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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. That's assuming the game allows you to name the save files vs. generic "save0001" type format. Not that I see any reason why P.E. wouldn't allow you to name saves, I'm just saying. At any rate ... I'm the type who does often ends up working on multiple chrs, along with not liking to perm-delete chrs, or maybe wanting to re-load an old specific save to check/test out something specific at that point in the game without having to play over to that point, or whatever, so my vote goes towards the OP's suggestion, as well. It's just more....organized.
  2. My Steam is always in offline mode until I decide there's a need/reason to go online to download something I want.
  3. Muting the game often ? Heheh, no doubt! Thankfully, I'll be wearing an intercom headset to chat with him thru the rooms, so I won't be able to hear game sounds too well anyway ...
  4. Not that level of cardio at the moment, no ... legs aren't up to it yet. But that's nothing to do with sleep issues, in my case. I've been like this since...well, since I can remember (eg, under 8 years old), before any caffeine, and all through decades when I was in good shape/quite active. I could barely get through school, let alone work weeks, because I couldn't sleep, then couldn't get up in time when I did sleep. It's probably a combo of toddler-trauma psych issues and "wrong" biological clock issues, which at this point leads to lifelong habitual patterns that feel impossible to break.
  5. Oh ... is Tiny Tina DLC actually available for DL now? ... I know what hubby and I are doing this weekend.
  6. I don't drink coffee but did drink too much diet Dew, I'm not asleep yet and probably won't be for a while, last thing I ate was about 7 hours ago so after contemplating a bit about whether I should ask Ros not only what he has done but he will do and deciding "nah", I think I'm headed to the kitchen to make myself a boring sandwich. And possibly drink another diet Dew.
  7. I'm still quite content with my "lowly" 1080 resolution 27" IPS. Maybe it's because I largely watch Netflix and such on the PC, so it's not like that's going to be the uber regardless. I occasionally notice the extra grain a tiny bit under some circumstances, but it's nothing for me to be in a snit over so far. I have a feeling I wouldn't have liked it if it hadn't been the IPS tho. But the IPS is so nice and clean/crisp/colorful that it's fine....for now. A few years and I might splurge on better. I still refuse to mail-order a monitor, tho. I live in a big metro area, I shouldn't have to, darnit.
  8. I'm a bit skittish about mines and caves at this age. They are cool, tho. I've been in/walked around a few in my life, and the things to see in some of them are pretty awesome, like the rock formations. The Fern Grotto in Hawaii was my favorite, although to my flimsy memory that wasn't a "serious" cave. I was sad to hear it was so damaged during a hurricane.
  9. I guess I'm not comfortable with my "masculinity" then, because I still don't like pink/pastels. ...more seriously, for me I think it's more about how color affects mood. There's a lot of early studies re: that aspect of color. Of course it's probably largely cultural/personal experience related (stop signs, fire trucks, red emergency lights = red being "exciting, lively, adrenaline evoking, etc), but it's also likely why some people have color aversions. Some people find yellow to be a happy color, for instance, but I don't. Bright yellow (in terms of paint/art/clothes, not the natural sun) makes my nerves scream. If I was locked in a room with yellow walls, I'd go insane before long. Yet I don't mind yellow on a small bouquet of flowers. Far as I know, I was never locked in a yellow room when I was child, so I have no idea why I have that reaction, but yeah...it's a mood thing. Staring at neutral/natural seeming colors for hours while playing a game doesn't make me grumpy, angry, tense, nervous or irritated, thus I prefer them.
  10. I like shades of purple for lighting/object/spell effects (like in that P.E. dungeon pic). That's fine, even atmospheric if it's all glowy in the dark, maybe in combo with other colors like greenish or whatever. It's being used as a spot-color mood contrast, and it works, imo. I'm not particularly fond of purple on clothing, but as long as it's kinda mellow or only a part of the color scheme (purple striping on black, say), that can be fine, or even look cool. And I don't care if that witch in the Diablo3 pic is wearing purple, because hey, who am I to tell her what colors she can wear. However, I strongly dislike pink in general, altho it's fine for some stuff/in some situations. Like Lephys avatar creature is cute, but I don't want an RPG dungeon cram-filled with pink unicorns or purple and turquoise dirt/brick walls or something. Unless it's an obvious parody/humor attempt, like the rainbow unicorn level in Diablo3. Most of the time, I prefer colors to be more neutral or "natural" feeling for a setting. Very bright, near fluorescent or pastel solids (not just pink/purple, but also greens, yellows, sky blues etc) are good for punctuation here and there, but if used as a dominant theme it's definitely not my preference (Torchlight comes to mind). Bottom line: for me bright colors are all fine in moderation/bits and pieces, but if it's too dominant ... or too far towards the pastel palette...not so much.
