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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Knuckleball! ...of course I had to watch it. Tim Wakefield, man, Tim. I wish they'd talked a bit more about mechanics of the pitch (just a little), but I loved seeing the famed knuckleballers together on a couch, yapping about their careers.
  2. Watching a plethora of ants all swarming my cats waterbowl, with most of them essentially drowning themselves in the process, makes me feel better about my nothing-special human IQ.
  3. I've read there's a better chance of getting the slot/t3 result via "Finish Now" than waiting for it to finish (which seems to rarely result in what you want, even with highest chance in the task list). The claim was something about the way the game calculates something, but I don't know the details/how true that is.
  4. I loved Evil Dead 2 but for some time I didn't bother watching the first version, since I heard it wasn't comedic. After hearing all about that tree scene, when I did finally buy/watch Evil Dead, my general feeling was "that's it? What's the big deal?" I mean, it's not a nice scene, but some made it out to be a lot worse than it is. There's a scene in Re-Animater that's worse/creepier, imo.
  5. *sees a new Planet Explorers Kickstarter Update* *gets excited, maybe it's the new alpha build!* ...nope...not quite. A nice informative update on where they are (their game uses too much memory, hah), but looks like July 4th. ...goes back to watching Netflix and occasionally checking NWO Gateway in an effort to avoid sweating in the afternoon heat.
  6. Since Leadership has no tasks that seem to have the % to get something better, they seem pretty useless. I've wondered if you used purple sword/armor if you'd sometimes end up with, say, more rough AD's then stated, but I rather doubt it, and it wouldn't be worth it anyway. The rare/epic workers are useful at least, considering Leadership takes so much longer to lvl up. Btw, do you have any idea if Leadership can get that last slot for "a Rank 3 result?" I read creating t3 purple items for the other professions can work, but nothing like that for Leadership, unless getting a high resource out of a purple chest counts. The only possibility seems to be creating a purple worker from 4 blue workers (which I have a ton of), but I have yet to attempt it to see if it works, because I'm still not...quite...18 in Leadership yet. All my other professions are 20 w/the alts all working on Leadership and half way through a 3rd profession yet I STILL don't have a max Leadership, even using almost all blue workers.
  7. Random quote from a review of the non-fiction book "Sleepless in Hollywood:" (I have not read this book nor claim to agree with this book's conclusions about Hollywood) Welcome to my current movie-life. It's especially difficult for me since I'm also not all that into Oscar-bait dramas or dramatic art-house films. But I watched a couple low-budget psych thriller/horror films (eg not gore-fests) from a couple years ago (The Corridor and YellowBrickRoad). Mind you, neither were awesome, or non-derivative, or even awesomely acted, but there was still something about them that was sorta creepy and compelling. A mood. Some might find them "too slow/boring" or ambiguous but maybe that was what I liked about them. The actors were unknown to me, the characters were unknown to me (even if they were obvious archetypes), and thus I was vaugely interested to see what trouble they got into. It's not the same thing as caring about them, but it's more than I typically feel in the mega-success Hollywood stuff these days - where the most interest or emotion I feel is the "ooo" of the visual snazzery, whether sets or action. The one film reviewer that I still read with some regularity (I miss you, Ebert!!) liked that one better than White House Down. Which isn't to say he thought it stellar/awesome, just that it was a bit less mindless and did the scenario better than WHD. Which means I'll check it out when it comes to VoD. I think I'm going to skip White House Down...
  8. As a more casual, yet still kind of control-freakish user, what I dislike about every incarnation of Windows is the seeming way they make it harder (or at least more exasperating) to find, do, and use things I commonly want to access. Bury them under a lot more menus, a lot more mouse-clicks, obscure or hidden folders with funky, unrelated/non-nonsensical and unintuitive titles that make it difficult for me to figure out where the heck they are , etc. etc. All in the name of idiot-accident-proofing, or prettification, or something. I don't know. Whatever the reason, it farking annoys the carp out of me.
  9. Tried to watch Wreck It Ralph. It started off ok/amusing, then that annoyingly voiced girl "glitch" character came along. Really grated on my nerves and I turned it off. Jane Lynch's chr. was pretty funny tho. I think my days of really enjoying Disney animated tales are ... if not entirely gone ... at least pretty minimal. Animated films like Toy Story or Wall-E, or even more mature, not-aimed-at-family animated fare, sure. Anything else ... not so much.
  10. Hiding from the heat then perhaps going out to dinner with some folk in the evening.
  11. This. And they should be difficult to get to/finish encounters or something ... eg, no low-level chr. rushing to a spot to get the best stuff. There should of course be useful items in shops, that might be better than the regular stuff that one would commonly find during battles along the way, but they shouldn't be the uber things. And imo super high redonkulous prices just means one either ignores them because you figure you'll never save the gold to get them in time for them to be useful, or you'll feel "forced" to do that obsessive compulsive looting to try to acquire them in a timely manner. I can be compulsive regarding loot/shop selling, but even I won't pick up 20 items that sell for 2 copper each to try to afford something that costs 5000 gold.
