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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I was pretty disappointed in that one. I wasn't expecting awesome, but it wasn't even all that entertaining. And yeah, some of the effects were pretty lackluster.
  2. If the gifter actually bought a German language version of the game, I'm not sure there's much you can do about it, unless there's a setting or .ini type file meddling where you can switch the language around. If it's supposed to be an English language version, then ... well, that sounds like a pretty big glitch/snafu.
  3. That's at least a small part of why I don't generally get into the average action/shooter/whatever type game. I prefer games that at least have the capability for the player to take a break from such by focusing on another aspect of the gameplay (because other aspects of gameplay actually exist....) for a while. Edit: also, it's more amusing to me personally to "kill" oodles of imps or demons vs. humans...
  4. Still the Neverwinter Online game. I don't spend hours and hours in-game most of the time, but it's just such a nice quick, easy game to jump into for 30-60 minutes at a time, between other life tasks. Perfect for that, for me. Unlike, say, strategy games or Diablo or Borderlands or FNV, where my obsessive nature can lead to 8 hour days for far too long ... and that's not what I really want anymore. At least not very often.
  5. Doesn't he have anything else to do in his life? No other interests? I'm not saying that as a jibe, I just mean...he's 41 and rich. I understand some people don't like to "sit still" for very long, but maybe he could start up a business. Or learn management/coaching. Or something.
  6. I used to want to be a part-time truck delivery driver in my early years of "just need a job". Not semi-trucks, but more local. Pickups, UPS, something like that ... because I used to like to drive, be alone, and it wasn't working in an office/sales. Apparently however, most such jobs couldn't picture a 4' 11" female playing that role, even if she could lift/carry 50+ pounds. Took the US Post Office exam once, too ... didn't quite make it score-wise (it's pretty tough to get that score over all the applicants...) and never tried again.
  7. I guess the new area is shut down for now anyway...some glitch that's really bad, even tho it only affects a small number of people. Hadn't heard about weaponsmithing, btw ... but weapon professions would definitely be cool. Leadership - when not going for the early big diamond tasks, the lvl-13 "Patrol the Mines" (4 hrs) is a good to do over and over. Silver and a resource you'll want a lot of at level-17. The "rewards claims" guy way up the stairs you mentioned earlier is for the Founder pack bonus item claims and/or other promo stuff. It's so if you want to discard any of the non-consumable items for any reason (like the clothes), you can go back and get it again if you want.
  8. I sent you a mail, hope I typed it right. Wish there was a better mail confirm, like "no such user" if it's totally wrong. No? The lvl 20 potion goes like this, according to the reddit I saw: http://www.reddit.com/r/Neverwinter/comments/1g7skf/honey_i_shrank_myself/ Thing is the way it works, you can't see the potential potions in the 'high task' list, because they don't show up until you've done some of the other tasks and "discover" them. I'm sure they'll be on the AH tho ... for redonkulous prices... But yeah...overall it's not all that exciting, considering how long it'll take to get it to 20 for most people.
  9. Hm. Never heard of this one. I'll have to check it out.
  10. Late May/Memorial weekend tends to be thought of as the start of summer around here, even tho technically summer doesn't officially start until June. Not like early-mid-May would be that much of a delay from the last day of April, either. Regardless, April was always an estimated arrival date, with nothing super-specific about it and in the interview I'm sure he's just being broadly generalistic to avoid being media-pinned down to some specific date.
  11. To mail to someone that's not yourself, you have to use the whole chr. name+account handle, right? With the spaces? Your name sucks for that. Just sayin'. Not that my main Cleric's name is tons better ... I should change that someday. So...alchemy not working on the Gateway yet ... glitch maybe ... boo. I saw a list on reddit from a test-server guy and a couple of the lvl 19 and 20 potions look pretty cool, and I guess a dye pack as special tasks. Other than that, seems rather weak. Weird way to level it up, too ... randomly do those experiment quests until you get the scrolls, get enough scrolls, do the one task that gives XP and insta-level. Still...I'll level it up on one chr. at least.
  12. I did stuff today. Just stuff. Then I played some game and stayed up too late again. Now I'm going to sleep. I keep meaning to take a quick picture of the crop of blackberries in the sideyard ... it was a piddly little bramble when we moved in, and despite my trimming it back drastically each late fall, it seems to get bigger/taller w/more berries every year. It defies logic. Not quite ready for picking yet, but almost. I have the vanilla ice cream in the freezer, waiting.
