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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I is sad that there are no more double-diamonds even if it means I can go back to being more efficient about actual profession leveling instead of AD-collecting. At least I only have 1.5 levels to go and I'll finally have one chr. with maxed Leadership! Those last 3-4 levels really do take an eternity.
  2. Please don't take this the wrong way, because I am always interested in/fascinated with weapons (and warfare history) of all kinds and from many periods of time. But I do find it constantly amazing how much energy we human beings put into the creation of weapons. Sometimes I think it's only 2nd to the energy we put into trying to get laid.
  3. I dunno...I typically play on whatever the "normal/default" settings are, initially. I usually don't care about super hard combat/game challenge the first time through, I just want to see the game, do the quests, see the sights, explore, take my time, etc. But if it turns out that's easy enough where I feel like I could play with my eyes closed or something, I'll start over on something harder until I find my preference. As long as "harder" doesn't only mean food and thirst meters.
  4. Hubs wanted to watch the recent film version of 21 Jump St. I snorted but sat down anyway and expected little....but it was actually fairly funny, in that satirical/juvenile way, at least in spots. Towards the latter third my laughter died down a lot, but for a free viewing, it was ok. Never got into the TV show - tho I remember it was popular, it made Depp a teen idol, and it wasn't a comedy - but the film was plenty watchable without knowing anything about that.
  5. Time to get a boat? That's some serious rain...must have happened fairly quickly too, with everyone getting stuck in the flooding like that. Were you able to get home from the office?
  6. Couldn't even take the cellphone and sneak some shots/video? Did they confiscate such before the tour? Anyway, sounds like an interesting place and one I'd love to visit.
  7. ---First runs through rpg's I'm almost always "average good," but with a lot of thievery tossed in. Or at least morally neutral/non-committal. If there's a decided gameplay advantage to not being good (better gear reward vs. just gold/xp, or I'd get to keep a companion I want, say), I'll do it. ---Second runs, usually the same thing. ---Third runs ... I might start to take more of the "evil" options just to see what happens, then once I know, go back to being mostly good/neutral. ...generally speaking, while I love a good bad guy in movies/books, I don't find it all that entertaining to be one in video games - altho sometimes, it can make me lol.
  8. Downloading alpha 0.6 of Planet Explorers! They had the torrent D/L option up late last night, along with emailing the access keys, but I waited for the direct link. I'd prefer to wait a bit longer on a slower D/L than have to install yet another program just to D/L something. I'm weird that way. The list of changes is huge, and I like most of them. Hopefully I won't be one of the minority that encounters oodles of game breaking bugs. We shall see!
  9. *waves* Welcome, and thanks for helping to keep the TechFAQ going!
  10. I think there is/was two actual main issues - the concept of durability itself, and tying durability to crafting as a possible/alternate gold sink or something. Durability as a mechanic, if done well, can/does add some of that "realism" mechanic that some people like (akin to having to manage hunger, thirst, inventory weight, etc.). I would not say it's an automatic bad design just because armor degrades in combat and one has to repair it occasionally. Now, I personally don't like to manage such things to a great extent, even in a story-RPG ... but that's why I'm always fine with some kind of expert/hardcore option that includes them or has a more severe version of it.
  11. So that's why the center barriers always seem to have those consistent black rubber lines at the half-way point! ....hopefully they didn't end up killing anyone.
  12. Woldan gets +3 for the Miami Vice t-shirt. @Ros - I see a lot of people doing that sort of stuff at/around our beaches too...some people, I believe, actually take off in the lightly wooded mts a fair distance from the coast and glide all the way to the beaches. Some summer days it feels like the entire sky is filled with them, now.
  13. Dead Island's durability mechanic was indeed extreme and terrible. But I'd agree with TrashMan that using one of the worst examples as a reason why durability always sucks/should never be used or something is a tad hyperbole-ish. As I've said before, I'm not a big fan of durability in games, but there have been plenty of games I've played that had it, where it bothered me not at all. Which isn't to say I enjoyed that it existed per se ... only that it was implemented in such a way that during actual gameplay, it really had little impact on me, unless I was trying something super duper oddball that sort of forced the issue, and even then it wasn't much of a thing. eg, I didn't feel inconvenienced by its mere existence, so if other players enjoyed having it there...why not.
  14. Back in the late 80's when I partied more, I used to like Pizza Hut's Pepperoni Lovers pizza. But that was probably because I was drunk when we ordered one, and we'd order one because we were too drunk to go anywhere to pick something up. In those situations, sometimes even a microwaved beef/cheese sandwich from 7-11 can taste good.
  15. Tried Pizza Hut's flatbread promo pizza. It was edible, but I won't be getting it again. To be fair, I don't like Pizza Hut much to begin with (or Domino's, or any of those super cheap pizza places). But I was curious about the flatbread part, so I tried it once. Kinda like eating a giant stale cracker, with a bit o' cheese and greasy toppings on top. Almost no sauce. And their black olives are horrible. Only if they read the dailymail to know that. ;)
  16. Never mind the pizza review ... it's the kitten.
  17. Well, when you finish it, let me know the title so I can play it.
  18. Maybe in the long term that couple is less worried about the bullets themselves and more concerned about why they were there in the first place. eg, maybe someone wants them back, haha.
  19. There's not much to spoil. It's just characters much more fleshed out, one character arc/background that was removed (the "wolfman" the group found in a car on the way). It all added up to tons of extra pages, but it wasn't anything vital nor did it change anything. More filler, more character depth.
  20. You have a pool, Keyrock? I didn't care that much about it when we had one, but now that we don't, I miss it.... Thinking about going to Fry's and spending money on some non-virtual things.
  21. I have over a million AD between all my chrs and another 1.1 million AD sitting in the AD exchange waiting for the price to come down so I can get a tiger mount. Bah. If it doesn't come down where I want it in a few weeks, by then I may cancel the exchange offer and put it back up for a bit higher/spend more. The only thing I buy on the AH, most of the time, is blue Leadership workers (when they're 60-65k) to eventually turn into Hero's (the faster to make AD with...) and the occasional profession resource (like ores in bulk, time-saver). The rest is saved for Zen exchange or for when my alts finally reach 60 (highest is only 43 I think) and I feel like buying them some cheap purple gear. I haven't even been doing any dailies. I'm tempted to make another few Leadership alts but was trying to save those slots for the new race/class. Imagine if you had the max 50. A month and you'd have 30million or something.
  22. Sand gets into everything.
  23. I'm back to not having enough of an attention span or the patience to learn anything new/play anything for more than 10-15 minutes in a row. Break time.
  24. Salem's Lot with David Soul was the first King mini-series. And it scared the crap out of me when I was 11. Altho it was originally going to be a movie I think, then they turned it into a short (2-night?) mini-series instead. Then turned it into a movie again with a shortened/edited version. I loved The Langoliers - the story, that is. I've read and re-read it numerous times. The mini-series, not so much. Especially Bronson Pinochet's (or whatever his name is) performance. The Stand - Ray Walston, Rob Lowe, Gary Sinise, Miguel Ferrer, and Bill Fagerbakke were all outstanding. Couldn't stand Molly Ringwold or Corin Nemec...they ruined a lot of scenes for me just by opening their mouths. But it's still one of the best of King's TV adaptions (and the book itself a classic King epic ... both original and extended versions).
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