  11. Except for the giant, oddly placed hip-pauldrons (or whatever), I kinda like that one. Maybe because it's blue. Even cooler if it was black instead. I remember getting a set of "free" dye, when you make a chr, and the random factor gave me 3 pinks. I was all "pink?!, nooooo." They still sit unused in my bank stash.
  12. I have this crazy urge to reactivate my WoW account just to play with my pet leopard for a while. Assuming my chrs are still there. All I have is Burning Crusade, I have no clue what changes the game has made, and not interested in the later expansions. Only just ... to roam around with my spotted fur-face again. ...but I think, instead, I'm going to fire up Planet Explorers for the first time in a while (still no new alpha version yet, sigh) and dig a giant crater.
  13. Every time I go out into the world, I marvel at how many people seem to have no idea how to properly park a car. It's not that hard, people. And of course, while walking back to my car at one point, a flying bird decided to poop-bomb me. Such is my life at the moment. Came home, changed shirt....one more thing to do, then I'm permanently home to flop.
  14. All kinds of must-do errands to do today...which is what happens when you keep putting off the "not-must-do" errands for too long. Just haven't wanted to deal with some stuff... Probably have to go up to the city this weekend too. Maybe I can put that off a bit longer.
  15. I find every forum that uses IPB as its base software to have (personally) annoying issues these days, since mid-last year. At least, in some form or another. I used to like IPB ... not so much now.
  16. He did run really funny. As if he was especially pigeon toed or something. Especially in the cut scenes.
  17. I'm idly curious ... if you're sitting with your leg mostly extended/supported but relaxed, can you use your fingers to easily push that top part of the kneecap so it moves side to side by...quite a lot? It's like there's a flat shelled turtle moving around under rubbery skin. Time for bed.
  18. While I'd never say it was an awesome game or something, I quite liked Two Worlds as a simple action/explore romp. Minus the bad voice acting. I didn't like the sequel. I tried to, cause some peeps I knew were playing it, but I couldn't. I didn't get too far before becoming bored tho....guess I didn't miss much?
  19. Loot, loot, that RPG fruit! The more you smite, the more you loot! The more you loot, the better you feel Sifting through the rewards at every meal!
  20. Pigeons in the park, squirrels in a tree, a rabbit running across the path, housecat sitting in a cottage's yard. These sorts of things would please me. I won't cry if they're not there, and I don't want them every five feet, but ... yes, they would please me. And yeah...wolves/general animals that are instant enemies as soon as they sight you from across the way - I could do without that. Maybe if you're real close to an actual den or something, but unless they're devil wolves sent out by the Evil God to harvest a daily quota of souls, it'd be nice if most of the time they didn't attack unless you attack first. Or something.
  21. I still like all the detail in the NPC figures. I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but for some brain-fart-like reason I didn't consider they would be quite that detailed. So I'm pleased. And of course, everything else looks awesome too.
  22. But...but...if I did it over 2-3 days/don't complete it every single day, it's not max. potential efficient! I can't have that. Must be efficient! *wild-eyed, glazed, numbers-obsessive stare* ...I'd just rather they have kept it 1 quest/1000 and made it repeatable twice a day than four times a day. Side note: due to some extra luck of task timing, I think my cleric is going to hit that 24k per day refine rough AD limit for the first time, today. Number efficiency, man, numbers! *drool*
  23. I know, but you can't turn it in until you complete all four, right? Can't turn it in after one to get 1000?
  24. *reads through thread* I know it's all in good fun, but could we at least try to stay a teensy weensy bit on-topic of Maria's original intent for a thread about links and info re: the upcoming game itself?
  25. So hadn't taken Rhix's Foundry quest with my Cleric for ages. I just checked and it's now up to needing 4 quests to do it. That's at least an hour for me, probably closer to 1.5 hours. Fark that daily commitment, doing it over and over. She's making 14-19k a day from Leadership+praying anyway.
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