  13. My Leadership assembly line has gotten rather profitable already, once I switched gears. Maybe 80-90AD a day. But it's also slowed down leveling the other professions to a crawl. I end up filling all slots w/Leader tasks instead, because I'm greedy. Also, I ended up with something like 7 white dogs and (finally) 2 blues. What I'm supposed to do with that many I have no idea. Means I equipped the one I initially bought on the AH. I called him McCoy ... y'know ... Bones .... Btw, Keyrock ... want a Col. Ward? I can mail you one.
  14. I just had to say that I really liked the *~ Culture Feels ~* flourish in the thread title. As to the question...I'm a big Star Trek fan, but I never wondered how to pronounce "table" in Klingon, or the languages in Tolkien, or whatever. It is a nice touch when a fictional world has such things, because it often makes that world seem more culturally believable (that there would be more than one language, or ancient languages). But I don't care if I can't pronounce it in my head. As long as the language bits feel consistent and not just some random gobbly-goo to make something seem exotic, but obviously had no real thought put into it.
  15. Whenever the Red Sox are above the Yankees, I'm content.
  16. *CUSSWORD*-YEAH! ... don't actually need a mount, so dunno if I want to sell/trade it or use/bind it. Sometimes it'd be nice to have a mount that isn't a funky giant spider ...
  17. I certainly became burnt out on doing any actual fighting, especially when it's every 5 minutes. I discovered, however, that you don't have to fight. You can just stand near enough to be in the "combat position" and do nothing, and you'll get some drops at your feet + the end 1 bag reward regardless, including the enchants and "chest-that-is-a-bag". Not nearly as many, of course, but some. So I stand there, web surf, watch Netflix, check my feet once in a while.
  18. My grandparents liked to frighten me with things like giant (to a 4 year old), battery operated walking dolls that walked upright while making horrible whiny mechanical noises, waving their arms up and down moving their head like in the Exorcist. I'm still scarred from that, scarred I tell you.
  19. Stayed up too late. Slept too little. Will probably do it again through tomorrow. During one of my short naps, I had a terrible dream where my hubby was leaving me for some friend of ours, and I killed him in a fit of rage. That was ... disturbing. Too much Wicked Attraction last week, perhaps?
  20. There's not really much choice per chr, outside of the slots. The "cleric" gear (or sets) tend to focus most often on certain stats, and that's what you can wear. My ... uh ... the shield chr ... gets a lot of gear with a crapton of defense/deflection and regen or something, rogue gets a lot of critical strike (less common on most cleric gear). My main focus has been life steal/defense since lvl30, in terms of enchants and what I search for on the AH. Everything else just came with. I put in higher lvl runes because I figured, since I don't run dungeons, I wasn't going to get much better, ever ... not unless/until I could afford 1,250,000 AD per armor piece instead of 15k-40k per piece. And that will be a long long time away. If ever. And by then it might be BoP so I won't even be able to get it from AH.
  21. All right. I've had enough bones to buy a total of 8 "white" skellie dogs, not a single blue dropped. I have the worst luck with this kind of thing. After a while I became good at the chaotic madness and enchants and bags were falling everywhere for me each time, but nothing. Feh. Re: gear, I have no clue what "good" Cleric gear would be. That War Prophet set is cheap, so I'm using that ( + green pants/shirt). Life steal (at 12%), AP gain over 40%, defense at 29-30%, critical around 18% at the moment. Mostly lvl 5 enchants, couple lvl6's, with a lesser fire plague gem in the weapon. Only puts me around 9300 gear score tho. I hear the "elite" peeps like 11k.
  22. It's odd how one can feel like one has changed so much, and yet also so little, over the years. At least my love for cute kittahs will never change!
  23. Or you'll realize that one never truly becomes an "adult." Just more wrinkly.
  24. I think that's mostly because there's usually 10-15 players+companions all wailing away. No companions in some of the dungeons, right? And they can't make it too hard in case not many ppl show up in a spot. I've gotten to a portal solo and me against 2 of those Wights in the middle of a cluster of zombie adds = dicey, lol. I've bought 3 white dogs and have several lvl5 enchants too. Don't care about saving up the bones. Just want the dogs to sell later, once the companion upgrades are available. Don't know why ppl sell them right away before the event is even over. Time for a nap now.
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