  12. Yeah, thinking about it further, I'd probably agree. Both for story importance reasons and for the personal preference reasons. By the latter, I mean whatever our own idiosyncrasies are regarding what type of personality/archetypes etc. we tend to gravitate to almost every time.
  13. I'm curious ... when people say "characters that they love," do they mean more the actual personality/story of a potential party-member, or their combat abilities/stats in relation to how useful/complimentary they are to one's own character. For myself, typically it's the former. I'll drag party members along an entire game, even if they're largely useless in combat, simply because I like having them around. Course, if no chr. appeals to me in that manner, then I'll just go by combat considerations alone and for that they may as well have zero personality. My experience has so far been that games that try to have too many characters end up with 2-3 deep chrs. and a whole lot of shallow chrs (eg, that turn into nothing but combat-consideration fodder). I'd rather have 5-9 chrs. with a good chance of having 1 or 2 that I really like, then having to find/check out/try 20+ chrs. only to discover I don't really care about any of them.
  14. Sometimes, I "make" hubby watch stuff like voice talent shows or cute-kitten videos he has no real interest in. And sometimes, hubby "makes" me watch stupid movies like "The Watch," that substitute asinine idiocy for actual wit. And thus, our marriage continues around in that never ending circle that relationships know as loving tolerance.
  15. Maron. I guess it's a semi-autobiographical half hour comedy series by Marc Maron, on cable channel IFC. Never heard of the guy (which is a joke in the show), but with all the famous guest stars, the show has some pretty fun moments. No laugh track. And he has cats. I don't find it rip-roaring hilarious (it mixes a bit of drama in here and there) but I like the angry-man yet low-key satire. I think the guest-stars overshadow Maron a bit too much however, which may not be good in the long term. But if there's a 2nd season, I'd be curious how it develops.
  16. The next MS O/S will be ... Windows:One! ... not to be confused with Windows 1.0.
  17. Previous thread. Last few posts: Leon campaign. Too much pining over Ada. Chris campaign. Too much obsession with Ada. Jake campaign. Oh look Ada again. Ada campaign. Agent Hunt was fun though.
  18. The play! The play's the thing! .... oh wait, wrong genre. Post limit, new version directly up ahead and to the right.
  19. Almost 100F today. Me no likey. Gotta recharge that auto A/C sometime soon, too. It's probably 150F in there. Ha. Edit: It's gone up 2 degrees since I posted (website numbers, not my own thermometer). Predictions are it'll last into next week. I put out extra water for outdoor kitty, in the shade of course.
  20. Holy crow, I don't remember making that many mules. Like I'm going to remember what's on who or who's who. Hm...which chr. to play the new DLC with ... the lvl 50's, or lower ...? Gah. Maybe we should just start over.
  21. Hm. Grim Dawn is updating. I still haven't played the beta/alpha/whatever all the way through. ...bloody heck I need to uninstall some Steam stuff. I haven't touched most of it in forever, probably never going to, gotta stop install-hoarding. Metro2033 keeps wanting to update so I've had it paused forever and I think it's up to 7.4GB it wants to download now. For what I don't know, lol.
  22. Never did play that one. I know we tried drunken Monopoly, but somehow that was never the same. ...y'know, I love computer gaming, but I really do miss all those board games. No one (we know) plays them anymore. Not just because of electronic gaming, of course. Time and lack of enough players at once plays a part. I think when hubby gets home I'm going to bring out the cribbage board.
  23. I see. Well, sadly I don't know any definitive answers but having used GoG's game versions for a while now, I'd say it's probably what they say it is ... just changes for compatibility reasons. They may not want to give out exactly what changes are made because they don't want their method of compatibility fixes to be emulated by others for some reason, perhaps even legal clause reasons. The changes made likely have nothing to do with the mod making aspect. In terms of support services ... I'm with you there. I rarely bother, simply because my experiences with such have rarely had a good outcome.
  24. RISK parties with booze present. "My Indonesia! What did it ever do to you? Nooooo, you bleepbleepbleepitybleepbeep! It's so on! Kamchatka you bleepitybleep! Roll, you heathen, roll!" *violent hand shaking dice rattles, dice skipping out of bounds and landing on the floor half the time, curses to wake the dead, giggles, etc* We were party animals, I tell you, party animals.
  25. While I can understand wanting to know what changes were made, I'm not sure I'm seeing the "fiasco" here. What exactly are you worried about? That GoG is spying on you with secret changes to the exe files? Does GoG's version of the game have trouble with some mods that you want to use/create?
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