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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I was considering gathering together and posting some of the pics of myself I've taken/posted over the years (ages 15 thru early 40's) as a "wow time sure has passed" collage, but then I remembered I'd have to plug in the scanner and stuff and got lazy. So here's a boring picture of a common moth instead.
  2. Dang, I missed the Papi blowup...Lucky for me I have mlb.tv so I can go back and watch the inning. ...I need to get back to watching the games more often again. I've gotten used to not setting aside 3 hours per day almost every day at almost the same time every day to watch them, and just reading some of the news blurbs now and then (the latter is what I did before mlb.tv was available, since I live in CA and not many Red Sox games are broadcast here....). Watching almost every reg. season game is such a time-commitment tho.
  3. I wish I still had the "gaming stamina" of 5-10 years ago. Few times a year I might get quite hooked for a few days, a week or maybe a month but just feels like no game is ever going to capture me for months on end again, if you know what I mean. Maybe playing w/hubs so often over the past couple years has spoiled me now? No fun without him, no fun without all the giggles (goodness but hubs can make me lol....) and discussions after a long session? ...I sure hope they make a Borderlands 3 someday...
  4. I have slotted purple shirt and non-slotted purple pants ... can't remember why I chose that route ... probably the price difference vs. the type of slot they come with (offense vs. defense). I was using the War Prophet set for a while because it's full set bonus was kinda handy, then decided I needed more critical hit so now I'm wearing two War Prophet (Recovery bonus) and 2 Grand Templar pieces (Crit. Strike bonus). Seems to work well for solo. Don't have all Rank 7 enchants (none in the shirt yet either) or an armor enhancement rune so my score's at 10600 or so. Only 2000 more xp until I have a lvl 20 Leadership! ...
  5. I don't use rocket launchers much (rarely even carry one - hubs is the launcher fan) so while I may have tried to heal him with one once or twice I just don't remember. The wiki, however, says that splash damage will heal enemies as well as your intended ally if both are caught in the same "blast", so if that's true, that would be a reason not to use one for healing, at least in-combat. Also, I have a ton more SMG ammo (over 2400) than launcher ammo (30ish?)...so even tho it takes more shots, it's still more ammo-efficient...especially since I don't have launchers equipped most of the time/would have to go in-menu to switch gear.
  6. The Warrior? His movements and timing are predictable, for one thing. Plenty of cover (I used to stand on top of one of the stone towers and duck behind a statue). The only difficulty is when he does the tail slam that flings you into the air. Just have to be in a center spot to make sure you don't land in the lava, or manage to be out of the line-of-sight so it doesn't catapult you. And if all else fails, there's the cheesy-he-can't-hit-you spot where you can stand and shoot him with impunity.
  7. The main potential benefit to a company, imo (and this would be a long long term benefit, that doesn't always occur) would be that since modding tends to keep a game in the public eye, so to speak, it may help if/when one day the company wants to make a sequel or homage to the game ... so a publisher may go "yeah, still a lot of interest there, ok, go for it" or crowd-funding is wildly successful due to rep and hopes. I rate it as something akin to when cancelled Star Trek reruns and enough rabid fans, in part, helped the series be chosen for a possible movie franchise many years later. Again, doesn't happen often, but when it does, can certainly be seen as profitable/good for the creators/company/whoever. That all said ... I'm not sure modding alone is a marker of true longevity of a game. It can help, and certainly doesn't hurt, but I don't see it as the biggest factor.
  8. Hubs has over 160k hit points now, I think, so it takes half to a full clip at this point if he's almost empty. And if he stands still. Darn hard to heal in mid-combat, too, when he's dancing around like MJ doing a fast moonwalk.
  9. Ultimate mode in BL2 - the only time I get to hear my husband repeatedly holler "Shoot me, hon, just shoot me!"** **Siren's heal via shooting other players...an ability I almost never had to use, until now.
  10. Good luck GD! Happiness is a fuzzy kitty giving wet nose kisses. Marriage is ... all things rolled into one. Depends on the day.
  11. The consistency is good/nice, but it looks a little on the red side to me. On my monitor. TV-colors ... always too red, too green, or occasionally, too blue. Especially fleshtones. Some day I'll have to buy the whole series on Blu-Ray ... but my Ssn 5-7 DVD's are still fine. The older seasons I haven't bothered to buy yet...well, unless you count my VHS tapes.
  12. Parents should have an ability to "block" individual websites from being accessible on their own computers, if they wish, so I'm not sure I'd mind if it was mandated that ISP's had to offer such a blocking type service as an option as you're going through the ISP purchase/subscription process (vs. parents having to go buy some 3rd party software) - but putting default to "on" and that this seems poised to potentially be some kind of general blanket "sex/violence/rock n roll" censorship route vs. a site by site basis doesn't seem good. :/
  13. That's terrible. I can completely understand wanting to try to help/save a favored pet, especially when so young. Dunno about "most" Americans but I do consider $1000 a lot to spend on a pet (at once) and I've only done it twice. Most of the time, it's spay/neuter/shots and I'd pay to set a broken leg, but no heroic or extensive measures if the odds are low or answers aren't likely forthcoming. But a couple I went a bit further, trying to save them because they weren't that old. Worked once, didn't work the other. Around here, if they needed intensive care it'd probably cost more than it would if *I* went to the emergency room...since I'm definitely not paying for any dubious "pet vet insurance".
