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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. ^^ Pretty much what he said. Since players make the Foundry quests, the quality is going to vary from one extreme to another. Some people design quests to be EZ blast throughs just to do the daily quest requirement, others make crazy hard things with enemies placed in huge clumps really close together, etc. Some are meant for solo/2 playrs, some for 5, etc. There's also apparently still quite a few limitations to the Foundry editor in terms of quest pathing, dialogue pathing, etc. I tried taking a quick peek at it once, and while it's sorta interesting, it doesn't appear to be anything as complex as, say, the Elder Scrolls editors.
  2. I think I like the snakes a bit better too ... altho, in my ideal world, what I might like best is a combo of the two. Keep the snakes, but make them a bit more wispy/smoky or something, vs. being quite as defined as in the original pic.
  3. I could use a good mystery adventure type game (doesn't have to be 3D, but I don't like "platform" styling very much), but whenever I look for one, nothing really appeals. I wonder if GoG's version of The Last Express works. My ancient PC version had a bug that crashed the game early on, which annoyed me because it seemed like a good game.
  4. Transparency doesn't mean Kaz's art isn't there. It's just translucent. I've seen it in other games. But yeah...I'm not highly expectant of a slider. It'd just be nice. I find translucency to give me more of the illusion that less of the screen is covered up, that's all.
  5. Ah. Well, slider it is then. Hear that, Josh/team? Transparency slider. Gimmie.
  6. Have they said that? I wouldn't mind some border art but I like having transparency vs. totally solid. Maybe they could have a transparency slider....
  7. Raised Alchemy to lvl 5 on one toon, and decided it's a PITA. I'll level it up here and there to eventually get the dye packs, but gah ... all the potions you have to have to do the "experiments" that net you the scroll to do the level up task ... what a pain of constant material/potion tasks that you have to do. It's worse than making leather pelts/mass curing, I mean. A lot worse. So focusing on others and Leadership first. Tailoring is now 19, leatherwork and platesmith 18.5. Highest Leadership now getting close to 17, most of the others are lvl14 in it. Man does it take forever, unless you want to spend oodles rushing the less-time tasks. Been buying up green and blue Leader workers when they show up cheap on the AH, and it helps a lot, but still. Since I don't do the group stuff, I find once I reach 60, there's not much to do. Occasionally farm for mats if I feel like it. Make diamonds. That's about it. 3 chrs. are mid-30's, need to get another 3 chrs. to 30. Then I'm probably done doing any actual playing (eg, only the Gateway) until the new race/new craft.
  8. Bill's Tavern is easy, but what other one do you do for the Rhix daily? I was doing the one with pigs, but it's a bit longer than I'd like (lazy...), heh. I haven't done the daily in a while, since I have to have two.
  9. Cool. Lvl20? I'm finding leveling up doggie a big fat chore (McCoy is 13 now), when I already have a lvl30 panther and don't feel much like grinding areas just to level a pet. He's going to level via praying, mostly.
  10. Oh...ok. I knew there was something being left out of the Season Pass. Got it mixed up then. My bad. I wasn't very interested in Krieg, so no loss.
  11. Placeholder or not, I definitely like the transparency of the UI. I hope they keep that aspect. I still don't personally care much about the size of the portraits on the in-game screen, as long as they're big enough I can tell them apart in some fashion (eg, not only 5mm high, haha). I'd make a wild guess the individual character screens will have/show large size portraits there.
  12. Haven't watched the video yet, but the screens people are posting look interesting, especially the Defiance Bay one.
  13. I think since we already have another thread on this topic that was created a bit earlier, this one is a bit redundant.
  14. Yeah...even those of us with the Season Pass, the Tina DLC won't be included with it this time I think. So I'll have to get it twice, for hubby and me. Oh well.
  15. I think the staff of Obsidian should all visit that gem store and take a snapshot of them standing in that yard, holding a chunk of obsidian. Some truly lovely sights you and your family are getting to see.
  16. This morning I woke up with a hangover, sprawled out in some huge heart shaped bed covered in silk sheets, surrounded by three lightly snoring, manly hunks. ....then I woke up for reals. Sad panda. But at least I always have the Benedict dancing gif.
  17. Hansel and Gretel, with Jeremy Renner. I was expecting something a little more absurdly amusing ala Army of Darkness. Since it wasn't, I'd give this one a low score. But it did have what appeared to be a Siamese Twin witch with bizarre, horror-creature like fighting agility.
  18. They already did, back in April. If you don't have the Season Pass tho, it's not free. I have it, haven't played to level. Was waiting for the Tina DLC first. ....it's called the Ultimate Vault Hunter’s Upgrade Pack, $5.
  19. Excuse the terrible pics, it's not art, just showing the size/amount of the erratic blackberry bush this year. Think I'm going to pick some in a bit to have over ice cream. Right after I finish munching on this delicious avocado fresh from the giant tree in the backyard, which at this point is the only way I like my avocados. The ones from the store now ... ick. Heh.
  20. Maybe we should start a forum pool for when the game will actually be officially available/released. Dibs on Friday, June 13th, 2014!
  21. I like cloaks and simple capes, but my favorite is still the long, open western/cowboy overcoat, flapping back in the wind. I know, it's cliche by now, but I still love it. But at any rate, it's nice to have some kind of over-garment to go with the armor or clothing. Adds some visual/dress-up pizazz. Will they have minor bonuses like +1 to persuasion (or whatever) for their visual awesomeness? I just don't want a decorative cloak to replace an actual armor piece/slot. Some games do that...should be an independent cloak slot.
  22. The very top of that cave pic, where the cliff face has stripes, fascinates me. I assume it's where the reddish top layer has been worn away, but I wonder what caused the stripes. Rainwater? Seems an odd pattern for that, based on angle, but that's my guess. Does the cave go very far into the cliff? Edit: also ... cats! Just sayin'.
  23. I can't wait. Altho ... having to listen to Tiny Tina's high pitched voice all the time is probably going to annoy the **** out of me. Still...I'm ready for some more BL2 gun fun. Also ... Brick playing a dice game. Haha!
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