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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. What's weird about that cycle? I think it's cool. The starter beach area, where I've been trying to get crystals and thumper mining, since I have no clue what else to do, yet. If I go too far away from there, I tend to get smooshed...at least as the Recon.
  2. Heh. I have zero interest in tie-ins. I haven't felt like the game feels like a manga or anything, but I barely know what manga is. Outside of the chrs, brighter colors, and more mech style, it graphically reminds me a wee bit of Borderlands, only slicker. Currently trying to get hubby to download and try it, since I think it's xbox-controller compatible. I like running around shooting stuff, but it'd be more fun with a partner. Hubs will hate the crafting/upgrading the suit stuff (I'm not sure I like that part, either) but that's what I'm for, I guess. Recon is definitely fragile. Might have to go Dreadnaught or Assault until I figure the game out more. If hubs doesn't like it at all tho, I might give this one a pass.
  3. I don't even remember that female elf being in The Hobbit ... assuming she really was, I guess it wasn't memorable enough.
  4. Those fireworks block parties we had as a kid, some of them pretty impressive, sitting in the driveways warming our hands over spent firework cones while waiting for the next round to be set up...good ol' days. Party poppers just aren't the same. At least they still have the big city shows, most years.
  5. I needz me the cat-ears. Alas, I have no Red Beans to buy them, I can only try them on. Does it stay dark in-game all night, real-clock-time wise? That kinda sucks if you like to play at 1am, I'd hope the night/day cycles would be shorter... ...got through the tutorial stuff, which seems to give you a lot of XP for not doing much, plus tries to show how the crafting and upgrading of your suit works. I still find it confusing. I definitely like the look of the game, the guns etc. Tried the Dreadnaught first, who would be survivability-cool except that darn delay before her giant gun fires gets annoying. Switched to the Recon and I think I like that one better (sniper-like zooming/aiming/speed) but not many hitpoints there...plus leveling up each suit w/one chr. seems like it'd be a lot of work. Anyway, seems like fun...still not sure, but I need some sleep now.
  6. Btw, I'm not protesting the female figure in Firefall. It's just extremely funny looking to me because of the bizarre proportional aspect. In-game (not so much in that screenshot) it's like a super-wide angle lens effect in photography. The tiny head with almost no neck, in particular, looks wrong, heh. Especially in the character creation menu (once in armor it's not quite so bizarre). Utterly and hysterically comical and when I hit the chr. creation menu I was LOL for long minutes. I mean, look at that tiny head, it's not much wider than her calf. Something just looks off, there.
  7. So...Firefall beta. I made a chr (what is up with the female's ginormous rear end/thighs and tiny head, lol) and then reached the spot where you're supposed to select your wearable battlesuit or something (which is what dictates your current abilities I gather). I know you can change them out if you want, later, but I still couldn't decide which one might be best for me, so I quit to look them up. I like the Recon's fast rate of fire, tho. And I definitely like those flying boots etc. That is too much fun.
  8. Bourbon root beer? As in, bourbon in root beer? I don't think root beer as a mixer would have ever occurred to me. I haven't had a margarita in a while. I should make some tomorrow. P.S. - downloading a game, which always makes me think about how no matter how fast your internet speed is, it's never fast enough.
  9. I like crafting - most of the time. Sometimes a game doesn't do crafting in the way I enjoy. It happens. But I do like having crafting there, in some form or another, because I like "busy-work" and long term goals to work on independent of leveling or "winning" the game. Yes, even in single-player games. That said, I don't want crafting to feel mandatory, either. This is because humans are fickle creatures who often think the grass will be greener. It's often hard to truly know if you're going to really like a method of implementation until one has it in front of them to try. We can postulate based on past experience what we will/won't like and want, but occasionally that past experience may let us down, too, so to speak.
  10. Hm. Thanks. It seems intriguing, but not sure about the long-term aspect. Might just wait for open beta...I'll have to think about it for a few days.
  11. Watching some Firefall beta vids, trying to get an idea of the game. I love the jetpack/gravity boots or whatever, and the world looks expansive. Thumpers seem like an interesting mechanic. But...seems like one of those MMO's where I wish hubby was into playing them, so I'd have a regular couch-partner.
  12. So if you don't spend any real cash, the pets reflect that? Hahah.....funny. How's the expense of cash items and (as always) how's the solo playability? I like their claim of less linearity, the guns/shooter aspect (vs elf fantasy) and that bike mount is pretty awesome. Edit: I see currency is "Red Beans." Founder's pack gives you 960 "Red Beans" ... do those beans go very far or is it more like NWO.
  13. NooOOOoooOOO! Tiger mounts! They had to bring those out this soon. Dangit!! Edit: the double-diamonds for even praying and crafting is nice, but does that mean we can refine twice the rough diamonds per day, too? And yeah...don't care about this Event. Sounds boring.
  14. My cats did about 252 cute things today. That is all.
  15. Watching "Storage 24," which is basically a sort of Alien set in a public storage unit facility or something. It's rather mediocre/average for it's type, but with some decent acting moments by a couple of the actors and a decent creature. But also some bad acting moments. Nothing special, but an ok late night Netflix watch. Snow Beast, with John Schneider, on the other hand ... not even worth the Netflix time. I got a few laughs out of the bad abominable-snowman like monster, the whiny daughter, and John's craggy face, but I couldn't watch it all. John, you'll always be Bo Duke to me (he was a decent Mr. Kent, too).
  16. I'm never particularly fond of item durability stuff, but it doesn't sound all that severe in P.E. Likely long durability, not on every item, no bad effects until it's all gone, and items don't actually break and aren't lost if you don't pay close enough attention for a bit. eg, it doesn't seem like you'll have to place constant, ever-vigilant, check after every fight with a kobold attention towards it. Maybe just when one is at a campfire or town for the night. The money issue of repair, if one doesn't feel like going the crafting route ... can't say. Depends on the economy of the game.
  17. Crafting like Diablo3? Skyrim? MMO? I'm not seeing it. From the description, to me it sounds more akin to what was in KOTOR2 or FNV. Not exactly the same I'm sure, but more that sort of style. Then again, I'm not always good at interpreting what is meant in descriptions. Probably why I don't read manuals.
  18. I had to turn it off after about 35 minutes. Maybe I'll try it again at 2am. These type of movies are often a little better then. Now to watch one that I'm sure even watching in the dark won't help ... Snow Beast. But I must see John Schneider in a terrible rubber monster movie!
  19. Oh...heh. I have my browser less than half desktop size and don't tend to click images to enlarge them.
  20. My first thought was of the Star Trek:OS episode where they find all the empty crew uniforms (except tiny piles of salt). My next thought was of the game Alan Wake. My current thought has been ... doesn't anyone know how to make torches, campfires, etc, or does it have to be electric light only?
  21. What game is that, sorophx? It has an interesting look.
  22. Hubs had some painful dental work done, so he's lounging around the house all Mr. Grumps. Still on the bad thriller/horror film kick, again. A Hadyen Christensen one, this time. Something about power outages/vanishing on some street. 10 minutes in, I'm already chuckling. Heheh.
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