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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Every time I use/see the rolling eyes icon, I keep wanting to fix it. It seems to be the only one left with the white border transparency issue...
  2. Yeah, I've seen that mod of "younger Boone" or "more handsome Boone" - I thought it looked terrible and too generic. There was something about FNV faces that tended, in certain lighting/shading conditions, to make them look oddly chimpmunk cheeked or double-chinned. Arcade had a similar thing going on.
  3. The game could use an option to tell your companion to attack something first, imo. And they're useless for taking/maintaining any attention away from your character, really.
  4. ^^ Every time I see that movie, I always wonder how Connery was able to film the movie without constantly laughing. Not to mention the camera people who had to hold the cameras still. OTOH, at least the X straps shows the man-nips!
  5. Lead paint in all the homes? ....I've occasionally seen weird things in the sky, but they've never seemed anything other than very high flying planes or falling stars/meteors or something. I think it's also difficult for many of us to really judge speed/distance when looking way up there. Along with possible oddball reflections or something. But if you stop posting for months or something, I'll assume you've been skyjacked ....
  6. What does that have to do with how revealing clothes are? I'm discussing revealing clothing and you're discussing other things. And of course TV/film is a different medium - the point, which you're still missing, is that video games don't have to always be all or nothing, just because they can/it's easy. In fact one could argue that because of the format, things like video games should have even more variety than TV/film. I could go on, but I have a feeling you'd still take me too literally or something. There's years of post history you could read through that would tell you I'm definitely not a "feminist" per se. Only that I understand where some people (male or female) are coming from when they say they're tired of feeling like clothing/appearance options are often too limited or outlandishly caricatured, and that I don't see anything wrong with asking for some change/options now and then. It's not the end of the world when it happens, y'know.
  7. Oh and ... Nope, they cover up too much of the man-nips at times. Leather thong or nothing!
  8. Did I say I felt victimized? I don't see that I did. You're missing the point. As more women enter the world of gaming (or, perhaps, as more women become more open/participatory about their gaming), they may want more options for their female characters. I'm not talking about facial or even figure attractiveness in either sex - my perception is it's usually about how outlandishly revealing the clothing options are. Typically, at least in some genres, even if you can play as a female character, the clothing/armor options (if there are any options) are largely about showing off everything. Sometimes I don't want my character running around with giant hooters and chainmail bikini's. So what's wrong with putting in the option to dress them in a more elegant, sedate outfit instead? Especially in a RPG where I thought one of the points is having choices. This fear some people seem to have that some outfits or some chrs not having a sexah option = they'll never see sexah outfits again is, imo, pretty silly. Not even every TV/movie show has women dressed in their underwear the entire time. Why should games be different?
  9. I think there's a worldwide fear of man-nips and manly butt-cheek, because I almost never see those in a game. All that stupid plate, leather, robe and GI Joe armor covers them up. Real fantasy men don't need full body armor. To combat this obvious problem in games, all male characters in all games should henceforth be clothed in nothing but "Chippendale's Leather Thong +3" 24/7, with no other option given. Ever. Oh and they should /dance on command, for my viewing pleasure, too. ... ... ... ... ... ***disclaimer - as I've said dozens of times, I like options, from sedate/demure/more realistic to sexah and fantasy ridiculous. I don't view some games not having a certain level of sexah to = "fear" of male/female form. It's just a matter of people wanting more options, more often...and to not have only one of those options be the 99.9% dominant, only given choice all the time.
  10. Me: *looks at clock, then dials hubby's cell* Hubs: "Hello?" Me: "It's been over 5 hours, just making sure you're not stuck in a ditch clutching your chest?" Hubs: "Yeah...still here." The increases-over-the-years worry of a wife with an out-of-shape, smoker spouse who likes to go for occasional 4+ hour summer hikes in a steeply hilly park. Among other things - some potentially not so benign.