  14. Yeah, I did take him to the vet to make sure there was nothing super obvious, like a throat tumor or mouth ulcers or something (had a cat with a face tumor, once...), but nothing initially. If he had little/no appetite, that would be disease-worrying but doesn't seem to be the issue. Just finicky. Maybe his sense of smell is going... Ah well.
  15. Hubs and I just finished the Bunker/Angel bit in Ultimate mode, in BL2. Jeez the Bunker took forever (lvl55), even with me slagging almost all the time. I think it took us over 30 minutes, and we had to jump down and refill our ammo from the machine below, once. Apparently increased enemy hitpoints 4x + health regen, so you pretty much have to use slag (they upped slag effectiveness). Most of the time it's not so much that it's super-harder, but it sure does take longer (might be more enemies too). Some of the AI seems a bit different too. And if you don't use slag you feel like you're doing hardly any damage even with purple gear. Hubs said when I slag it basically triples his dmg. now. So I have a slag Tediore SMG, slag Valdolf pistol, slag sniper, and a poison pistol. I do the slagging, hubs focuses on elemental + his slagging turret. I'm glad we're a duo...having to slag then swap weapons all the time would drive me batty. Also...in the new Ultimate mode you can "reset" the whole questline or something, so when you're done you can do them all again. Which is kinda cool. Endless replay of the game (quests and all) even at max clvl.
  16. I think I have about 6 Eggs from lockboxes, when I was opening those. I didn't get any from the Giftboxes ... but I only farmed about 25-30 of those before I got bored (one of the instance quests I never completed, the Menzo run w/drow, dropped a lot of them in there). Did you get any of the blue "special armor" to find out what those were? At this point the only thing I seem to like to do is treat this game like a professions/fantasy stockmarket mini-game...that and collecting pets of course. ... mostly because I don't feel like spending too much time with the game actually running.
  17. I definitely couldn't sit at chair/desk distance with panorama's like that. I'd get whiplash neck or something. From farther away, it might be fine, but then it would seem too small unless the screens were a lot bigger, which of course means I'd want to sit father away... But regardless, yeah ... expensive, for gaming at least. For 15k+ I'd rather have a hi(ish)-res 60+" TV for film watching, instead.
  18. Had a nice weekend with family plus some general relaxing days out and about. Cat care blathering: My outdoor kitty (Mr. Grey, for lack of a better name) has always been a finicky eater since I adopted him (won't eat ANY dry kibble, I've tried dozens) but lately he's become finicky about his wet food now too. Only cat I know that will literally starve himself rather than eat what he thinks is subpar food, or something. Was using Friskees canned for a while, now he won't eat it. He lost a lot of weight before I noticed how much so. Back to Fancy Feast, which was ok at first and he started to gain it back, but now he won't eat much of that and he's losing weight again. He can eat (nothing wrong with his mouth), he's definitely hungry, he just refuses to eat more and more of the options. His hip bones are starting to stick out. So now it's down to me buying fresh chicken breast, baking it wholesale, stripping it into pieces, and he'll eat that. If he stops eating the chicken, outside of an IV drip I don't know what to do. Watch him starve to death in front of full plates while yowling for food, I guess. It's so bizarre.
  19. Orange is the New Black - the newest Netflix original series. Fish out of water woman in low security prison for a crime she did 10 years ago or something likethat. Drama/comedy I think, based on someone's real-life memoir, although highly exaggerated I'd assume. First episode doesn't leave the best impression, but the 2nd was a lot better, so I might watch some more. Also: saw an ad for the new Michael J. Fox series this fall on NPC. I hope it does well (and is a good show, of course), and I hope this means he's well enough to maintain a whole series. Because if it does, that's awesome. Call me oldskool, but I've always loved Fox/his comedy/acting and always will. It woudl be great to have him back more regularly.
  20. Hubby's current running around in BL2 has equaled a lot of Legendary items dropping. He's gone from lvl43-50 and has had maybe 7 oranges drop, mostly from trash mobs (eg, he's not "farming" anything). I wonder if they altered the chance percentages with the last patch or DLC.
  21. Family summer events this weekend. Hopefully the weather is nice. John Carter was on cable and watching part of it again, I still think the "dog" is the best thing in the film. They should make a children's animated short based only around that "dog" or something.
  22. Think it's just a weekend event. It didn't officially start until this morning I think, but for some reason the boxes were dropping last night, before official announcement. And yeah...if you price it out, it's far cheaper to just buy the pants/shirt from the AH than try to get the crafting tools to have a chance at making one yourself. At least at the moment.
  23. Don't know if you know (or care, heh), Keyrock, but the new Tymora giftboxes that drop (random mobs, anywhere, temporary event) apparently have a good chance to come up dragon egg...so the price for those on the AH has dropped like mad for a while. I got six boxes in an hour in Whispering Caverns (I think that's what it's called) area ... no eggs, but got the decorative crown and other things. Potions seem the most common. Not worth much to me, really, but at least you don't need a key to open them. Anyway...guess they really want people to make purple pants.
  24. My husband would like to differ with you. The whole purpose of the wireless PC controller is precisely so he can play a PC game on the big-screen TV whilst sitting with his feet up in the recliner with a cat on his lap and a beer on an endtable. Of course, he's not "most people."
  25. Considering how many Drizzt's and Frodo's and what have you that you see running around in every fantasy MMO, I doubt a player naming their game chr. after an existing fictional chr. is generally a cause for copyright concern.
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