suppose if Jesus (or any other religion icon figure) were to show up again, today, I figure after a while they'd realize they need to try and "relate" to modern times and popular references, and would, likely, get it all wrong on how to go about it, at first. Seriously tho...in today's cynical times, it would be difficult to convince very many. The loaves and fishes thing wouldn't be enough. Burning bushes? Special effects. You'd have to pull the moon out of its orbit with a wave of the hand or something along that scale (while simultaneously having that not cause disaster). Even then, someone is going go think James Cameron was behind it all, somehow.
  16. I said that over six days ago when Leadership was 18.5, and it's still not lvl 19. Getting fairly close, but ... The rest of my alts mix it up between Leader and this pattern: "Gather high quality ore" x 3, repeat repeat repeat repeat "Create mass rings/scales" x 3 "Create pants/shirt" x 3, repeat repeat repeat ...sigh. They really need a "Mass gather ore" so you're not stuck in the Gateway every 15 minutes. I'd buy ore off the AH but most of the time there's not much of the middle-level material for sale. Oodles of mithral ore, but not much of the other two. Maybe I should give up on getting that extra crafting slot for having 3 Lvl20's.
  17. It only took me 2 years to learn how to raise the dead. But I was a prodigy. My teachers were very sad when I decided that raising the dead was boring and unfullfilling and left the order to get married and raise cats, instead.
  18. On the faces? I don't remember them being smudgy or blurry. Just weirdly shadowed and, of course, not very attractive facially. Tho I blame that more on the engine, which just seems to be poor with faces throughout its game-use history. (edit: I guess the darker shadowing that occurs at times could be seen as smudgy...) I don't think I've seen any mods that succeeded at making the faces much better, however. Usually they're either focused on hi-res female bodies (hur), different hairstyles, or they just alter the shape of the face via the editor ... so Veronica has a different face than her default, or whatever.
  19. It's not so much that I demand high quality graphics as it is the inconsistency, like the sharp textures on a blurry table. My eyes notice things like that too much...probably the photographer in me. I think I'm one of the few who didn't care about the graphics in NV. I did eventually run with a mod that upped the color and some textures a bit (nothing hi-res at all). But since the graphics were largely consistent, didn't bother me. Altho, the odd/ugly face shading in certain lighting/angles would occasionally jump out at you.
  20. And more money, too, perhaps? And CNN used to seem like a credible news source, years and years ago, but in the US, all TV news tends to have gone the short-attention-span, sensational-presentation style route to varying degrees ... live disaster event 24/7 coverage not included (well, at least for the first couple days).
  21. All right, so I made myself watch Sharknado. Or I tried to. It has a somewhat promising cheese beginning (on the boat) but then it just gets worse and worse. 30 minutes in, I started fast-fowarding a little here and there. 45 minutes in, I fast fowarded a lot. A bit later, I turned it off. It does have some so bad it's lol absurd moments but they're too few compared to the plain ol' "this is boring/stupid" moments. Sorry, I don't see the appeal. And Escape From NY beats it by 100 miles.
  22. Zoot suit pants are only cool-looking when also worn with at least the vest and/or jacket. Otherwise you just look like you're wearing clown pants.
  23. Mind, I didn't get very far into Skyrim, but what I saw I liked. But then, I like grey, overcast, washed out seeming weather and neutral tones....and I like snow in games. There were other graphical things that bugged me in Skyrim tho, like how even with settings maxed, the fact the game didn't draw in high detail land in the distance was glaringly obvious in some cases. Ugly. Here's what I mean. And blurry table with sharp texture objects ... also pretty glaring. ...probably a mod for that, by now.
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