  11. Yeah, the repetition gets wearisome after a couple characters. The characters may have different skills but there's not too much room for major variation, with only 1 paragon tree and, imo, often feeling forced to used Hero points on things you don't care about just to get to the 20 etc. you need for next skill tier. More importantly tho, the quests/areas are too same-y. With the areas being so small it's even worse. So the game is going official on the 20th? Is that a new announcement? A couple days ago no one had a clue as to a live date, still. The "big" patch will peak my curiosity...this is the long list of changes they're planning on: http://nw.perfectworld.com/news/?p=907501 I'll be eager to see just how much extra dmg. is done by companions, because that's definitely weak. Super weak ... especially the melee attacks.
  12. If one ever needs help in that area, there's a new underarm-cream drug for that! Modern world marvels ... testosterone boost in a jar! Just don't let your wife mistake it for her nightly face cream. ....out to look for some better shoes and stuff, then dinner, then some more bad movies on Netflix.
  13. ...finally bothered to look at making an item with a socket in it (just a blue one) ... and you do need high level tool assets to actually get the socket and the stats shown. If all you have are "white" asset tools, no socket and lower stats - misleading. So basically millions of diamonds - saved or $$/zen-exchanged - to buy off the AH, or $$/zen for a random chance to get one in a prof. pack (and you need more than one to get the assumed required 100% quality rating). Ah well, still having fun leveling up the professions. 3 at lvl14 now ... the creation of new workers is still endless. But I think you'd need about 15 low level alts, with 3 open slots, all dedicated to making only workers, to feel seriously "efficient."
  14. Warm Bodies - heh, I liked it. Didn't love it, but it was cute, with some dry humor bits, especially between "R" and "M". The romance aspect wasn't overdone too much so I found it tolerable. There were a few slow spots and the ending was a little weak but oh well. Now going to vegetate on "A Cabin in the Woods" - The manly Thor in a suspense/horror movie? Gotta see.
  15. Hehe...that pic makes kittah's head look huge. So much fur!
  16. Grats. Now you just need to dye it all fancy colors and stuff. Makes me think of WoW (again) ... had a friend who went "first it's all greens, then blues, then purples!"
  17. Hubs has had root canals and cracked molars....I've had nothing like that. Cavities occasionally. But I am prone to gum disease towards the back, it seems, regardless of how much I floss and brush and rinse (which I do like mad). Had the gums flayed open once and never bothering with that again, since it didn't seem to do anything. My smile looks ok so I just figure one day those back teeth will fall out from being too loose and I'll get bridges or something. As long as I can grind up my beef jerky into a fine powder in a food processor and gum on that for the flavor, I'm cool.
  18. 100 Million B.C. - one of those cheapie knock-off movies from The Aslyum studio. I don't typically watch such fare but it had Michael Gross (Family Ties dad, Tremors) in it and I was hoping he'd give some amusement. Alas, his role was more "serious," so I was left having to giggle at the poor acting, hilariously bad CGI effects, and suddenly realizing that one of the long-haired fellows was Christopher Atkins of Blue Lagoon fame. Bwahaha.......
  19. So unmotivated today. Guess I woke up in my sloth suit.
  20. I've posted the pic of my very young self dressed up as Princess Leia a couple times before, with the hair done up in side-buns - as well as one of me dressed as a tulip....I think this time I shall refrain.
  21. I don't remember it being that huge. The chr. bit on the bottom left could have been smaller, yes, but at least it wasn't some giant bar traveling across the whole bottom of the screen. I thought the mini-map was toggable, too, because I have screenies without it, but it's been a long time so not 100% sure on that.
  22. Games should always have a "don't show the helmet" option.
  23. The most recent Die Hard movie. I wasn't expecting much, but I figured at least it'd have that Die Hard fun action. Instead it felt like rather random explosions and chases, wrapped around a poorly written plot and seasoned with dull dialogue bits. Bruce Willis felt like he was just "phoning it in." Not much life there. The actor playing his son wasn't too bad, with the thin material he was given. Looking him up, I guess he's pretty new to the US acting scene. Maybe he'll go somewhere.
  24. I've been watching episodes of Ssn1 "Emergency!" - I loved this show as a kid so it's hilarious seeing some of it again, now and then. Pretty influential series of the 70's. My Netflix instant-queue is way too big....
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